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jumboshrimp93 t1_j96ifxi wrote

I have the Clear and Emu Ebony for headphones, and U12t and AirPod Pros for IEMs.

The Clear and U12t are very close but if I had to choose one it’d be the U12t. They just sound so smooth, so clean, detail on them is amazing. What they do for being IEMs still kinda blows my mind sometimes. Add to the fact that being IEMs makes them more portable, that makes them my desert island headphone.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j96ixn0 wrote

Nice lineup! I have the Clears and testing out the Sony ier-Z1R, I do like the combo, but I think currently I'd keep the Clears over the iems. Very curious about the u12t heard nothing but great things!


ro086 t1_j96jb9r wrote

AKG K52. Sentimental Reasons.


FastGecko5 t1_j96n5pt wrote

If I could only keep one headphone from my collection it would probably be the Audiosense DT200.


MoochieButtons t1_j96n83l wrote

The main big ones are the DT 1990 pro, the audioquest nighthawk, DCA open x, harmonicdyne athena, akg k701, the meze 99 noir, modded fostex t50rp mk.3. And bunch of smaller ones like the sony mdr7506, or some old sennheisers.

but if I had to pick only one, I would 100% go for the DCA open X almost without question


ReekyRumpFedRatsbane t1_j96o8te wrote

Aurorus Borealis.

While I do absolutely love the sound, I gotta admit I'd mostly keep it for its uniqueness and to make steamed hams memes:

"Aurorus Borealis? At this time of day, at this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your headphones?!"


"May I hear it?"



Scattering_Crows t1_j96qnnx wrote

Flair has the list, but LCD-X are the first ones where I feel that there is nowhere left to go. Paired with the HifiMan EF400 is just perfect for my ears.


Akella333 t1_j96rl7a wrote

I don't own much, and its all from the same brand (shameless sony fanboy), but I think I would be able to live with my M9s forever and not want anything else.


Akella333 t1_j96tcjb wrote

the M9 sound way more neutral than the z1r, but the z1r have more impressive concert hall type bass. Both are really good sets, but the z1r comfort is a huge turn off for me. The biggest selling point for me for the M9 was its tiny size and build quality.


BehindThyCamel t1_j96tvh2 wrote

As of yesterday, Meze 99 Classics. I can finally hear stuff properly and I can wear them for hours. They replaced the Koss PortaPro as my default headphones.

Other than that, Sennheiser HD 4.40BT which have served me well for the last four years and Sennheiser HD 599 which have no redeeming qualities to them whatsoever.

For completeness I should mention Sony WI-C200. Great for conference calls, not suitable for music IMO.


likeabrother t1_j96v4db wrote

My favorite Bluetooth headphones are the Beoplay H95s. They sound the best out of any wireless headphones I've heard, beating the likes of the Air Pod Max and Sony XM4s. A con is the lower noise ceiling; still, you'll never nees to have these at 100% when listening to music. I usually am around 70% volume. The ANC/ambient noise is variable. Though, the ANC is not as strong as other BT headphones. The price tag is very high so I’d only get these on a sale.


philzebub666 t1_j96wb4c wrote

I would be happy only using the DT1990s. I know their sound is not everyone's cup of tea but for me they are perfect.


unuselessness t1_j96wcie wrote

Edited: formatting

Fostex TH909,

Fostex TH900,

Fostex Th900 African ebony Lawton cups,

Fostex x00 mahogany,

Ultrasone Edition eleven,

Focal Elex,

Emu Teak,

Denon ah-d9200,

Denon ah-d7200,

Denon ah-d2000,

Vokyl Erupt,

Koss kh30i,

Sash Tres,

Snorry SI mk1,

RikuBuds Grand Rider,

RikuBuds Prototype,

Kennerton Jimo,

Sony MH755,

Mock Borealis DIY (x2),

DIY bass canons,

If I had to keep only one it would be the Koss kh30i. They are cheap and easy to replace.

