Recent comments in /f/gifs
Gamerxx13 t1_jedh2b1 wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
My pup does this to his bed then naps in it lol
TequillaShotz t1_jedgh82 wrote
Reply to Fractal Red Pepper by VerGuy
Love it!
HerbOverstanding t1_jedfzqw wrote
As an Okie this seems quite familiar
Nevoic t1_jedfjz0 wrote
Reply to comment by Level7Cannoneer in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
It's good to have a skepticism about being manipulated, because in the age of capitalism you're almost always going to be manipulated in the name of profit.
What you'll find about vegan activism though is that it's a genuine form of activism, like feminism or BLM, and not akin to dairy farmers with the drink milk ads.
There are no vegan products being shilled for in this post. There is an attempt to move people's social attitudes about certain sentient creatures. To afford the same kindness we extend to dogs to pigs as well.
Make sure to introspect about your skepticism. It's a good default position, but refusing to investigate further it can actually be a problem.
There were people skeptical about various social issues of the past (removing slavery, giving minorities the right to vote, etc.), and if the skeptics in these situations refused to investigate why they were skeptical and if that was rational, they'd end up on the wrong side of history and morality.
HaikuBotStalksMe t1_jedfaz4 wrote
Reply to comment by its_justme in I drew this pixel art scene using 8 colors and called it "stUck" [OC] by v78
I missed the joke
1gothickitten t1_jedeelq wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
I love seeing all types of animal zoomies!
lisaluvulongtime t1_jedc5h2 wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
lmfao this is awesome!
Bo-Banny t1_jedazfq wrote
Reply to comment by SoftGothBFF in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
It's probably making a fast coughing bark type sound while it runs
bartbartholomew t1_jeda620 wrote
Goes perfectly with the music that came up at the same time.
Rampart_Rampage t1_jed9t7f wrote
Level7Cannoneer t1_jed8lhn wrote
Reply to comment by ParagonFire in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
No thanks. 🤷♀️
This same person does keep posting farm videos and commenters with samey names always pop up to command everyone to go vegan. This whole thing feels manipulative anyway.
UniverseBear t1_jed6ofh wrote
Brought me back to a specific windy afternoon many years ago. Nicely done.
RoboBagons t1_jed66fl wrote
Reply to comment by turbocomppro in I drew this pixel art scene using 8 colors and called it "stUck" [OC] by v78
Nah, you just on shrooms brah.
18114 t1_jed5mki wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Look at him he is so cute little bugger.
smacky_face t1_jed31tg wrote
Reply to comment by Brilliant_Armadillo9 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Yo, hurtful, what if he reads that
[deleted] t1_jed22pa wrote
jgirl2fly t1_jed11vo wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Awww 🥰
Fingersmeller t1_jed0s4x wrote
Reply to comment by its_justme in I drew this pixel art scene using 8 colors and called it "stUck" [OC] by v78
Lol, love it!
h3lblad3 t1_jed0eyc wrote
Reply to comment by g00fyg00ber741 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
House pets. I’m talking about pets you keep in your house.
Krusty_Kreed t1_jed04rz wrote
Reply to Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
He’s excited because his mom’s cooking bacon 🥓 for breakfast. Yummmmm
its_justme t1_jeczygl wrote
Reply to comment by Fingersmeller in I drew this pixel art scene using 8 colors and called it "stUck" [OC] by v78
Truuuue. What about just “whoooosh”
Fingersmeller t1_jeczbem wrote
You should have called it, "Windy" or "God farts in my general direction" instead.
Margidoz t1_jecz3aa wrote
Reply to comment by NaiiaN6 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
You don't seriously believe stabbing a tree and stabbing a pig are equally bad
g00fyg00ber741 t1_jecys6r wrote
Reply to comment by h3lblad3 in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
Huh? Idk what kind of animal competitions you’re talking about but that sounds so exploitative
unperturbium t1_jedj4ey wrote
Reply to comment by elsieburgers in Rowdy pig zoomies by lnfinity
That'll do pig, that'll do.