-Chlorine-Addict- t1_iw1izo2 wrote
bloop…… bloop……. bloop…..
hohohopopcorn t1_iw1kjvf wrote
BigSurSage t1_iw1lthh wrote
I think these are also referred to as Flapjack octopi because when they land on a surface- they go flat. The Monterey Bay Aquarium has some now- they are absolutely adorable…
Brash401K t1_iw1p8ie wrote
It’s Tako time!
D_Redd_Coyote t1_iw1qjjp wrote
All hail Cutethulu, Dark Master of the under deep.
Santos_L_Halper_II t1_iw1rsav wrote
We must protect him at all cost.
RafaelTomb t1_iw1s9e0 wrote
Found the takodachi
shittycables t1_iw1uhrg wrote
It has Ears!!!
BrainJar t1_iw1vwiw wrote
It looks so vulnerable. Cuteness is all it has!
epicflyman t1_iw1wl7w wrote
Takotime ends, so a new Takotime can begin!
Manga-love t1_iw1x5q5 wrote
Wh...whaaaat a baby scwidword?
xledgendsx t1_iw1y4xu wrote
Let's hope this one doesn't wah 4 times
itsallbullshityo t1_iw223tr wrote
Saturnaiden t1_iw22d3w wrote
"Aww you made me ink"
PandaGrill t1_iw2488t wrote
McKinseyQuarterly t1_iw24go3 wrote
Survival depends on cuteness.
wggn t1_iw26cwl wrote
MakankossapoMan t1_iw26qhf wrote
lhurker t1_iw274d0 wrote
I came here for this
Kuchenjaeger t1_iw27ell wrote
I wanna see one play with Rosa the sea Otter...
H010CR0N t1_iw27rlj wrote
But in their environment bright lights probably mean predators.
So deep sea creatures are afraid of the light.
Oceanally t1_iw27rmi wrote
Not for the cold blooded
jhair4me t1_iw2809e wrote
See this tentacle? It's actually shorter than all my other tentacles
legoblade807 t1_iw282hv wrote
Hmm…I dunno why but I could really go for some cookies right now.
Abuses-Commas t1_iw28i2g wrote
>scientists even considered naming it adorabilis.
YeahlDid t1_iw28two wrote
No, no. Ink, not cum
omeganaughty t1_iw2drf1 wrote
They cannot run they swim
LWMcHaze t1_iw2eafb wrote
I know where you're coming from but Rosa would probably eat it. Although she could afford different food, considering her birthday donation..
mikel302 t1_iw2g72q wrote
Takodachi is real! Rejoice!!
mikel302 t1_iw2gbvn wrote
nothingfood t1_iw2gd5v wrote
He's not! He's swimming TO!
randomevenings t1_iw2go3s wrote
Aww lil tiny SqD 😍🥹
randomevenings t1_iw2gsjt wrote
What about five times? I'm tryin to figure out your optimal wah qty.
ObiMemeKenobi t1_iw2hsao wrote
Water aliens
xledgendsx t1_iw2idoi wrote
Ina said you'll magically skip to the 5th when needed :)
Lexa_Stanton t1_iw2ifvc wrote
Looks like a Mario bros creature. So cute.
FlightHistorical3231 t1_iw2ije0 wrote
The thing is so adorable it looks like something straight out of a Disney movie
MaltVariousMarzipan t1_iw2jokd wrote
Cute 🥰
ShaneSupreme t1_iw2mz6r wrote
JetKeel t1_iw2o4jg wrote
Can I introduce you to the Adorabilis
ohowjuicy t1_iw2p6l9 wrote
But you can't reeally tell
CluelessSurvivor t1_iw2ps96 wrote
Especially when I twirl them like this
GinOkc t1_iw2ptse wrote
Alternative-Layer919 t1_iw2pucg wrote
Run little buddy, PAC-MAN is coming!!
surreality69420 t1_iw2t4re wrote
SubhanAllah what a cutie!
anazambrano t1_iw2t8dn wrote
Why so smol
Viki713Gaming t1_iw2urmx wrote
MRbaconfacelol t1_iw2vt4r wrote
thats an umbrella octopus
DonnyTrumpets t1_iw2yilc wrote
This may be the cutest thing I’ve seen, maybe ever.
ParkingLotFalafel t1_iw30dkl wrote
Not swimming. Flouncing.
Foxtrot_Yankeee t1_iw30nvc wrote
souji5okita t1_iw350wf wrote
The Monterey Bay aquarium does not have any of these. They have fake ones out on display but they don’t have any live ones in tanks. I was there a few weeks ago and have seen their Deep Sea exhibit multiple times now.
Kuchenjaeger t1_iw358zs wrote
She's probably still munching on those premium shrimp
LordNedNoodle t1_iw377ax wrote
I get this reference
BigSurSage t1_iw378q7 wrote
Thanks for clarifying. I haven’t been there since the opening reception for the Deep Water exhibition.
Spartans301 t1_iw37u48 wrote
Bye, Pearl!
ds39 t1_iw38iyf wrote
CarribeanCustard t1_iw396vz wrote
Unfortunately cuteness is the first thing to get eaten in the wild.
solragnar t1_iw3d1yo wrote
Where the cookies at
off-and-on t1_iw3dpnq wrote
That's because one of an octopus' tentacles is its penis
iamagainstit t1_iw3ejio wrote
Look at him flap his little ears!
sephtis t1_iw3ekht wrote
I'm surprised I had to go 3 comments down to find this.
hohohopopcorn t1_iw3f7nh wrote
agentfrogger t1_iw3g04p wrote
The cult spreads further
Helios61 t1_iw3mj3x wrote
sonic_couth t1_iw3sjjr wrote
What’s it running away from?!?!?
buffalohands t1_iw3x079 wrote
sinep_snatas t1_iw40qpj wrote
It's so cute! I want to take it into bed and squeeze it all night long!
William_Wisenheimer t1_iw41n2x wrote
Aquatic Ambience playing.
gamejourno t1_iw46me9 wrote
So sad that these are likely to be extinct soon.
vaendryl t1_iw4bo7f wrote
Cthulu Fthagn!
sleepystaff t1_iw4dffm wrote
Boop away
ScholarlyExiscrim t1_iw4h3fq wrote
It will make contact with the butt.
blatentpoetry t1_iw4hy3o wrote
‘Cause landing on a flat surface is totally natural for an octopus.
mollybrains t1_iw50d1z wrote
I love him
Ascurtis t1_iw526s9 wrote
See this penis? Its actually shorter than all the other penises.
jhair4me t1_iw5mkkw wrote
kultigsptrizigfrisch t1_iw5q6r0 wrote
Is that you, John Oliver?
KrAceZ t1_iw5vwft wrote
Like that would've been an easy win for the group of people who get made fun of the most for coming up with terrible names smh
GinOkc t1_iw1g9qu wrote
No no no come back here you adorable sea creature