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OuthouseBacksteak t1_j6dvlxs wrote

This is easily my favorite one of yours so far. Amazing colors. Just the perfect amount of movement and light. Your work is always so effortlessly solid but this one seems even more elevated somehow. Thanks for sharing.


relachesis t1_j6ej094 wrote

This is genuinely so beautiful. Amazing work!


MeisterX t1_j6ekutx wrote

I love this so much, very creative! Can I suggest that the boats move slightly slower? Their rapid movement contrasts a bit with the tranquility of the scene here. Otherwise I'd stare at it all day!

What method do you use to actually complete these? I may adapt an assignment I use in a course to this, currently it is on pixilation.


EuropaCar t1_j6ep2gz wrote

Looks great! I just wish it was like ten time slower


ERLz t1_j6evcby wrote

I am a simple man, I see v78 pixel art and I upvote


Criplor t1_j6f4lmi wrote

This has the same vibe as the cover of The Way of Kings


apsgreek t1_j6f871z wrote

This feels like it could be the opening screen for a melancholy indie game. It reminds me of the beginnings of the Pokémon mystery dungeon games honestly!

Great art :)


aupperk24 t1_j6fbk0o wrote

The sail should be pivoting on the boom and does not move the hull. I think the wind should generally all be blowing in the same direction too.


h3lblad3 t1_j6fdk5o wrote

It's beautiful as hell, but why are all the boats spinning?!


steeze206 t1_j6fiiw1 wrote

It's frankly a pretty ridiculous level of self promotion. They even put up a Patreon link lmao. This isn't about showing off your art for others to appreciate. It's about trying to earn a quick buck and utilizing Reddit as free advertising.


steeze206 t1_j6g4wxh wrote

Posting a Patreon link and asking for money is the main problem. Just post 1 social media link. Say hey if you want to check out more of my stuff here's my Instagram or whatever. Just leave it at that.

Posting like 9 links and one being a site whose sole purpose is asking people for money is a bit much.

I just want to browse Reddit for discussions and to watch cool/entertaining things. But each day it gets more and more overtaken by advertisement. I'd like to scroll through subs without feeling like someone is trying to sell me something. Like it or not, that is exactly what is happening here and it's annoying.


SolviKaaber t1_j6g9oql wrote

I only count 10 colors.

In the top left sky, 3 types of blue and basically white.

On the bottom is black

In the middle there is violet, red, two types of orange and in they very center a bright yellow.

What’s the last one?


bobbiefabbio t1_j6gf6er wrote

Why should pixel art get a pass? I think any form of criticism should be welcome and then the artist can do as they wish with the feedback. I agree the movement of the boats is a bit off and wouldn’t the movement being more realistic increase the “quality” of the piece? Besides the fact that other aspects of this piece are well done.


blyan t1_j6ghwok wrote

Probably stupid question but why does every pixel art post say how many colors it was made with? Is this something people care about? Just seems kinda odd to me I guess but idk the community



Mainttech t1_j6gkr4l wrote

Why do you think that we care about the number of colors that were used?


BashSwuckler t1_j6gmqmy wrote

Back in the day, computers were very limited in the number of different colors they could display onscreen at a time, so making digital art required careful and creative use of a limited color palette.

That no longer exists as a strict hardware limitation, obviously, but if you're trying to make your pixel art look more authentic, it's an important thing to keep in mind.

Regardless, imposing arbitrary limitations on yourself can often be a good way to encourage creative problem-solving and outside-the-box thinking.

edit: if you'd like to know more:


goldkear t1_j6goi6t wrote

Beautifully illustrated, but I think it would look better as a still. The rapid movement of the ships is a bit jarring, so even just slowing the animation might look nice.


goldkear t1_j6googp wrote

The dark red in the water looks darker than the dark red in the sky.

Edit: correction: there are two shades of dark red in the sky. The darker red in the water appears a tiny bit in the sky as well.


mermaidsyno t1_j6gqm6q wrote

This is so NICE. I saw the preview on my homepage and I thought it was going to be some kind of beach, I was so pleasantly surprised to see it's a bunch of boats. So beautiful.


stikky t1_j6grrma wrote

Attack of the Bathtub Boats


tijuanagolds t1_j6gv8ey wrote

There really should be a rule against shameless self-promotion, especially when the author posts so frequently. Reddit was meant to be a place where people shared things they found wandering the Internet, not somewhere where artists posts their lazy art and promote their patreons and other social media.


blanutz t1_j6hu7vk wrote

I actually like that there are multiple links, since I don't have accounts on any of the major platforms. Without Patreon, the artist would have to either sell their work, or stop creating. Which would mean less art for you to enjoy for free...