Submitted by -birdbirdbird- t3_106t5qj in gifs
omega__man t1_j3irgqv wrote
SirNortonOfNoFux t1_j3ix9qj wrote
It's amazing how many things we do second nature without having an idea of how those things actually work
beebs44 t1_j3ixg32 wrote
How does lock picking work then
BLParks12 t1_j3iyyb7 wrote
You use a lock pick to try and work the pistons in the right position so you can turn the lock and open it. You use a pry tool to put pressure on the lock while using a pick to push the pistons up trying to get the pistons to get in place. Sorry, the terminology I used it not the correct terminology but I think I got my point across.
Junmeng t1_j3j372l wrote
Those pistons look kind of thin, would it be possible to break them with a sturdy enough piece of metal?
viomoo t1_j3j5pyz wrote
You just say ‘click out of one, good click on two, three is binding’ then the lock opens.
Harlequin-sama t1_j3j671n wrote
You can also shoot the lock.
Shackdaddy161 t1_j3j7ytc wrote
Or mule kick the door. That's why I have 3 deadbolts on each door when I vacay.
One top and one center and one base. With 5 inch screws on all receivers. Not a stop just a hindrance.
loksfox t1_j3j8215 wrote
The metal would have to be very thin to fit between the pins without pushing them into the mechanism and that thin metal would just not give you any leverage to brute force the pins enough to break them.
[deleted] t1_j3ja8b1 wrote
O5-13-A t1_j3jbhj5 wrote
Nice, we got a lockpicking master.
mokeyss t1_j3jblfj wrote
Lpl fan spotted in the wild
viomoo t1_j3jbnvr wrote
Only on master locks ;)
Inukchook t1_j3jc6os wrote
McSplodey t1_j3jdckh wrote
Click out of 3, 2 is binding, false set on 5...
r_a_d_ t1_j3jfjpr wrote
Just drill right down the pins.
cplcarlman t1_j3jgjli wrote
One way to open locks is to use a drill bit to drill right above the top of the keyway. The idea is to completely obliterate the "shear line" which is the line between the inner cylinder, called the core, and the outer part. That's why many high security locks have hardened steel pins or disks embedded at the top of the core.
cappz3 t1_j3jh0ha wrote
You use a torque wrench to turn the bottom chamber slightly, then you push up on the a pin until it sets. What does it mean to set? It means the top pin gets stuck in the top chamber, resting on the bottom chamber. Rinse an drepeat until the dividing line in the middle is clear, and the lock opens. This can happen because the holes in the chamber aren't drilled in a perfectly straight line, and lockpickers take advantage of it
ruiner32 t1_j3jikiv wrote
Everyone is responding with Lock Picking Lawyers videos memes, and for good reason.
Here’s a pretty good video of him picking locks with a part cut away, so you can see what’s happening.
Llamaalarmallama t1_j3jkead wrote
You force the inner chamber to twist in the direction it would eventually go to unlock. Most locks inner core will have a tiny bit of play. You then go down the line pushing each pin up until the split gets stuck in the top, outer part. Once all pins are "out" the inner barrel will turn, lock picked.
blackout-loud t1_j3jldbb wrote
...that was an odd fap, but it got the job done
K1LLERK1D01 t1_j3jlj9q wrote
Harlequin-sama t1_j3jm2tr wrote
Don't forget to let a small light on that doesn't consume much power.
joestaff t1_j3jnp1b wrote
Of the games I've played, Oblivion has had the most accurate lock picking minigame.
histprofdave t1_j3jo22y wrote
This is actually a really good way to illustrate an answer to a question my cousin's kid asked the other day, about why you can put the wrong key all the way into a lock but can't get any actual purchase with the mechanism.
badideas1 t1_j3jolnm wrote
Came here for this comment, as they say
roumenkey t1_j3joogz wrote
let's try it again to see it wasn't a fluke...
bwwatr t1_j3jppxk wrote
Naw, all standard pins on this one :)
Zelcron t1_j3jpqc2 wrote
I still don't know why they replaced it with the skyrim/fallout system. It was accurate and occasionally challenging, and way more fun as a minigame.
spudd08 t1_j3jpslm wrote
As always, have a nice day and thank you.
omega__man t1_j3jqa43 wrote
joestaff t1_j3jqc99 wrote
I think because it could be done by player skill alone. I got good enough at it that I could do it with my eyes closed no matter the lock level or character skill.
Zelcron t1_j3jqyx8 wrote
So keep the system but level gate the locks based on your skill level like they do in skyrim and fallout.
TossAway35626 t1_j3jrp7d wrote
Sometimes, but its loud and the break in is obvious and it won't always work. Its possible to design a lock such that forcing the core to spin will not engage the mechanism that unlocks the door.
