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mghazik OP t1_j9j5jaa wrote

There is a difference only for power output. 5v adapter provides louder sound. I bought 5$ chinese adapter what more than enough.


rndll t1_j9k0lvg wrote

USB 3.0 already provides 5V. As I said already, tested them both on and off a brick, there's no difference that I can perceive be it sound quality or loudness.


mghazik OP t1_j9k1i8a wrote

According to manual zen dac v2 gets < 1.5W via USB power and 5V via DC adapter. You're doing something wrong because I definitely hear different levels of loudness, it's about 30%. Keep in mind the Zen Dac does not always automatically switch to dc power but always sounds quieter when dc is plugged off.


rndll t1_j9ke9ph wrote

Just because I don't hear a difference doesn't mean I'm doing something wrong. You may hear a difference which I don't refute. I'm just telling it as it is on my setup even with the official Ifi adapter and there's no difference whatsoever, nada. Maybe stop trying to invalidate others?