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AnotherSpecificDuck t1_ja2mpg0 wrote

I found the 560s a bit boring too, doesn’t mean it’s a bad headphone. But you have to get used to a new pair of cans sometimes. And switching between 2 phones all the time does not give your brain enough time to adapt. If you totally can’t stand them, sure return them but I’d try to use only them for a few days and if you still hate them you can return them.

Other than that I really hate how the community hates on V shaped cans sometimes. V shape does not make a set of phones Bad it makes it different like all headphones are.

And bass is like the fat in food, it gives a good and tasty base for everything around. And like in food too much isn’t good and too little isn’t good either. And everyone prefers a different dose of it.


mechaskeleton OP t1_ja2u22d wrote

I'm thinking of trying DT770s, is that a good idea if I didn't like the HD560s?


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_ja3a6gb wrote

Depends on why you don’t like the 560s. But the 770 pro has more bass and is more V shaped so a bit more „fun“ sounding. I personally really like the 770 and it’s a good entry into the Hi-Fi world because it’s V shape


mechaskeleton OP t1_ja3ichh wrote

ill try them, can always return them


AnotherSpecificDuck t1_ja3jrqx wrote

Exactly. Try some cans, if you 100% can’t stand them return them. If you kinda like them but they sound a bit awkward/different give em some time. But never ever try to fix cans with a source or cables etc, it won’t work