Mewpers t1_j6jlgnq wrote
Poor birds. Imagine having a potential 50-year lifespan, living in a cage with clipped wings, and this is all you have to look forward to. At least in this case they get to have some time outside.
KmartQuality t1_j6lnshw wrote
Imagine all that and not having this fun guy to do stuff outside with.
EvulRabbit t1_j6jz0q7 wrote
If this was real. It would be obvious that these birds are not clipped and do not spend their lives in cages.
Perpetually_isolated t1_j6khtcq wrote
It's real.
4tehlulzez t1_j6k1psq wrote
You says it's not real?
Mewpers t1_j6kh3ib wrote
Birds with clipped wings can still use them and flutter short distances. They just can’t meaningfully fly. The sentiment still holds regardless of whether Reddit videos are real.
MetforminShits t1_j6lhrpd wrote
How can you tell that they aren't flying well? I thought this video was nice because he wasn't just cooping them up.
But I have seen others where people have a big ol' set up in their yard so the birbs can freely fly
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