People can also kick in a door. But if its loud and obvious a person feels more likely to be caught, and is less likely to attempt it in the first place.
[deleted] t1_j3jrqze wrote
Caaros t1_j3jrz7t wrote
Elder Scrolls Online has the Oblivion system (and the keyboard and mouse controls for it aren't absolutely trash).
[deleted] t1_j3jteca wrote
Scoobz1961 t1_j3jtz6v wrote
No, not really. There are better ways to destructively attack homes than the pins inside of a lock.
Denamic t1_j3jufuo wrote
LPL once only picked a lock one time and I'm convinced it was a fluke that time
TheHiveminder t1_j3jumh6 wrote
Speak for yourself, most of us know very well thanks to LPL.
sickbandnamealert t1_j3juml5 wrote
What I have for you today is a lock so bad, it’s literally just half a lock.
Scoobz1961 t1_j3jvgqv wrote
Not sure if people explained the main principle properly. The key position every pin at the same time into the correct position to allow the lock to open. If all the pins were perfectly made there wouldnt be other ways to unlock it.
But they arent. They wont be. They cant be. And you can use this to position each of the pins into correct position one at a time. This is why you have the turning tool that you apply pressure to to make the pins press into the sides of their holes. At any given moment, due to the imperfection, only one will be pressed against the walls completely.
Once you position that first pin, the lock will turn ever so slightly and another pin will now be the one that is pressed. Do that for all pins and the lock will eventually turn open. All that is left is to find the correct order of pins being pressed into the side of the cylinder.
The pin that is pressed is the one that is "binding". When there is "nothing" on a pin, it means its not being pressed at all. When pin that was binding "clicks" it means it has been set into the right position, which made the cylinder rotate and now a new pin is "binding".
Dlh2079 t1_j3jwed2 wrote
Came to post this exact thing. Thank you
FlyingWeagle t1_j3jwo05 wrote
The one thing he doesn't mention is that you use the turning tool to apply pressure throughout the pick. Turning the cylinder traps the pins against their housing. They're all slightly different thicknesses, which is why different pins are binding at different times.
Scoobz1961 t1_j3jwqp8 wrote
The reason you cant put keys into other keyholes is often caused by the zigzag pattern of the key being different to the lock. The zigzag is there to increase security.
Jaew96 t1_j3jyl5a wrote
Just fallout. you can still pick any pickable lock in Skyrim regardless of level, it’s just significantly easier with higher skill
Natural_Section_4544 t1_j3jz2f3 wrote
Elder scrolls oblivion basically
[deleted] t1_j3jzduv wrote
RiderExMachina t1_j3jzgu3 wrote
I know the Oblivion one is more accurate but I hated it. I was almost never able to pick any locks and basically just gave up.
Brandwein t1_j3jzzul wrote
League of Legends Pro League?
Let_Me_Get_Back_To_U t1_j3k018r wrote
Is this really how they work or only certain types of locks?
Centimane t1_j3k01qi wrote
But, is that really a problem?
You can kill trolls with a 1 handed weapon even if you don't level 1 handed, if the player is really good. So lockpicking being similar isn't out of place.
HolisticPlanner t1_j3k0gva wrote
Lock Picking Lawyer on YouTube. Excellent content.
Iunnrais t1_j3k0kng wrote
Lock Picking Lawyer, a very popular and fascinating YouTube channel.
Iunnrais t1_j3k1q3y wrote
This is a pin cylinder or tumbler lock, which represents the vast majority of key locks (as opposed to electronic or combination locks) made today. Other types of locks exist, but are not as common. These include lever locks, wafer locks, warded locks, disc detainer locks, and whatever madness various inventors have occasionally come up with for one-off lock ideas.
Fatbottombabyjoe t1_j3k5xhe wrote
So to pick a lock you just have to insert a tiny wire and press all the pegs up and push right?
1Land_1Keep t1_j3k689d wrote
Click out of one, two is binding...
johnboy2978 t1_j3k6xaj wrote
This is how the vast majority of padlocks work that you'll find in the wild or at Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot etc. But as the other poster replied, there are other types of locks as well.
Xaroin t1_j3k774i wrote
My man you can literally get the skeleton key and open any lock without any issue or use spells
johnboy2978 t1_j3k7mac wrote
In a very vague nutshell, "sort of". You have to keep tension on the chamber to prevent the pins from dropping back to their original position while you are lifting each pin individually (if you're single pin picking). So you have a tension wrench applying pressure to turn it to the side, but not enough to bind the pins. Then as you lift the pins into position, you'll feel a slight give as each one meets the sheer line (where they need to go). If you've done it correctly, you'll eventually lift all the pins to the sheer line and the chamber will turn enough to release the shackle.