The Denon 9200 is my favorite closed back. Ultrasone Edition 11 is my favorite open back.


covertash t1_j96wu8y wrote

Hopefully in this hypothetical scenario, it's only temporary, and eventually you can pick up other pairs in the future again. :)

If so, I'd opt to keep the Hifiman HE500, just because they have long been discontinued and getting harder and harder to find on the used market. In a lot of ways, it's more so sentimental reasoning and looking at them through rose-colored glasses. I know I do gush over them a little too much, and in 2023, they're no longer the technical marvel that they once were over a decade ago, but they still embody my definition of what a pair of lush "balanced" headphones sounds like, while tugging at the heart strings a little more than others. I imagine these are similar reasons why people love ZMF headphones, which makes me particularly curious to try them out at some point - especially the Caldera.

With that said, there are a number of other headphones that are vying for a close second right behind the HE500. Depending on the time of day and mood, honorable mentions go to the Focal Utopia, Focal Clear OG, Hifiman HE1000 v2, HE6se v2, Susvara, and of course cannot forget the legendary Sennheiser HD600/580.


hahas0309 t1_j96xw2t wrote

I have just the Clear right now, I sold all the pairs I had and kept them, they are amazing.


GregTheTwurkey t1_j96y014 wrote

Yup. I just can’t bring myself to try anything else…except maybe the Raal sr1a, just because the staging is on another level, and it’s an overall upgrade. Everything else seems like a bit of a downgrade, if the presentation is what you’re accustomed to


RB181 t1_j96yxsj wrote

I own about two dozen pairs of headphones mostly in the $150-$300 price range, and if I could keep only one pair, that would be... ATH-M50x, no joke. As much as I love the sound of higher-end and open-back headphones, I haven't found any other wired headphone that is as good when it comes to convenience - closed-back with great sound isolation, easy to drive, good build quality, foldable, uses detachable cables, and comfortable enough for long listening sessions.


SonOfYavanna t1_j96z3rx wrote

Hifiman Ananda / Ananda stealth, it does everything I want a headphone to do, i hope it won't die out of the blue, mine are going strong at 1 year and six months paired with toppings l30II and e30II.

I have no desire to upgrade further, the only thing i might do is buying those fenestrated dekoni pads, because of Zeos, when the stock pads start to melt, so far it only has a little peeling on the exterior bottom of the pads almost unnoticeable.


GrimTurtle666 t1_j96z6ub wrote

I have the DT770s, Senn 58X, Airpod pro 2, Ikko oh10, and Salnotes Zero. In the past I’ve had Senn 598, M50X, and Sundara’s. I think the “best” sounding I’ve had to my ears are the 58X(I have a very long post about why I disliked the sundara), however, if I had to sell them all except for one, I’d keep the Salnotes Zero. They’re just so good for the price. If they had just a touch more bass, just enough to add some more oomph to things like percussion and explosions in games, I would literally sell everything and keep them. The zeros fit so naturally in my ears, and the sound is just good enough to let me enjoy the music, and not so good that I focus on the headphone rather than the music. I think it’s a psychological thing where they’re so cheap that my brain just thinks “they’re not worth analyzing, just enjoy it” and boy do I enjoy it.

Edit: I can’t live without the AirPods transparency feature at my office job though lol


Lemondsingle t1_j96zpc9 wrote

Grado SR80e, Bluetooth with Fiio BTR3K when I want to move around. As an old guy with tinnitus and loss of some higher frequencies, I don't think I need anything more than the excellent budget Grado. Favorite buds are Soundcore Liberty Air 2 TWS, which sound better to me than other supposedly better TWS that I own. They're great for what they are and down to $25 (Amazon) now a genuine bargain.


nebkelly t1_j971cfj wrote

I game a lot and am stuck on ATH-AD900. Audio Technica unlocked some kind of god mod treble, combined with an ultra wide soundstage on that model.

