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Metal_Monkey42 t1_j1zw7hw wrote

Yeah but who lets loose 2 crabs with pincers that could legit do damage to a cat's paw or face and then just film it calmly and watch if the cat escapes or not?


Metal_Monkey42 t1_j1zz0r9 wrote

I mean, I know you're an advocate for shrimp in all its many forms, but still, just video it and see what happens? If the crab got a good grab that first time, the cat would have freaked out I wager. Damage would have been done.


Metal_Monkey42 t1_j20m5qs wrote

So every cat gets away 100% of the time then? Interesting, I'm sure vets just never see cats mauled by dogs and foxes in their practices! Weird!

I'm saying it took some cold prick to set 2 crabs loose on his pet cat and then calmly film what might have been a complete horror show if one of them got the first claw in.


Gruntled1 t1_j21webd wrote

By made, do you mean you put a filter on a video? Legit question. If that is animated by you, you have all my props, it looks like real life.