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rathat t1_iwato6s wrote

You’d be surprised how many people truly think they had an experience with a ghost. Like they never even considered any other explanation. I’d more more likely to believe some alien came down from space to fuck with me specifically before I’d believe it was a ghost.


Zomburai t1_iwb3jw7 wrote

I had a coworker whose big proof the resort house she stayed in was haunted was that the towel she'd hung on the chair fell off.

Apparently ghosts were a simpler explanation than gravity


BMonad t1_iwbz83z wrote

Also, what a lame ghost. It can interact with physical objects in this world, and all it chooses to do is knock a towel off a chair? Step your ghost game up.


DamnAutocorrection t1_iwdi1iu wrote

So many people I know in real life who have paranormal experiences all occur when they were in bed getting ready to sleep.

I think 90% of ghost stories can be explained by sleep paralysis, shit feel incredibly real


rathat t1_iwebszh wrote

YES! I’ve said it before on Reddit too, sleep paralysis is also the explanation for alien abduction stories. I have had sleep paralysis myself, and it’s exactly like people describe alien abductions. I know I used aliens coming to earth as an example of something more likely to happen than ghosts, but its second to ghosts lol, I love the idea of aliens, but it’s never really aliens.