Fatbottombabyjoe t1_j3k7t7z wrote
Very impressive knowledge
DreamMaster8 t1_j3k7tla wrote
Also oblivion
Snufflepuffster t1_j3k9158 wrote
ime the trick is to wait until a pin falls back down quickly, then attempt to hit (a) when the pin is at the top of the barrel on the following try. Rarely does a pin fall quickly two times in a row.
johnboy2978 t1_j3k9dtm wrote
They're pretty fun to play with actually. If you're interested, you can buy a basic pick set and clear plastic lock to see the inner workings from Amazon. You should also pick up a cheap lock or two as it just takes a minute to figure it out.
Fatbottombabyjoe t1_j3k9gbx wrote
Neat! Ty!
Mr_HPpavilion t1_j3k9kg1 wrote
I learned that from Splinter Cell
tyrellrummage t1_j3kcrzw wrote
What I don’t get is, if they have a spring to push them down, how and why do they stay up when he lifts them (sometimes)?
FlyingWeagle t1_j3kecy1 wrote
That's the click he mentions. The pin pushes up into its housing and allows the cylinder to turn just a little bit further. The pin doesn't fall back because it's now resting on the edge of the cylinder
El_Tio-del-Barrio t1_j3keooh wrote
How keys work.
Communism_of_Dave t1_j3kf8cf wrote
I still to this day have no idea how to do it lol
SuperiorMango8 t1_j3kjkie wrote
Generally the side pins are for key control not picking
Some definitely make it harder but they never prevent, just slow
Oscaruit t1_j3kjvhb wrote
Gonna say he would rake this and be through quicker thank you can say have a nice day.
GuyInAMeatGrinder t1_j3kmrhv wrote
This really tickled my ivories
harlojones t1_j3knmtz wrote
Gotta make the mechanism do a little dance
PeterDTown t1_j3kp8ow wrote
How do some locks get rekeyed?
I_SOMETIMES_EAT_HAM t1_j3kt83p wrote
The zigzag is called the keyway. While they may increase security somewhat, they’re not unique. I think key manufacturers typically have a few dozen different keyways that they use repeatedly. That’s why every once in a while you may find a key fits into an unrelated lock.
web_knows t1_j3kwnyb wrote
Ever played Kingdom Come Deliverance and attempted picking any locks? Yea Oblivion's was a bliss and I didn’t know it
Lachimanus t1_j3kz0ln wrote
Usually he goes up in numbers. Your order seems out of place.
Scoobz1961 t1_j3kz8v7 wrote
Definitively not unique. Which is why it's not uncommon to find another key that fits.
The pattern makes big difference in trying to manually pick the lock pin by pin. Good locks will have very small room for maneuvering the lock pick.
Older locks, for example the one pictured above, have plenty of room for you to comfortably pick.
Diamondsfullofclubs t1_j3kzr5k wrote
I imagine them as little horns whislting a different sound depending on their height. Ending on the same beautifully harmonious note once the mechanism fully unlocks.
gimpycpu t1_j3l0293 wrote
Watch the lock picking lawyer on YouTube much more interesting
DeadlyAlive t1_j3l0dn1 wrote
Too many s...
- How key works
- How keys work
A choice has to be made.
emowgli t1_j3l32ia wrote
Actually we just use what other people with engineering skills created. We consume what others created.
kizzt t1_j3l3tg7 wrote
The locksmith pulls the barrel out, removes the old set of pins and puts in a new set with different lengths. Then the key is cut with bumps that correspond to pushing each length to the shear point of the new pin set.
133DK t1_j3l608b wrote
Same could be said for Skyrim locks
Skylak t1_j3l69bj wrote
You should check out Thief then
MSotallyTober t1_j3l6nx4 wrote
Ah. Splinter Cell.
Pcat0 t1_j3l9tqh wrote
> I think key manufacturers typically have a few dozen different keyways that they use repeatedly.
I feel like you are overestimating the variety of keyways. Like 90% of door locks in America either use the Schlage SC1 keyway or the Kwikset KW1 keyway.
BoomZhakaLaka t1_j3lfi5p wrote
Except if they represented the pins as not "latching in place" somehow. Dunno how you'd pick a lock with 5 pins using old fashioned lockpicks, though
BoomZhakaLaka t1_j3lfoup wrote
I'm pretty sure they switched to the Skyrim version because.... Bethesda's direction has been to steadily remove mechanics and simplify the ones that are left over. The new one - even if you find it more difficult - aligns with that goal: simpler mechanics
Petarda98pl t1_j3lk9dr wrote
Doesn't feel the same without Free Bird playing in the background
PeterDTown t1_j3ln7gj wrote
That makes sense.
Some locks can be rekeyed at home without a locksmith. I had one, I was able to key it so it matches another lock in the house. Any idea how that would have worked? I definitely wasn’t pulling out the barrel.
