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Michel_is_Gros t1_j6jwb99 wrote

The interesting thing is that not even humans tend to be very loud if they're actually drowning, since all their energy and breath goes toward keeping themselves alive, like most animals. I think the loud splashing scene you'd probably expect (like movies like to portray) comes more from a panicking person than someone drowning, which could of course become a drowning hazard from tiring themselves out.


RevengencerAlf t1_j6jxf52 wrote

Yep. It's also kind of a known thing that kids especially just kind of drown quietly and suddenly.

I think any noise making is not instinct and a purely learned behavior. Making noise when drowning only makes sense if there's someone like literally right there to help.


Michel_is_Gros t1_j6jxmid wrote

The diving reflex is both great and terrifying, depending on the context.