Submitted by rainbowsprinkles_ t3_z2zlk9 in gifs
schumannator t1_ixj758n wrote
Whale, whale, whale… that’s gorgeous work!
pm_me-ur_vulva t1_ixjbjlt wrote
Are you Alan Davies?
chooseplayer1 t1_ixjw5oy wrote
That’s awesome OP!
Agitated-Respect t1_ixjxsvw wrote
I like turtles
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixjyv1g wrote
charlomilk t1_ixkaks5 wrote
That's some fine brushwork, it looks awesome!
TheArcticKiwi t1_ixkatym wrote
man, you made me try to unmute the gif
lazyforaname t1_ixkdoo9 wrote
You have some amazing talent! I remember seeing the other decks you've done and they're all fantastic. Have you ever tried wood burning? I think your style would work very well.
ArbourGarden t1_ixkehjd wrote
Woah this is beautifully done, and such a nice addition to your board. I love the line work and how stylized you made it too 💛
starswirling t1_ixkjw03 wrote
Wow!! Great job!
richsizzling t1_ixklcbi wrote
The wind fish!
saltymike t1_ixknfos wrote
I just tried it too.
LetOffSumSteamBennet t1_ixkomt6 wrote
dope. keep it up.
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixkp5jd wrote
Thanks! I actually bought a wood burner but I’ve only tested it out once and it was harder than I thought it’d be haha. Hoping to do a board one day after some more practice
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixkp6c0 wrote
Thank you!
smeagolgreen t1_ixkpajz wrote
Do you sell these? If not you should.
SaulGibson t1_ixkxarp wrote
The title made me think it was going to be a liger.
YouAreNotABard549 t1_ixkyizo wrote
You’re welcome!
Snoringdragon t1_ixl3p3g wrote
I see you started with a paintbrush, but then what were you using? And is that a design choice, or did you just switch to an easier method? Its absolutely stellar, btw...
[deleted] t1_ixl50us wrote
Noitek t1_ixl7yx7 wrote
Now there's an obscure reference.
lazyforaname t1_ixl89nc wrote
I'm looking forward to seeing it.
meelius t1_ixl8bvr wrote
Hey, me too! They’re top 5.
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixl8so8 wrote
Thanks! I used an acrylic paint pen for the thinner lines
Snoringdragon t1_ixl8v64 wrote
Thanksxfor sharing, gonna look for them now!
rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_ixl9893 wrote
FreezaSama t1_ixl9yc6 wrote
silly goose. Skate decks are not animals.
trixie1013 t1_ixla227 wrote
Do the whole deck!
[deleted] t1_ixldjm4 wrote
QI for people who want to know.
Kartoffelplotz t1_ixlelnb wrote
Joe Duplantier approves this deck.
ufromorigin t1_ixlfd3s wrote
People are so dang talented. It’s fun to watch.
Magicalunicorny t1_ixlfm7c wrote
Pretty cool bird
IRIDESCENTMANIAC t1_ixlfp5l wrote
Splash, nice
DarkLight72 t1_ixlimgr wrote
Was hoping for a Liger. It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
hapekatten t1_ixljpaw wrote
epaga t1_ixlkftw wrote
Ctrl+F, "Liger", upvote
bigwilliestylez t1_ixlkn7p wrote
I want to know, but that didn’t help. What’s QI?
[deleted] t1_ixlkx41 wrote
Put 'QI' into Google and hit enter.
77SevenSeven77 t1_ixlncin wrote
Their podcast No Such Thing as a Fish is my favourite podcast of all time.
BigNikiStyle t1_ixlnht0 wrote
It’s a long-running British game show. QI stands for ‘quite interesting.’
clete-sensei t1_ixlpxbo wrote
dope!!! good stuff
PM_ME_BOB_PICS_ t1_ixlqdry wrote
The name's Bender.
PerjorativeWokeness t1_ixlwzk0 wrote
What brand do you like? I know Posca but I don’t know if there are any other brands.
SuperGameTheory t1_ixlx564 wrote
As an American, I feel especially privileged to get that reference. Thank you, internet.
No-Satisfaction78 t1_ixly5kl wrote
Dope asf
drunkdoodles t1_ixlzfa1 wrote
Pacific Life will be talking to you soon.
FuzzyChops t1_ixm1g3f wrote
I love when this gets posted
desperado568 t1_ixm1lgo wrote
Honestly, kinda disappointed it wasn’t a liger
King_Robby t1_ixm46jw wrote
I want that as a tattoo!
robotorigami t1_ixm6hj9 wrote
Synthwave93 t1_ixm7xrp wrote
That looks amazing
vadutchgirl t1_ixmbl88 wrote
notgotapropername t1_ixml6ov wrote
Sick! Now it’s time for a nice long nose slide to wear my new deck in :)
that_one_guy_said_ t1_ixn22aj wrote
GreenBaySlacker t1_ixn491k wrote
The video started playing before i scrolled down and when i did it looked like a tattooed bald head! Amazing work
CQID t1_ixj3exo wrote
Flying whales - Gojira