X2HR, AD2000x, and HD600 were all let downs recently but I want to try the 800s.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j971icp wrote

Yeah after switching tips the z1r are very comfortable, and I do love that bass. Ultimately that is what I thought about was build quality, I am familar with sony no so much some of the other iem brands.


omarccx t1_j973752 wrote

The Aeon Noire are up there. They sound fantastic without an EQ, and with an EQ I can bring the mids back slightly which is their only flaw for me. Single best headphone purchase I've made. No need to worry about exterior sounds at all, and can listen at a lower volume because of it.

However for gaming I've been using the DT770 since I can't be bothered to move the Noires to the living room everytime. They live at my desk. I prefer the T1s for gaming, but being open I have to be picky about when to use them.


josher814 t1_j9740g9 wrote

Don’t have a favorite headphone, but my favorite IEM as of now is the T3 plus EQ’d to the 2019 IE Harman target with JVC spiral dot tips.


mrgreatheart t1_j974xcd wrote

Tricky question this. I’ve got some fantastic headphones (in my flair) of which probably the most used are my HD-650 lately because of comfort, but if I had to choose just one it might be the Blessing 2 Dusk. Those things are honestly insane. I never thought IEMs could possibly come close to over ear and I only bought these for listening in bed without disturbing my wife, but wow. They blow me away every time. Of course there are things my over ears can do better (like soundstage), but the portability and bed friendliness of the IEMs gives them a level of utility that I couldn’t do without for my sole listening device. Plus they sound good enough that I would never really miss the others.


Scattering_Crows t1_j975h8k wrote

I think that they are a definite step up. The Sundaras are very neutral and I find that they can sound thin with certain songs. I don’t find them at all fatiguing though and can wear them all day. Most of my friends and family who have tried all my headphones would put these second to the LCD-X. The Audeze have far better imaging and layering in my opinion. Despite their weight, I find them very comfortable too and can wear them all evening. I do EQ them though. I have Sonarworks Sound ID Reference for headphones and the flat setting sounds amazing. I also have the Oratory1990 settings too. I alternate between genres and use either setting accordingly. I can’t imagine needing to upgrade these any time soon.


Akella333 t1_j97798k wrote

64audio is on my opinion a good step up if you're looking to upgrade. The u12t specifically was about the same size as the M9 but it was really forward sounding with amazing detail and absolutely slamming bass.


ChutneyRiggins t1_j977kgi wrote

OK here’s one. I got some Surface Headphones free from Microsoft and used them for years. I started to think about an upgrade to audiophile phones and auditioned some Focals, Grados, and the HD6xx. I was very surprised to find how good the Surface ones sounded in comparison. Maybe my ears were just so used to the sound after thousands of hours of listening but I’ll say that those Bluetooth, office focused closed-backs don’t sound too bad.


ItsCajunTime t1_j977z55 wrote

Right now, Tin P1 Max. Such a great all round IEM especially at the 100 bucks on linsoul


blucsigma05 OP t1_j9789kx wrote

How long have you had the HE500, the fact that they are still going strong is awesome! I'm hoping these headphones I have the life lives up to the price tag not just the sound!


blucsigma05 OP t1_j97946t wrote

I tested them when I was looking ended up getting the Bathys. Actually how I started my journey, upgrading my Bluetooth options ended up getting wired as well. Those H95 definitely come with the bass too!


MushyPlushie t1_j97b8wx wrote

The AKG Y50's. A bit of an odd pick, sure, but for everyday use, I absolutely love them. I love the sound, I love the noise isolation, I love the look and I love the fit. If I could only have on set of headphones, that's my pick.

Don't get me wrong, they're certainly not the best sounding headphones I've heard or even own. If I want great sound, I'll be sitting on my couch listening through my X2HR's or HD58x'd. But because they've open backs, you can't really bring those on a bus, or even take a walk with them on a windy day. The best closed backs I've got are the DT770 Pro's (80 ohm), but the sound isolation just doesn't cut it. Same story for all of my other closed back, actually.

