Dwarfdeaths t1_izzmdof wrote
The spin cycle really helps reduce mineral buildup on drying. Make sure your bowls are facing concave out when you load them.
HubrisSnifferBot t1_izznp8u wrote
This new update for Factorio is underwhelming.
Bormsie721 t1_izzxzio wrote
Me watching my fully automated factorio factory run
Fraun_Pollen t1_izzy9o3 wrote
At this resolution, they can be anything you want them to be. I don’t even see the sprites. All I see is blonde, brunette, redhead…
Levven t1_izzzwm3 wrote
lol What is this from?
rocknin t1_j001ikt wrote
Who else just felt really old?
Enjoying_A_Meal t1_j003v5h wrote
They are not smiling like the cake making robots :I
Fraun_Pollen t1_j0046v3 wrote
It’s a reference to a scene in Matrix. If you haven’t seen it before, highly highly recommend. Could still pass as a modern scifi film.
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_j008ze7 wrote
I didn't know they made dishwashers for clothes
AlphaTheRed t1_j00fmpg wrote
Big Factorio vibes.
Lovat69 t1_j00gwk7 wrote
raisess hand.
MrGeekman t1_j00qahl wrote
No, I mean they're washing machines...for washing clothes. They're not actually dishwashers. Dishwashers are rectangular and do not have spinning drums. In fact, a spinning drum would be rather antithetical to the intended function of a dishwasher, as it would destroy the dishes.
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_j00qmox wrote
Are spinning drums not going to clean them regardless? Also now I'm confused now... Are they dishwashers for clothes or washing machines for dishes?
MrGeekman t1_j00slw1 wrote
They’re washing machines...for clothes. The title is wrong.
boomstick12g t1_j00tmi6 wrote
I watched this for entirely way too long!
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_j00vkhp wrote
Sounds complicated
GentlmanSkeleton t1_j011ujc wrote
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_j016gp2 wrote
Are you trolling or are you from a place where people wash both dishes and clothes by hand and this is a legitimately foreign concept to you?
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_j016whf wrote
Have you ever seen a dishwasher, mate.
bier00t t1_j018zlo wrote
maybe your resolution
rodeodoctor t1_j01i6lc wrote
Love this. This kinda stuff needs a whole sub.
lazymutant256 t1_j01l1qo wrote
That looks like a washing machine for clothes. Dishwashers don’t have drums like that let alone a viewing window.
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_j01qbm6 wrote
Was trying to be funny... People here seem to have a very adverse reaction to that
Denamic t1_j01qtj2 wrote
They are for what you use them for. No one can stop you from washing dishes in them.
MrGeekman t1_j01t9w0 wrote
Dishes would be destroyed if they were washed in a machine like that.
Thrawn89 t1_j01tgz8 wrote
Restating someone else's joke and acting dumb is not funny
Dermott_54 t1_j01ubmx wrote
But would they be clean?
anticerber t1_j01ulmo wrote
My dishwasher keeps breaking my dishes
MrBeanCyborgCaptain t1_j01vhv0 wrote
Next your gonna tell us you don't know what a potato is, lmao.
MrGeekman t1_j01w2mj wrote
Who cares?! They’d be broken!
CyndaquilTyphlosion t1_j021dxa wrote
They're the savoury version of sweet potatoes
squeezy102 t1_j02alk5 wrote
Wait how is The Matrix not just a modern Sci-Fi film?
Why are we talking about how it could "still pass" as a modern sci-fi film?
SatanLifeProTips t1_j02ksb7 wrote
Crush up the blue pill with the red pill, snort it and find out.
Dwarfdeaths t1_j02y2tm wrote
I mean they had ubiquitous landlines and phone booths in the movie so I'd say that's getting pretty anachronistic.
Slave35 t1_j03b8kg wrote
They would no longer be dishes, so the question is irrelevant.
Edit: my spelling sucked but spellcheck was also to blame in this instance.
FireyToots t1_j03ixso wrote
please keep posting these. i love them. they make me happy.
[deleted] t1_izz4e0d wrote