[deleted] t1_j3lpgff wrote
dankdooker t1_j3lq4xl wrote
My landlord tossed all the hardened steel inserts because he didn't drill the hole big enough to fit it. All the locks just have the thin piece of decorative tin on the outside.
dankdooker t1_j3lq85e wrote
too much noise
filepeter t1_j3lritq wrote
Let’s do that again so we can see that it was not a fluke
Eveningroovers t1_j3lwp3f wrote
Nothing on 3.
D0geAlpha t1_j3lwrus wrote
It's 3 in the morning and you get woken up by this:
This is the lock picking lawyer, and what I have for you tonight ....
TexMexMoJo t1_j3m00fa wrote
Splinter Cell had lots of picking locks in it's game..
dandroid126 t1_j3m2qqt wrote
I got a lock picking set because of this guy. I intended on just having it as a fidget device for taking breaks at work. But I moved recently and couldn't find the key to my desk drawer. I didn't want it swinging open during the move, so I locked it with my lock picking set, then unlocked it when I got to the new place. I felt kinda badass even though it was a 3 pin lock with no security pins.
yumri t1_j3m487r wrote
Not all not even most new locks still work that way. You have false gates, gaps, and other things to help prevent people who aren't used to lockpicking from getting opening a lock without a key
yumri t1_j3m4hdx wrote
So more complex designs for the player to manually unlock of locks as you level up or just 1 lock design for everything like in Oblivion?
yumri t1_j3m4yef wrote
I think i have all of them but haven't played any in years if not longer. Which one should i go check?
yumri t1_j3m5g90 wrote
That is how you pick irl locks. 1 at a time and going by his videos if you have taken it apart before it will be easier to pick another of the same lock.
yumri t1_j3m5r2g wrote
The lock is there to slow down who doesn't have a key or to prevent people who don't want to spend the time or don't know how to pick the lock
yumri t1_j3m5zz4 wrote
Paranoid much?
... That is unless you live in an area that is actually required to not be stolen from and/or have your house broken into.
Koboldsftw t1_j3m6xou wrote
Seems a bit overkill tbh
dreadperson t1_j3m9b87 wrote
Damn that's so ingenious. Keys and locks rock.
jonitfcfan t1_j3mcxhz wrote
In any case, that's all I have for you today...
mttdesignz t1_j3mduwp wrote
I think he'll just rake this kind of locking mechanism, no need to pick each individually
JoulSauron t1_j3mjb89 wrote
In any case, that's all I have for today.
[deleted] t1_j3mk59k wrote
Tandysaurus t1_j3mou04 wrote
Click out of one...
draedek t1_j3mp899 wrote
This is a certified Free Bird moment
ForceOfP t1_j3mq11x wrote
So with this in mind, how does picking locks work? It is just a pick that lifts these mechanisms individually so you can insert something to turn?
TacoRising t1_j3mtywq wrote
Seriously. I'm a locksmith and I'll tell people straight up, if someone really wants to get into your house they'll break a window. One lock or 20, won't make a difference. It obviously can't hurt, and if it helps you sleep at night then go for it.
Schen5s t1_j3mxx69 wrote
I learned from sleeping dogs lol
Mrjoegangles t1_j3myykp wrote
Nope, larger the skill level the bigger the “window” for success and more resistance you can apply before breaking a lock.
Starkiller006 t1_j3mzi39 wrote
But not how Englishes works.
marioz64 t1_j3n06uy wrote
awawe t1_j3n5ywp wrote
It was accurate to modern pin tumbler locks, which were invented in 1848, and weren't widely adopted until a century later. I don't think they would really fit a viking themed game.
BJaacmoens t1_j3n6v00 wrote
Just watched something similar on Ask the Storybots. There's even a catchy song about it.
-_kevin_- t1_j3ndr2t wrote
Now do subject-verb agreement
zappy487 t1_j3ndybu wrote
Remember, a Master Lock can be opened with a Master Lock.
lainiwaku t1_j3nk12p wrote
Me who are a lockpickinglawyer viewer on YouTube : do I look like 3 year old ? 🤣
orincoro t1_j3nonel wrote
Or so the Germans would have us believe.
Weikoko t1_j3o3l5e wrote
Now I need to know how lock pick works.
The_Batsignal t1_j3owuar wrote
This is just one key not keys and I'm so glad they didn't use my house key but I guarantee somebody has just looked at there key and said wtf that's my house key wtf
radishboy t1_j3qhgio wrote
But enough talk, have at you!
L0RDHUMONGOUS t1_j4nc0gr wrote
This also explains why you sometimes have to jiggle the key.
QuantomField t1_j3iokbe wrote
Newer locks and keys also have side pins to prevent lock picking and bump keys.