Recent comments in /f/gifs
k_gorman8 t1_jecxqb5 wrote
Reply to comment by Margidoz in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Fair. But I would say the same to them.
Margidoz t1_jecxkxp wrote
Reply to comment by k_gorman8 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
There's always plenty of comments saying "bacon" or something like that on posts like these
g00fyg00ber741 t1_jecxh46 wrote
Reply to comment by h3lblad3 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Inbreeding a ton of different kinds of dogs with so many different genetic health defects wasn’t enough? You wanted us to do it to pigs too? Sorry, humans were too busy breeding them to slaughter, not to compete against dogs (at what??)
k_gorman8 t1_jecxc1q wrote
Reply to comment by Margidoz in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
I’m just saying, the post has absolutely nothing to do with eating pigs. Bringing it up just seems like someone’s wanting to cause issues
Margidoz t1_jecx5x9 wrote
Reply to comment by k_gorman8 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Whether pigs deserve to be harmed doesn't depend on if they're pets
Margidoz t1_jecx3ow wrote
Reply to comment by bubuthing in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Go vegan!
DrDyDt t1_jecqbvf wrote
Beautiful art!
As a distribution engineer, the amount of movement in those power lines makes me so nervous 😅
Zinnalynn t1_jecq1vp wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Pig hates the bed, loves the dirt... makes sense to me!
jacob_carter t1_jecm6h4 wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
That’s a weird looking Frenchie.
dailyqt t1_jecl5mx wrote
Reply to comment by lyinggrump in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Don't cut yourself on that edge!
FailedPerfectionist t1_jecjxqf wrote
Reply to comment by wonhoseok in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
A pig's pet bed got put outside, and you'll never guess what happened next!
cloaked_cache t1_jecigxm wrote
Wow this is wayy cool. The mood is really palpable . Awesome
nadasurfgrl1010 t1_jech1eb wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
And I want a pig. Just for like cuddles and cute stuff. None of the work.
Cordeceps t1_jecgm0b wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Spack attack!!!
andyftp t1_jecf0a4 wrote
I'm stuck watching it over and over. It's nice
SirCustardCream t1_jecdl9n wrote
Reply to comment by ParagonFire in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Here with us, not for us ❤️
SirCustardCream t1_jecci6l wrote
Reply to comment by bubuthing in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
It's called cognitive dissonance
kayin1288 t1_jecc23k wrote
Reminds me of the anime movie 5cm per second
Vulbjor t1_jec9tei wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Neans888 t1_jec998f wrote
Reply to comment by SoftGothBFF in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
And it’s too short.
Dave_Bonglordo t1_jec7d47 wrote
Reply to comment by Paqaboll721 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
colorectal cancer go brr
crownlessking t1_jec5tzf wrote
Reply to comment by ParagonFire in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
No thank you 💙
[deleted] t1_jec2axa wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
AMetalWorld t1_jec1kav wrote
Reply to comment by LordBowler423 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
My best advice is to play a better game
Kidding, but seriously. I’d rather try to platform to Royal rat authority in full havels than fight those fuckers again
h3lblad3 t1_jecyhk4 wrote
Reply to comment by g00fyg00ber741 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
>not to compete against dogs (at what??)
At the same thing that cats, gerbils, and parrots compete with dogs for.