Submitted by UnnecessaryMovements t3_z7ff15
Submitted by wiggan1989 t3_y89f8y
Submitted by Goldeneye07 t3_yuq747
Submitted by SupOrSalad t3_yir00f
Submitted by toastyhoodie t3_z6gfez
Submitted by InfraredSpectroscopy t3_y9y2as
Submitted by AzizAldubikhi t3_ztgm2h
Submitted by ChickenCake248 t3_11dgff3
Submitted by Fantastic-Newspaper3 t3_127gw0e
Submitted by NekitEnot t3_yck3oo
Left my Xm5's overnight on a box of TicTacs, woke up to this permanently printed on them. I hate TicTac :(
Submitted by DwelfGG_ t3_yhgicd
MFW when my new $1,500 cables of copperless silver, expertly hydrochlorinated with ozone for tighter bass sparklier highs and more danceability, don't sound one bit better than the ones that came with the headphones
Submitted by LawfulGoodCorgi t3_10ozri9
Submitted by GLikesSteak t3_yi45nm
Submitted by emptyvasudevan t3_yogqxw
Submitted by PharaoRamsesII t3_11bk67s
Submitted by Clickbaitllama t3_11bnuca
Submitted by Velcorn t3_103z2a6
Submitted by SuperValue t3_10jwh5d
Submitted by AmbitionForeign9940 t3_zomiqe
Submitted by Cifems t3_yz2s65
Submitted by LosElite t3_10owg3u
Submitted by SupOrSalad t3_zxrjak
Submitted by radrod69 t3_10nu97k
Tell me you know nothing about headphone specifications without telling me you know nothing about headphone specifications
Submitted by LifeOnMarsden t3_10lro1z
Submitted by RabbitLorx t3_zwn4gw