Submitted by tellerheller t3_11a9k7g
Submitted by krlswig33 t3_1197m1g
Submitted by v78 t3_113vz6a
Submitted by SkirtMoment t3_118u1as
Submitted by aleha_84 t3_118525v
Submitted by PaleSubstance2 t3_114epj9
Submitted by Regi_L0903 t3_10skt4e
Submitted by linuxknight t3_114qy71
Submitted by TactlesslyTactful t3_11410wr
Submitted by Rainsdrop t3_10tqr3z
Submitted by somberlobster t3_1137vqw
Submitted by Modern-Moo t3_116aykd
Submitted by AndalusianGod t3_112unon
I designed and built this custom Chronicles of Narnia LEGO set for my kids, took some pics and then decided to try to animate the build | It has a chance to become a real LEGO set!
Submitted by reepicheep900 t3_1139zr4
Submitted by Linuxabrat t3_115p57y
Submitted by PewPewAnimeGirl t3_115s6tr
Submitted by Kira_Averi t3_116doex
Submitted by PaleSubstance2 t3_11378te
Submitted by Rainsdrop t3_115vveb
Submitted by majozaur t3_115ep6z
Submitted by Rainsdrop t3_112i6w3
Submitted by Regi_L0903 t3_114y9be
Submitted by nilsrva t3_113qrrb
Submitted by rainbowsprinkles_ t3_112iyac
Submitted by Alex_Sisyphus t3_10rrr2y