Submitted by lilmammamia t3_ygt0rs in gifs
Ih8MyBrosWife t1_iubg4vn wrote
My dog grew up with me on construction sites. I actually found him on my way to work one day. He doesn't react to loud noises.... Other than garbage trucks.
Found this out the hard way. I had him tied to a shawarma places sign when a garbage truck pulled up. He noped the fucked out of there sign in tow.
I had to chase him and the sign down the street. I eventually caught him and had to walk back and apologize both of us tails between our legs.
Squawk_7500 t1_iucp9v7 wrote
Sort of like this?
dj__jg t1_iuctsy4 wrote
Wow, that's amazing!
At least it helps him not get run over I guess?
Ih8MyBrosWife t1_iud7679 wrote
Lol basically this but the sign was much larger
aCleverGroupofAnts t1_iud4sxx wrote
That is hilarious, but what an absolute fucking moron. Why are people so dumb, I don't understand it.
FeelingDown8484 t1_iuelu0c wrote
Could you imagine driving down the street and that Benny Hill procession unfolding in front of you? Dog is probably wondering why a big sign is chasing him.
clearcontroller t1_iuci9v9 wrote
Not the same circumstances
xxioakesixx t1_iuciyl1 wrote
Thanks for pointing that out I didn’t know until you did bud
WDavis4692 t1_iucos9g wrote
Oh so people aren't allowed to share stories with similar themes anymore?
PM_UR_TITS_SILLYGIRL t1_iucv7ge wrote
Ok, Karen.
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