dziontz OP t1_iveu152 wrote
No-Love-555 t1_ivf0if4 wrote
Terrifying... I think it's the teeth?
Musicguy1982 t1_ivf16z4 wrote
I'll always upvote Bowie
SchrodingersLego t1_ivf1un3 wrote
jpgorrilla1975 t1_ivg0z3q wrote
We know he is dead, but you could have painted him alive
dziontz OP t1_ivg17qz wrote
Yes, you’re right. But, then, he is the Thin White Duke. He supposed to have kind of a deadly stare. I think the Duke would want you to think him dead…
Puzzled-Breath-1787 t1_ivgvwc0 wrote
locomotivelimbs t1_ivetwil wrote
This is awesome