Recent comments in /f/gifs

Sarbaaz OP t1_jdpn9uz wrote

So far this is a one off.

There is an artist who did a ton of this style work with old car parts who was selling them at a consignment store for $600 - $800 in Colorado.

I had already had the idea for my own in the back of my mind but after seeing their versions it really got the ball rolling for my own. Especially because they were asking so much for their own.

A few years ago I saw some repurposed car part, turned into rocketship lamps, style fixtures at a restaurant in the Denver International Airport called Root Down.

It is shockingly difficult to find a photo of what I'm talking about. I just spent the last hour scavenging photos from the restaurant's google review page just to find this low resolution shot of the chandelier with a bunch on it:

I swear this is the same artist and they must be making these still and are out there somewhere.