Murderyoga t1_j4a2461 wrote
That dude's not acting.
PhonedVenus21345678 t1_j4a2o8m wrote
Bro went to heaven
craicbabyho t1_j4a4axw wrote
please tell me that’s logan lerman😩😍
Batticon t1_j4a4lm7 wrote
Looks like a teenager… creepy
[deleted] t1_j4a4syt wrote
samuelgato t1_j4a5vw5 wrote
It's completely relatable for every heterosexual man
DoomGoober t1_j4a7h46 wrote
Yes. Film is "Meet Bill".
[deleted] t1_j4a7hlc wrote
samuelgato t1_j4a8apo wrote
It's meant to make you chuckle, not give you a boner. Weirdo.
taisui t1_j4aakem wrote
How disgusting, she should come at me!
adarkuccio t1_j4advx6 wrote
adarkuccio t1_j4adwmr wrote
adarkuccio t1_j4adyvk wrote
Found the pity social justice warrior
What do you have to gain from comments like that?
tilucko t1_j4aff1n wrote
but it's... been Saturday all day. do I have to wait?
msdss t1_j4ah08c wrote
I would pay for this.
[deleted] t1_j4anlrj wrote
Ibanez607 t1_j4api0e wrote
Occyz t1_j4avjgf wrote
Same, I would take that kids heartache away any day of the week!
herrscherofchicken t1_j4b487c wrote
iam 14 and i would pay for thay
EdgarAllanKenpo t1_j4b61xy wrote
She was my celebrity crush growing up. Her and Elisha Cuthbert after watching The Girl Next Door.
DeepCompote t1_j4bfgzh wrote
You grew up and became unattracted to them? Alba is still on my list 4 sho.
[deleted] t1_j4bfpyk wrote
Cynicole24 t1_j4bk58s wrote
Wasn't he the cutest in Bullet Train 😍
TheNuclearMind t1_j4bm4r9 wrote
After I saw that film I thought that was Logan for a while
yamiyaiba t1_j4bnznq wrote
Virtue signaling that they're not a p*do, and/or to reassure themselves of it.
Batticon t1_j4bremy wrote
I mean, Ideal scenario would be finding out it is in fact an adult.
People on Reddit tend to not take issue with creepy shit if it’s an adult woman instead of an adult man.
Edit: that actor was 14. Literally if this was a man with an underaged girl sucking his finger y’all would be going wild. Double standards.
Left-Switch-1682 t1_j4bsdce wrote
Its weird as hell
HerRoyalRedness t1_j4bt87z wrote
He looks so hot in season two of Hunters
GravySquad t1_j4btcwb wrote
Yeah, that's why hundreds of redditors are here watching this gif on a loop. To chuckle.
0xFFFF_FFFF t1_j4btdje wrote
All the horny bros downvoting you. But you're right, it's creepy as hell.
jabnes t1_j4bwhjn wrote
PsychicNinja_ t1_j4c02i4 wrote
I didn’t even realize that was Logan, I felt so ashamed for not recognizing him. He’s such a cutie
bluegone t1_j4c0w6k wrote
bluegone t1_j4c0x6l wrote
[deleted] t1_j4c4gna wrote
xBushx t1_j4c5mxt wrote
Popular mechanics for kids…after being called gay for 3 years. It was sweet that i figured out I was for sure straight after seeing her! I was 12…
Paddlesons t1_j4c5s43 wrote
badFishTu t1_j4c80c4 wrote
Why does the guy look like a kid?
blondechinesehair t1_j4ca6gi wrote
Elisha Cuthbert used to host Popular Mechanics for kids in Canada when she was a kid. I crushed on her so hard (was also a kid(
fingers t1_j4cb8tf wrote
I'm okay with this.
Chef_Boy_Hard_Dick t1_j4cbnza wrote
That saucy eye contact is enough to break a man’s heart.
jpande428 t1_j4cbwan wrote
Those were my two mains too! If you like Elisha Cuthbert, you should watch Happy Endings on Hulu! It’s so good
tacotrout t1_j4ccsrb wrote
Was she forced to do this? Damn you!!!