Really, my headphone journey started with me trying to find a suitable upgrade for my Y50's, but so far I've been unsuccessful. I'm starting to think the Y50's really are my perfect convenience set of headphones. It's a shame that they've been discontinued.


covertash t1_j97bqul wrote

I picked up the HE500 on eBay in 2018, and the seller claimed to have them for 6-7 years before me, so they're well over a decade old at this point. Counting my blessings every day that they don't give up the ghost any time soon.

Yeah, I imagine with careful handling your headphones should last a good long while. :)


IMKGI t1_j97dhjp wrote

HD 800S, for me that's the pinnacle of headphones, everything is just perfect, bright sound signature, wide soundstage, perfect detail retrival, and non-existent clamp force


bbuky01 t1_j97ff21 wrote

For me if only one headphone it would be the Diana TC with the bass ported pads.


206Red t1_j97fnbe wrote

HD 660s has stopped my upgraditis for now

Just a relexaded yet detailed sound, after years listening to brighter headphones


Corgerus t1_j97g5jt wrote

Philips SHP9600 with Misodiko cooling gel pads. I can wear them all day, and the sound is warm and bassy. it does everything I want it to do.


PolarBearSequence t1_j97hxvt wrote

I’ve got an HD 800S, NDH 30, HD 650 and some miscellaneous other stuff. TBH, the HD 800 is not the one I’d keep if I was forced to part with all but one (assuming that I get to sell them). When reduced to a single headphone, I’d still keep the HD 650, because I greatly adore it’s warm and pleasant sound.

If I can’t get the money by selling and I’m allowed to rebuy headphone later, I’d keep the 800 of course, since it has by far the highest value.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j97j37x wrote

Agreed. My wife has the Focal radiance, I prefer the noire, but overall the radiance do sound better so ultimately I couldn't really justify keeping them both, but I have thought about getting them again as I'm still deciding how I feel about iems, and the Sony mdr-z1r I enjoy, but the price tag still tough to swallow lol.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j97jgvj wrote

I love the X2HR too! Thought about picking them up since they are so cheap, but I really wanted a close back to compliment my Clears. Isolation isn't as big of a thing for me, more leakage, but agree none I've tested seem to be great at isolation.


heyyoudvd t1_j97jl6o wrote


Those are my ratings of my 17 headphones/IEMs, arranged by chronological purchase order.

  • Most impressive sound: Focal Elegia
  • Most enjoyable sound: Grado Hemp
  • Overall favourite headphone: Senn 6XX
  • If I had to keep only one: AirPods Pro 2 (due to all the convenience factors)

1SWM1 t1_j97msfz wrote

Currently I have the Hifiman HE1000V2 and the Astell & Kern x Empire Ears Odyssey. The odyssey is what I’d keep.


tehec t1_j97ncff wrote

X2HR. Not the most popular around here, but I don’t care. They’re fun, they sound good, and they are ridiculously comfortable on my (giant) head.


ExiledSanity t1_j97ot8a wrote

My favorite are the DT1990.

But if I had to keep only one I don't know what they would be. Something with isolation if I only had one. Probably an IEM, but I find them uncomfortable after relatively short periods of time.


AbbottsOnion t1_j97u1qo wrote

Ath-m50s with DekoniSheepskin pads EQ'd using Oratory1990 settings

SHP9500 EQ'd using Oratory1990 settings, I pair this with a qudlex 5k for console gaming and sometimes watching movies.

7hz Salnotes Zero, mostly keep this pair around for when i'm travelling and I don't want to take anything bulky or expensive. It's the reliable but expendable pair.

Galaxy Buds 2 Pro

Honestly I would keep the Galaxy Buds 2 pro if I only had to keep one. I really like the tuning and the technicalities are pretty good too for a TWS IEM, it's just so effortless to enjoy music with these in most situations.


