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JORG3392 OP t1_ja6p9pf wrote

First dive into getting my own Dac & headphone setup. I’m mainly using this for single player gaming and listening to music. No specific music genre, a bit of everything. As far as gaming goes, it was crazy playing doom eternal on this as well as something like Hogwarts legacy. The ambiance on Returnal, was upped quite a bit for me at least. I’m a definitely give my x2s a go on this Dac after a couple more sessions. I did get 69 dollar low noise power supply for this that Ifi sells, I used to get a static noise in the background when playing at higher volumes that is long gone.


KingBasten t1_ja9h00n wrote

Which do you prefer between the Fidelio X2 and X3?


JORG3392 OP t1_jabdxeg wrote

I haven’t spent that much time with the x3s yet. But they aren’t bad. I can tell you that the x2s are a easy buy at the price point there at right now on Amazon or you can get x3s for ten bucks more.