Submitted by Alex_Sisyphus t3_z4ed59 in gifs
freerangetacos t1_ixqlktl wrote
What program did you use?
Algae-Economy t1_ixqm5sr wrote
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_ixqmdm9 wrote
I draw in adobe illustrator :) I export this as a SVG for my table to read. Everything has to be one line, so it was definitely a learning curve lol
pelicanbaby t1_ixqtp3f wrote
What the hell makes this scientific?
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_ixqz6yy wrote
It's a drawing to help represent scientific ideas in a visual way basically. Botanical illustrations are commonly found in science books when learning about plants/how they reproduce/the segments of the plant.
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_ixqzf9n wrote
Its a loose use of the word I suppose. A scientific drawing is meant to visually represent ideas. I can start giving out apple facts if you'd like.
22sev t1_ixqzl8f wrote
Interesting.. I'm searching online and don't see anything similar to this
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_ixr185k wrote
The table itself or the art? I use a Sisyphus table to draw on : ) I was referencing some of Pierre-Joseph Redouté artwork when I was creating this piece.
MaKoZerEUW t1_ixr30wm wrote
"lets use scientific or science literally everywhere to sound cool" is just fcking annoying ...
22sev t1_ixr32pm wrote
Ah I see. Well it's beautiful!
Daneinthemembrane t1_ixr89o6 wrote
Back before photography, naturalists drew their finds. I'll allow it.
SnooCauliflowers1426 t1_ixsel6j wrote
I hEckIN LoVE sOieNcE!!!!!!1111
OtterApocalypse t1_ixt1yoy wrote
I've been thinking about one of those tables. I have a weird question. In the videos and descriptions I've read, everything says that the ball is rolling across/through the sand. And I can't tell if that's really true or not from any of the videos.
So, is the ball actually rolling? Or is it just being dragged through the sand without doing any rotation of its own? Can you tell the difference when watching it draw?
I suppose I was just wondering if one side of the ball ends up showing appreciable wear from the friction over time if it's being dragged, or if you're supposed to manually change the ball's Y-axis every now and again (flip it or anything). Not that that would be a big deal, of course.
Just curious about your experience with that.
christwists t1_ixu2l6x wrote
Love it
f4bj4n t1_ixu7jno wrote
”Meant to visually represent ideas”
So… A drawing?
Jaytim t1_ixuaakg wrote
What "scientific idea" does this represent?
notenoughroomtofitmy t1_ixy9qx0 wrote
Nice work man, sorry you’re getting so much downvotes for using “scientific” unnecessarily. While I agree it is unnecessary, people do be unnecessarily pedantic here sometimes.
It’s art, it’s nice, have a nice day!
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_iy3sby1 wrote
Interesting question! I've always thought it was doing a rotation, but upon a closer look at my own table, it looks like it's more of a drag. It's hard to tell haha! I really had to look. My marble doesn't have any wear from the constant abuse I put it through when testing my artwork or just having it play my many playlists.
OtterApocalypse t1_iy43u0t wrote
Yeah, I assumed it was more of a drag thing, since I can't really conceptualize the physics required to make it actually rotate/roll.
Though to be fair, there's a shitload of physics that are way beyond my grasp, hence my question.
Personally, I think I'd stick a little googly eye on top of it for a bit just to see what happens. And to amuse myself a bit.
Alex_Sisyphus OP t1_ixqd88d wrote
The last post got a lot of love! It was amazing to see, and this time I thought I'd share my personal art : ) This is a single line art based off a scientific drawing of an apple tree! It's my personal favorite to date