Submitted by lnfinity t3_121k4ex
Submitted by The_Tree_Beard t3_zqnrih
Submitted by Afrosmokes t3_zqkv2m
Submitted by SaltTeaching6648 t3_11gtmk4
Submitted by CLOT074 t3_xyaria
Submitted by westondeboer t3_zw2iln
Submitted by VerGuy t3_122kdaz
Submitted by Alabussy t3_ycfxtd
Submitted by lnfinity t3_zwff92
Submitted by rbarkerart t3_10gei0u
Submitted by Regi_L0903 t3_11p5bp5
Meet rescue elephant Sissy. She famously survived a record flood as a zoo elephant by bracing her body between 2 trees and holding her trunk above water for 36 hours. Understandably, she has always been nervous of water but here she is at 54 years old, 41 years after the flood, enjoying a hose bath.
i.imgur.comSubmitted by Tardigradelegs t3_zp40ig
Submitted by PaleSubstance2 t3_114epj9
Submitted by Regi_L0903 t3_10skt4e
I drew this pixel art scene based on Lake Abraham using 6 colors & called it "Frozen Methane Lilies" [OC]
Submitted by v78 t3_yyhebl
Submitted by Alabussy t3_ye3ml0
Submitted by lnfinity t3_ywr8t6
Submitted by lnfinity t3_120ig5w
Submitted by eikono_kame t3_11jpb1j
Submitted by ooMEAToo t3_1135zvd
Submitted by The_Tree_Beard t3_109m1gp
Submitted by linuxknight t3_10wusc0
Submitted by majozaur t3_zhvgla
Submitted by Grimspike t3_10rrn07