Phoenix_Kerman t1_j97u2oy wrote

sony 7506 for basically everything in the house and some huawei earphones for out and about. so if i had to stick with one it'd be the sonys


hatlad43 t1_j97utaz wrote

My collection is in the flair + Samson SR850 and 7Hz Salnotes Zero. If I could keep one headphones & one iem, it'd be.. HE400se and XM4, I guess. I like the Zero, but where I work & commute, the seal on the Zero just doesn't cut it.


Fred011235 t1_j97vywy wrote

hd800(sdr modded). i just like how they sound


VonDinky t1_j97wtae wrote

I currently have KPH30i, KSC75 and Porta Pro. I'd keep the Porta Pro.


juannyca5h t1_j97y6dt wrote

Meze Elites, and I’ve tried a bunch!


hahas0309 t1_j982oaa wrote


i've had the HD800s, LCD-X. Ananda, even the Elegia, Beyerdynamic T5 3rd gen, and DT 770/880 which was my first pairs.

I went to Ananda after half a year with the DT 770 and when I got the Clears after few months the Ananda was sitting in their package for a long long time, and I really tried to like them after the clear but...meh :p


School-Tricky t1_j982xlv wrote

I could never have just one, but if I had to it’s the Aeon II closed for work and on the go. My second is HD800S but that’s usually just for my desk setup


JamesBong517 t1_j984el4 wrote

How are they for music? I hear for videogames, it’s the absolute best. Does the massive soundstage make movies/music sound unnatural in anyway? I’ve heard some people say that. Which is why I think I’m going to get the Focal Clear Mg Pro as it seems to do everything I want. Maybe eventually I’ll get the HD 800s— if once I get the Clear Mg Pro and feel like I need an upgrade


JamesBong517 t1_j984nfc wrote

This is confirmation that getting the Clear Mg Pro is the logical choice. My nicest pair right now is HD 600 & I figured I’ll just save money and hearing my gf complain about buying too many headphones, I’ll just jump right up in the big leagues.

I know you have the OG Clear, but any negatives one can think of? Also, what amp/DAC are you running


WarHead75 t1_j985l3n wrote

Sony IER-Z1R, qdc Gemini, Shure SE846, RHA T20, AirPods Pro 2, Noble Fokus Pro, Bowers &Wilkins PI7

Focal Clear, STAX SR-L300 Limited Edition

I would keep the Sony IER-Z1R, most fun and grand sound while still retaining natural timbre and high technicalities so I can enjoy acoustic and electronic music. Also I use them the most, haven’t touched the others in months


blucsigma05 OP t1_j9899ej wrote

Preference is so crazy, i have the Clears and sony, and if the situation allows I'm reaching for the Clears. I think I just prefer headphones over iems, but the sonys are great which is why I still have them.


stargazer63 t1_j989fpw wrote

Hd 660S. Had 600, too forward midrange. Had 650, uninspiring treble. DT 770, poorer imaging than 660s, otherwise nothing wrong. M50x, no soul. Oppo PM3, perfect bass and midrange, terrible treble. 660s does not show any major flaw, and shines in its exceptional imaging. Well there goes my Sunday answer.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j989mdg wrote

I'd say just the typical open back issues, depending on environment volume may need to go louder, but I just drive them either with my DAP (fiio m11 plus), or bluetooth with my ifi go blu bluetooth dac. I haven't had any comfort issues I love how the Clears fit and everything just sounds great to me.


JamesBong517 t1_j989vyl wrote

Have you ever heard the Clear Mg Pro? It kinda seems like the OG Clear are more towards consumers and have a U shaped tuning versus the mg pro being more flat and neutral. I love how the Hd 600 doesn’t really color the music or anything, at least I thought. Could be wrong. I just don’t wanna regret a purchase of $1000 or so.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98a68z wrote

Yeah, I got the lcd-x and was disappointed I wasn't expecting the Clears to sound so good and I think bass everything is just right and I listen to bass heavy stuff, but it's at a level I can listen to for long sessions. Some of those bass-heavy phones just give me a headache after a while.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98anwi wrote

I haven't, I was thinking MG because I read it was more bass-heavy, but the Clear seem to be more of the favorite overall from my research, and it's half the price now so I went with the Clear OG. No complaints. I bought them final sale so I definitely understand but honestly it's the best headphone purchase I've made.


