Submitted by rockingcreation t3_11blbpi in headphones

I really love the soundstage and the details of sound of this IEM (XM4). I just listened to previous songs that i listened to and have heard some sound details that i have not have heard before. And this is just bluetooth connected.

Now I bought Aria Moondrop and i was disappointed, Its ok for the sound, not so good as XM4. I was expecting more because its "wired" but the Aria sound is not clean, no instrumental separation. Not sure if its because i just got it, it needs burning. But I was expecting Aria to be more "grand" in sound, but nothing exceptional and I'm not impressed. Which is probably a lot of reviewers in youtube said its a safe choice.


Want to know if you all can provide a choice of IEM that has good soundstage (if better than xm4) and better sound separation that is wired since i want to take advantage of the DAC . I will have my DAC in a few days but i wanted an IEM since its discrete for travelling and after using XM4 i was amazed that for that small piece it can produce very good music reproduction. (I have TIDAL and Deezer).



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toastyhoodie t1_j9yds68 wrote

Technically speaking, the Aria is technically better at what it does than the XM4


GhostsAreShitty t1_j9yhb2y wrote

I'm not sure what you're looking for is technicality if you consider the XM4 to be better than the Aria. If you're looking for soundstage, IEMs are the wrong way to go entirely. Try giving the Aria more time for mental burn in.


Demand-Jaded t1_j9yhx7t wrote

Soundstage is not something IEMs shine in. You may get a little better separation in higher-end models but the upgrade in that regard is marginal.

I would look into multi-driver IEMs that can achieve a better treble extension and thus a better sense of clarity, space and separation. Under $100 you have the Truthear Hexa and for around $350 you have the Moondrop Blessing 2 (I recommend the Dusk version), thought if you plan to spend that amount I would encourage you to save a little more and go with the Moondrop Variations (a reference in sound and arguably the best "objective" tuning).

The Moondrop Aria is harman-neutral to warm/dark in tuning, that's why you may sense it to sound congested and not detailed enough.


rockingcreation OP t1_j9yki8b wrote

Might try to listen to it little longer, however, when i first have my XM4 i was blown away. With Aria, its sounds just like the same IEMs i had before, yes some details there but when all instruments are on, some details cant be heard, and that's not the case with XM4, probably its just a preference however i am actually looking for recommendations of IEMs like XM4 sound characteristics.


Demand-Jaded t1_j9yp0ee wrote

Not really, at least not something I would recommend.

Though I would encourage you to learn to understand frequency response graphs, so you can make more informed and conscious purchases and not rely only on subjective impressions that can vary widely and not end up meeting your expectations.


AlexxxAA85 t1_j9yssg0 wrote

There are a lot of factors that can be affecting your IEMs. The seal of the tips for one. Their tuning, and also the source. First of all tuning wise, Moondrop is not known for bass in the budget area. It is only their more expensive models like the Dusk and Variations that have a more present bass. If you are liking the sound of the xm4 more, then something with more bass to consider is the FiiO FHE, and the IE300. One of my favorite sets that performs well with any genre is the Xenns Mangird Tea 2.

The other thing to consider is the source. From the phone alone you will get descent sound. But IEMs tend to scale with more power. Which DAC are you getting? Give the Aria a chance again with the DAC, and if possible, through s balanced cable. You might hear a difference if the DAC has some good power. If not, give those other IEMs a try and you might like their sound profile better.


rhalf t1_j9zi8zy wrote

Try boosting 10k with an EQ before you commit to a new purchase.
If it doesn't help, then maybe lifting the top octave.


rhalf t1_j9zimac wrote

If you want soundstage, then you should try CIEMs. They have the best ambience. You can try custom tips on the pair that you already have.


JLT_Frodo t1_ja0iza9 wrote

The only thing I own so far that I find better than the XM4’s are the Senny ie600. I also have the ie300, but they are more bass forward and not as clean as the XM4 in my opinion. Nothing beats the ie600 for me so far, including my 660s over ears….. for my personal taste.


rockingcreation OP t1_ja1qod1 wrote

The 10k at highj volume really is too much for me, actually now i understood why they like this because for the price it is really good, i thought it was just a trying to mask the high pitch but yes i can now hear some separation and details, i think its just the sound profile that i require.


AlexxxAA85 t1_ja30hxl wrote

I owned the Blessing Dusk a while back and i found it too big for comfort. And the sound was not as good as some other sets i had. My best recommendation for the price range would be the Tea 2. It competes with almost anything i own, even the kilobuck sets. And the soundstage is excellent.


Suspicious_Life_6846 t1_ja73rcc wrote

I've had and tested the wf-xm4's and 7hz zeros/moondrop chus for a while now and they are quite similar in technicalities, though I was able to find more details I never heard before with these IEMs, but that's probably because they have better tuning, the xm4's have recessed treble that you can't fully fix with EQ. And I forgot to mention they are both only $20.

I don't have the arias but they should definitely be better in a technical aspect than the xm4's as they are literally the next tier upgrade from the $20-50 IEM range, atleast in technicalities. Your arias may have a bad seal in your ears which could definitely affect the sound and your judgement...