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ASK_IF_IM_PENGUIN t1_j01kc1f wrote

Those poor little guys going into the grinder like a chicken farm.


AustralYew t1_j01r0ka wrote

How do you make these? Is there an app or something? This is really cute.


flipoont t1_j01sdb5 wrote

Killroy was here.


Owolfs OP t1_j01t1tq wrote

I don’t know if there’s any easy app to create animated loops. Maybe it’s possible to use some sort of video game software and insert your own sprites.

I started with a hand-drawn sketch of elements I wanted to include. Then I used adobe illustrator to draw all the elements. And put everything together and into motion with after effects.

I know there are free / cheap alternatives to illustrator, but not quite sure about alternatives to after effects, which is why I stick to it.

That being said, my background is in illustration and graphic design, so the jump into animation is shorter than for someone starting from scratch.

However, there’s a lot of methods to create animation. Even low tech. I recently saw these beautiful paper-doll animations that was done with sticks by hand, I’ll link it if I can find it.

Sorry for not giving a short and easy option for your question.


lewishoodmusic t1_j022fwq wrote

How do you even go about making something like this? What would be the program used / work flow (Each moving element done separately?)


Pushnikov t1_j023ijo wrote

Why do they get sprayed black and then immediately turn white? I think you missed something. Looking again, they get electrocuted?


Owolfs OP t1_j024dzj wrote

I started with a really rough sketch on paper. Redrew it in procreate to clean up and plan a bit better what I wanted to do.

Then I started refining the background in illustrator. I created one layer of each continuous line of animation so I could overlap them later.

Once I had everything in place I made some really rough timing/ pacing tests in after effects. Character animation to see how fast each line or characters should go. I used 2/4/6/8 seconds as a framework for length, so I knew that could seamlessly loop everything. (If that didn’t make sense I can explain it better). Then I went to on to refine that part.

I created one cycle (one character going from start to end) and used an effect called echo to repeat it with a second between each. Since the characters are all the same, most animations only needed one second to loop, and create the illusion of endless repeats.

When all the loops were created I combined them in one image which became the finished result.


Talifmo t1_j024t38 wrote

This is starting to bother me. I can't see any discernable change when the lever gets flipped. The belt at the very top stops occasionally, but the timing doesn't seem to be associated with the the lever

Can anybody clarify for me what the lever is doing? I know its all in good fun and the gif is pretty cool, but why have animate the lever flipping if it's doing nothing.

Someone please point out what I'm missing


Owolfs OP t1_j025e86 wrote

There was supposed to be a bigger reaction to switching the lever. But it was reduced to only calming down the rumbling box that the bones fly out off. So the bones turn on the lever, box starts to rumble, and the guy turns it off.


Owolfs OP t1_j025yua wrote

Yeah, the idea was that they get electrocuted from osha violations in the workplace, with some electrical cords poking out. But I can see that it’s not as clearly communicated as the original idea behind it.


FanOfPeace t1_j028hns wrote

Now do a gif of a factory of gif factories


Owolfs OP t1_j028vur wrote

Thats a fun idea! I imagine a backwards zoom(?) from a person working in a gif-factory, only to zoom out on another character doing the same gif.


ShaneSupreme t1_j0295p4 wrote

Alexa, play Powerhouse from Raymond Scott


montrayjak t1_j02d5ug wrote

This is rad!!

r/wimmelbilder would love this


Omnibeneviolent t1_j02djs6 wrote

Slight correction -- this is what happens in hatcheries for egg-laying chickens. The males are considered useless, so they are killed on their first day of life. When you pay for eggs, this is what you are demanding with your money. Time to stop eating eggs.


MrE761 t1_j02erg3 wrote

While good, not as good… More!


mayormcmatt t1_j02i2qa wrote

Like a cute version of Mad God.


Owolfs OP t1_j02jakq wrote

I don’t know what that is, but I will check it out!

Edit: the trailer for that looks amazing! Can’t wait til shudder is available here… oh, what is that shudder downsized and is not doing so well :(


Vincent210 t1_j02kwab wrote

This is a larger indictment than of just eggs.

Frankly, people shouldn’t have to proverbially chase the industries they buy basic groceries and things to live from with a camera and a stick to catch endless human rights abuses and organize universal boycotts all on their own.

That is absolute insanity - most people in America, a big ol’ consumer country for these kinds of industries, are living paycheck to paycheck and can’t drum up $1000 bucks for an emergency.

Those are the people who are responsible for, and have to do the legwork for, stopping this grinder?

Thats a great way to ensure it never stops grinding chicks. There needs to be top-down enforced consequences for unethical behavior in industry.


akaWhisp t1_j02ma5c wrote

Mean Bean MACHINE!!


Omnibeneviolent t1_j02nsuz wrote

An extremely painful "very short time." They often are bounced around on the blades for a second as well, getting all cut up more and more with every bounce.

Would you be ok with this or something similar being done to you, a dog, cat, etc.. as long as it was quick?

This might be slightly less un-ethical than other methods, but it's still far from ethical.


acewing t1_j02oono wrote

There's a bar in Bloomington Indiana at IU named Kilroy's with the meme as its logo. Allegedly, it was founded in the 1940s after vets came home and brought their meme with them.


Calligraphie t1_j02r7op wrote

I love them getting shot into space on the right, lol. Fwip! Fwip! Fwip!


kimchiMushrromBurger t1_j02vrcw wrote

When I was a kid I made something like this. It was maybe 1998. It took soooo long. I had to animate each frame. So much fun and the animation was so dumb.


Omnibeneviolent t1_j02z8m9 wrote

The entire situation is not necessary. It's not necessary to eat eggs. If you stop paying for them, you stop demanding for this to happen.

