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Dustyoldfart t1_j5voifu wrote

And it was fucking magical. Even though I juuuust missed it. Got my Nintendo in 1990 when I was 5.


ThorShield t1_j5vro92 wrote

Nice! Although that pipe is not accessible.


fonster_mox t1_j5vw5hz wrote

Kids haircut is too cool.

But jokes aside this is nostalgic and awesome.


StinkyBrittches t1_j5vwhrk wrote

I think anybody who actually grew up in the 80's knows he missed the mushroom and you can't go down that pipe.


thasnazgul t1_j5w63ie wrote

I've still got mine. Some mornings, I'll spend a few hours on smash TV or Mario 2 just for the nostalgia. And I'll play this playlist in between.


rehabonthego t1_j5wax64 wrote

Ice climber! Mario Bros was the Xmas present of the decade a few months later. My parents wrapped the cartridge box with thin paper so you could see the title and the backside text and images. I stared at that wrapped present each day in December after school.

Something I’ll never forget. RIP mom & dad.


Raevix t1_j5wcfk9 wrote

In the Japanese release on the original Famicom and most markets around the world, you would be correct. However, during the slow rollout of the international distribution of the NES to worldwide markets, Nintendo actually made some adjustments to the Super Mario Bros code. These were mostly in the interest of tackling a few bugs that they had become aware of since the Japanese release, but in doing so they also ajdusted a few of the secret areas to have different locations. This means that countries that got the NES very late in the distribution like Australia and New Zealand actually received a slightly different version of Super Mario Bros alongside it, and it just so happens in this version, this pipe is a secret subworld entrance. In fact nah I'm just fucking with you. Thanks for playing! =D


DreamerMMA t1_j5websc wrote

The gif should reset when his little brother runs in front of him, trips on the controller wire and brings the NES crashing to the floor.


guiltynate t1_j5wjicc wrote

Glad to see one of these without the orgy of 80s posters/ toys/ merch, that every other artist paints. Not every kid who grew up during that time was fortunate to have hundreds of dollars of stuff in their room.


singapeng t1_j5wojag wrote

Toys check... I recognize a He-Man, some Ninja Turtles, a Rubix cube, a Transformer and perhaps a Saint Seya toy? Then there's a TIE Fighter... I want to say when the NES came out in western countries, really nobody cared about Star Wars anymore. Those were the dead years of the franchise for most people, I'd say. Kids like me who were too young to have watched even Return of the Jedi in theatres mostly had never heard of it. Until perhaps the mid-nineties when West-End Games RPG became popular, and Lucas started talking about the Special Edition and actually making the sequels one day.


T0WERM0NKEY t1_j5wqu4c wrote

Tv needs a big knob you turn to change the channels.


jimdandy19 t1_j5wvbw3 wrote

just missing the gorgeous orange carpet that was in my room


FuzzyPickLE530 t1_j5wzc5b wrote

This was my 90's. I was poor so i was like a decade behind everyone else lol


EternamD t1_j5x6kyv wrote

'80s **

The apostrophe represents the missing "19"


barondruish t1_j5xin1s wrote

Ah. A rich kid by the looks of the game library.


Prior_Nerve6011 t1_j5xkyus wrote

Good God I want to go back to this age... also, I really miss my mom 😕


Armyghy t1_j5xsb10 wrote

This was me in the 90s. NES was in my regular gaming rotation til 2000.


The_Scourge t1_j5xy2w4 wrote

I hope I am still doing something like that in my 80s.

Also yeah -- this is 90s, not 80s. I like that you kids are interested in our history but try to get it right.


Xiaxs t1_j5ye0ex wrote

You'd figure he'd stop going down that pipe considering the fact it keeps starting him in the same spot but that little idiot did it for 36 minutes without stopping and I just couldn't watch any more.


aberdisco t1_j5yivol wrote

Needs a big aerial on the top and a smaller screen. 12-13" screens were commonplace when I was young.

Now get off my lawn.


Tipsy_Corgi t1_j5yjapf wrote

CVS had this Mega Man X toy that I wanted so bad but I was too embarrassed to ever ask for it


Sayoria t1_j5ykec6 wrote

What a joke.

You can't go down that pipe!


Ocksu2 t1_j5yp42q wrote

It wasn't just the NES, it was the porcelain swan statue that my buddy's mom had sitting on top of their entertainment center. It did not survive.

My buddy went pale and said to me and our other friend: You guys should go now.

1988 flashbacks hitting hard.


901990 t1_j5yq8ff wrote

The European (PAL) release does have a few minor bugfixes, it fixes a bug where mario can get stuck on the springs, changes level layout in a couple of places to make it harder to accidentally get stuck in walls. but then they also introduced a floor clipping bug that's more of a problem than the ones they fixed.


Earthwick t1_j5yuwcm wrote

Renting Megaman 2 from blockbuster on Friday then waking up saturday and sitting crosslegged in front of the TV watching cartoons and playing MegaMan until my mom forced me outside are fond childhood memories.


Liztliss t1_j5yzln8 wrote

Ahhh I can feel the future back problems...


findvikas t1_j5yzumx wrote

Best part you ain’t showing to no one.. no twitch shit


D00zer t1_j5z85dj wrote

Original artwork by Matt Luenig.

Let's make sure the right people get credit for their work.


Dark_Clark t1_j5zn8xz wrote

I love that blue in the sky! However, I don’t think it’s what it actually looked like. Wish it looked as pretty as that.


AFourEyedGeek t1_j60kn1u wrote

Not for us Europeans, you've got to use home computers, flashing sidebars, have a tape making loud sounds while taking 5 minutes to load the game.


TrollDad82 t1_j625q87 wrote

Wow, this is amazing. I love it. ❤️