Vanish_7 t1_j4cf29x wrote
Oh my god, yeah. Wow.
vinsmokewhoswho t1_j4cf484 wrote
That's pretty hot
pengouin85 t1_j4cfe0i wrote
T-BONEandtheFAM t1_j4cgcz1 wrote
Missed opportunity not holding eye contact
MoneyMike312 t1_j4cgu68 wrote
Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Pepsiman1031 t1_j4cj1i6 wrote
But he's not wrong. Reverse the genders and it's even creepier.
DOCTOR-MISTER t1_j4ckpz1 wrote
Kid named finger:
throwmeaway562 t1_j4cnt9q wrote
Imagine not looking at her
Aoeletta t1_j4co60i wrote
?? Like, “imagine being attracted to men not women.”
Yeah, I can imagine that people are that way…
Scoobz1961 t1_j4coenr wrote
Thats kind of sexist, my dude. If you wanted to join in the virtue signaling, you blundered.
throwmeaway562 t1_j4cogmo wrote
I’d rather not imagine men at all. I’m a man. I wish I didn’t exist
Scoobz1961 t1_j4cojdj wrote
I hate the 2020s
KraftyRre t1_j4cosuf wrote
C-c-can you speed it up a bit…?
1iKnight t1_j4cout2 wrote
does anyone remember albanude. net?
nikonuser805 t1_j4cp6od wrote
Jessica Alba has been on my hot list since she was in Dark Angel. She'll still be hot when she's 90.
redditorsaresilly t1_j4cptfq wrote
Advocate_4_theDman t1_j4cpxkl wrote
So, I don’t know this movie at all… but that dude looks like he’a about 16. Pretty inappropriate. If that was a 20 something Brad Pitt sucking on the finger of a teenage actress we’d all…. Wait. Never mind.
deadliftForFun t1_j4cq2ri wrote
Idle hands
goddessnoire t1_j4crab4 wrote
So I guess you’ve never seen Interview With a Vampire?
DadsRGR8 t1_j4cryw9 wrote
Such a great show. I just binge re-watched the whole series.
Illernos t1_j4csw0x wrote
dgwhiley t1_j4ct94d wrote
Bro, I've had a crush on her since Flipper (it's OK, I was a kid then too).
LostMySenses t1_j4ctcvt wrote
According to IMDb he would have been 15 when it was released. This clip is super gross, man, I wonder how weirded out a 26 year old Jessica Alba felt doing it (Christ she better have felt weird, he was a literal child)
FlyRobot t1_j4cthfe wrote
Alba in Honey and Sin City...yeesh my adolescent mind exploded
Pepsiman1031 t1_j4ctsry wrote
You still don't think it would be weird regardless of gender?
Scoobz1961 t1_j4cxaa6 wrote
Just giving you pointers on PC.
ShiroHachiRoku t1_j4cy04p wrote
He plays dead very well.
BSODxerox t1_j4cyt22 wrote
Dark Angel did it for me too, my 13 year old Brian was not ready for Alba in tight leather pants
stuckinaboxthere t1_j4d08jv wrote
You can see her look off screen briefly, like she's asking "You want me to what?"
MolotovFromHell t1_j4d21rg wrote
The dude is 15 here, yikes
thethunder92 t1_j4d85pm wrote
I’m still in love with her
thethunder92 t1_j4d8kjv wrote
If this happened not me at age 15 I would have came my pants right there
Stuff like that sticks with you, I remember in high school this cute girl was leaning over my desk and caught me looking at her cleavage and smiled and that stayed with me forever 😵
[deleted] t1_j4d8ykp wrote
igotagoodfeeling t1_j4dbk70 wrote
I like to think there’s a hand double below the shot of a man of legal age receiving. Because it would be hilarious
[deleted] t1_j4dbkwk wrote
magvadis t1_j4dbmy0 wrote
This is some creeper shit. Burn it with fire. We have sexualization of Jessica Alba likely against her desire but was pressured into it. Then you have a minor in the mix? What the fuck was wrong with Hollywood. Fuckin barbarians.
