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svenskhet t1_iy1x8hf wrote

Best part is the ref calling them the mariners lmao


CrazybyRX t1_iy25iix wrote

Lmao how does that happen? Dude is a professional football referee. He must be a HUGE baseball fan if the Mariners are the first Seattle team in his mind lol.


PigSlam t1_iy2cx93 wrote

TBF, my wife is a big baseball fan, and when I saw that Seattle made the playoffs, I called them the “Seahawks” at least twice.


BananaVenom t1_iy2hy6b wrote

It still feels wrong to say the Mariners made the playoffs. Perfectly understandable to assume it’s some other Seattle team.


CO_PC_Parts t1_iy3u6ln wrote

when the chargers went back to LA, multiple refs would call the penalty on San Diego. One time you could see the refs face, "dont say san diego, don't say san diego"