You don't have to do anything with chicks that don't exist.


yourmomlurks t1_j030mxd wrote

0.4% of the us is vegan but 100% of reddit.

And I say this as a person who has chickens. This all or nothing attitude is so polarizing it thwarts progress.

I have killed many chickens with my own two hands for many reasons including food and mercy. Come back when you have first hand experience.


gorgoloid t1_j031bt7 wrote

I kinda love these, is there a sub with just these around?


Schuben t1_j031hr6 wrote

I was wondering where the extra bone came from out of the chute. The electrocution shows a skull, a T-bone and one straight bone but the chute has 2 straight bones. I guess the extra skull and T-bone were simply obliterated...


Tharockus t1_j031yzi wrote

I like the little details like the bone that knocks off the switch.


EmirFassad t1_j0325su wrote

An interesting effort but:

  • The top belt doesn't appear to connect to anything.
  • The up-tube and the diagonal-down-tube don't connect to anything.

DeadlyTissues t1_j034c0k wrote

I've been surprised about the lack of factorio comments on these


Owolfs OP t1_j034e5m wrote

I think theres a lot of mesmerizing gifs on the oddly satisfying subreddit or perhaps it was another one





Owolfs OP t1_j038t1s wrote

I use Adobe illustrator to draw, and Adobe after effects to animate.

But theres other, more affordable software like affinity that can do pretty much the same as illustrator(in this setting).

To get this “style” the most important part is consistency in line-size and simple geometric shapes as a foundation.


lessfrictionless t1_j039a3y wrote

I heard Raymond Scott's Powerhouse in my head while watching this.


Omnibeneviolent t1_j03copl wrote

"I say this as a person who owns dogs for dog fighting. This all or nothing attitude when it comes to dog fighting is so polarizing it thwarts progress. I have forced so many dogs to fight to the death. Come back when you have first hand experience."

This is what you sound like.


DampBritches t1_j03cts3 wrote

Every factory gif plays Powerhouse in my head


Bdeihc t1_j03fo6w wrote

Nice work! There used to be a animated video of city life created by a motion artist that played in Chicago on its own channel. I loved it. Can’t find it anymore.


BigBoatDeluxe t1_j03i93t wrote

I watched this for like 4-5 mins, admiring the detail and looking for stuff that wasn't immediately obvious. Really cool.


iHaveACatDog t1_j03j7fm wrote

I would love this as a live wallpaper on my phone.


FireyToots t1_j03jeuo wrote

this is a little darker, but i'm still in.


Silent_Purge t1_j03l83a wrote

I like how they get yeeted at the end


IsilZha t1_j03nt0h wrote

Yes but I don't see how you're going to deal with biters.


kimchiMushrromBurger t1_j03pugw wrote

I wish! I've thought about it before. It's long gone though. I remember I worked in the computer lab for DAYS on that thing. I don't think there was any network storage (at least for the students) and I don't remember saving it to a floppy. But maybe it's on one of the many floppies at my dad's house but I'm not going on that goose hunt


Omnibeneviolent t1_j03ru8x wrote

Not if you think about it from the top-down -- it seems like it's making no difference. But if you think about it from the bottom up, it's making a huge difference.

It reminds me of the boy and the starfish story:

>One day a man was walking along the beach, when he noticed a boy hurriedly picking up and gently throwing things into the ocean.

>Approaching the boy, he asked, “Young man, what are you doing?”

>The boy replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The surf is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll die.”

>The man laughed to himself and said, “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish? You can’t make any difference!”

>After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference to that one.”


Help----me----please t1_j03w2nl wrote

Why is "some people can't do it" always the default response? Think if you can do it and if you can, do it. Ofc a systemic solution would be better, but it has nothing to do with you personally contributing to something unethical. This is just deflection.


QMaker t1_j042wja wrote

Also, where do the ones who get eaten come from? They aren't really timed with everything else either. How are they selected from the steady stream of beans?


Nathan_Poe t1_j043glf wrote

OSHA would like to speak to you about factory safety concerns


Omnibeneviolent t1_j045wtg wrote

I haven't claimed they are. It's the reasoning that is the same in both scenarios.

Volcanoes and geysers are not the same, but there are still similarities between them from which we can draw comparisons.


Owolfs OP t1_j04666f wrote

I am writing to inform you that there were no errors on our part in regards to the incident in question. I assure you that all necessary precautions were taken and all safety guidelines were followed.

Therefore, I request that you cease any further investigation into the matter. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not contact me.

Thank you for your bean-person.


randomman02x t1_j04aoul wrote

I like the big mouth dude the best


Chronosurfer t1_j04blt9 wrote

I saw almost exactly this in a fever dream when I was younger. Except it was hot dogs (Franks), and they were getting their human suit electroplated onto them.. I saw them do it to my family! Then the hot dog police came and got me out of hiding. When it was my turn to get zapped, I woke up. Phew.


Pod_people t1_j04n2pd wrote

How the heck did you do this?


foag t1_j04ng71 wrote

Hey! What program do you use to make these?


_B_Little_me t1_j04vybv wrote

Where's the continuity? Poor showing in this race


BaldusCattus t1_j0508pv wrote

In the UK those faces are/were known as a "chad". The Kilroy message was different and seen without a chad as often as with one.

Not correcting you or offering any particular wisdom, just cultural differences :)


Zee_tv t1_j05mpgv wrote

So cool!! How??


mus0u t1_j05xgzo wrote

Kilroy ate here


misaxoxo t1_j0iawhl wrote

Im working there, how did you get this video?