LostMySenses t1_j4dc294 wrote
Yeah. And if they’d fucked you, that would be an adult fucking a child. Nasty.
patprika t1_j4de83g wrote
Steve Albas cousin
ArbutusPhD t1_j4deorc wrote
I met her. She is cute, but not “perfect”. She is infectiously smiley and happy
DeepCompote t1_j4df18e wrote
Hey, get your feelings off my girl.
thethunder92 t1_j4dfftf wrote
Hey bro I’ll arm wrestle you for her
DeepCompote t1_j4dfqaa wrote
Good. No one’s perfect. Except me. And maybe David Attenborough.
Batticon t1_j4dijdo wrote
Seriously. They’re just mad I’m calling out their creepy fantasy.
ListenHere-Fat t1_j4diu20 wrote
I’m all wet, can I come in?
DeepCompote t1_j4dj72d wrote
Batticon t1_j4dj88c wrote
Yeah I looked up the movie. The guy is a 15 year old. Ew??
0xFFFF_FFFF t1_j4dlkcw wrote
They haven't been great so far, let's be honest. 😂
EdgarAllanKenpo t1_j4dp6uq wrote
Stop. I can only get so many towels.
EdgarAllanKenpo t1_j4dpbq7 wrote
Never seen it! I'll check it out!
mycak2000 t1_j4dwv1u wrote
Brian did a lot of growing up that day.
[deleted] t1_j4e6l3i wrote
trentbcraig21 t1_j4ecup3 wrote
My man just wanted to wrestle. You're starting a war.
DeepCompote t1_j4efj05 wrote
No sneak attacks. That’s a war crime.
-Mr_Rogers_II t1_j4efkuy wrote
Oh no, now you have me tricked into thinking this is fact because I’m over analyzing the position of his arm.
floppydo t1_j4epplr wrote
Dark angel
FlyinRyan92 t1_j4et1j8 wrote
Was just telling a coworker I had a huge crush on Linda Cardellini when Freaks and Geeks was on. Then it came screaming back when Grandmas Boy came out.
Edit: and also again when that Dead to Me show came out.
SomeNoteToMyself t1_j4f94cz wrote
Ew. I found it weird how no one in the comments was mentioning the age gap
SomeNoteToMyself t1_j4f9680 wrote
Jesus. Why did they get 50 downvoted
badFishTu t1_j4fg897 wrote
It's disturbing really
lastlifonti t1_j4fj0ss wrote
CREAM!!! Dolla dolla bill y’all!!!
Jokerchyld t1_j4gwfpb wrote
Or raise a man's manhood
EdgarAllanKenpo t1_j4h0qgj wrote
Uh...Mr. Roger's and Steve Irwin would like a word from the afterlife.
SprittneyBeers t1_j4hqb68 wrote
Disturbingly enjoyable for the dude
Bigzeesh t1_j4i6m2s wrote
Could u imagine 🫠
inksta12 t1_j4iqvo9 wrote
We’re the same person
baroquesun t1_j4o4yl3 wrote
Is that Logan Lerman!?
Cash907 t1_j4uctou wrote
Yeah she peaked on “The New Adventures of Flipper.”
ejoy-rs2 t1_j4x1k6i wrote
Into the blue, my man. Perfect in Honey though
Raincoats_George t1_j5jmxos wrote
Stuff like this was tolerated a bit more. Theres a lot of 'teenage boy kind of gets the adult hot female' tropes that was just seen as funny vs now where it's seen as gross.
If you think this is bad don't go see the professional. Even for the time it had people uncomfortable which is saying something.
GifReversingBot t1_j5jvjq4 wrote
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GoombahJudd t1_j6gzg8i wrote
Kid came right away. 😂😂. Who wouldn’t?!
noshore4me t1_j4a1rp3 wrote