Slideshoe t1_j98bf6s wrote

I'm in the honeymoon phase with the Zmf Auture Classics right now. Amazing tonality and top tier imaging.


JamesBong517 t1_j98bjf3 wrote

It almost has me tempted to buy both. Even if I buy the OG first and absolutely love them, I will always be wondering what the other sounds like. FOMO is a major thing. I just can reason having both of those headphones & keeping both, because at that point, I might as well just get the Utopia lol. Which, yes that has crossed my mind, but then I’m wondering is there any more improvement after a certain point, and I’ve talked myself out of the Utopia. I just don’t have the funds to justify spending $3k+ on headphones. I also haven’t even experienced the $1k range & I know there’s so many more than perfect ones in there. I know new versions isn’t always better, as I found the HD 600 to be the best version for me.

Also, I see our music tastes are very different, and I see you said you like bass heavy music. I typically am listening to a lot of strings music (yes I know plenty of strings do have deep bass) and live performances and what not. So clarity and instrument separation in big mixes is important to me. Upon reading about every article I could find, once I have the money, I’m going to buy the Clear Mg Pro and I will come back with all the good, bad, and ugly.


iankost t1_j98bjk3 wrote

Focal Radiance - went in to demo the Bathys, came out with the Radiance and a Fiio btr7 as I realised that most of the time I'd be tethered to my laptop and the times I wasn't, this still sounded better than the Bathys to overcome the slight annoyance of cables.

For IEMS it's my trusty Jerry Harvey JH7's, so clear and the sound is like it's coming from inside your head (but that's a good thing).


stargazer63 t1_j98c9id wrote

Initially did. Looking at the FR, it feels like the s2 will be great for some genres, but not a jack of all trades like the S. It will take months or years to know how people truly feel about them, as initially everyone will be on the hype train (like most were for the 660s). So let’s see. If S3 comes out, I may get the s2 at $299. :)


JediMaS10 t1_j98d95p wrote

HifiMan He560 V2 - Sennheiser HD600 - Grados SR325X - Philips X2 - VModa M100 - Fostex t50rp mk3 - Koss Porta PRO - Sennheiser GSP 500

I will always keep HD600 because I love them


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98dciw wrote

Let me know, seems like those with my preference prefer mg more so I'm a little curious, but the Clears just sound so good that if I did upgrade it would have to be utopia, but like you, I just can't imagine they sound 3-4x better than either clear to justify the price. Diminishing returns is very real pass 1k.


JamesBong517 t1_j98eeib wrote

It’ll probably be in a month and half; I start a new job this week and there’s a big gap between my last paycheck and my first full one, so it’ll be probably 3 paychecks before I get them. I’ll DM you so I can remember to let you know.

I want to eventually get the DCA Aeon 2 Noire to have a set of closed back headphones, in case I ever have kids or anything of that nature. Besides that, at a certain point I was told you basically are just picking what you want it to be the best at (HD 800s for soundstage) but something else will be a trade off. And someone else told me it’s very a massive drop in diminishing returns after the $1500 price. The Utopia’s will sound better than the Clear, without a doubt. It definitely won’t sound 3-4x better though.

Eventually I might make that jump, as time passes & I move up within my career path. But that will have to be in a very long time. Not just to have that kind of money, but I’m also going to upgrade my DAC next & same kind of thing. I want the RME-ADI 2, but it’s probably pointless to get something at that level. Something like $700 would be just fine with no real upgrade in sound, maybe just had more connection tires or something. That’s the kick in the dick of this hobby; FOMO and massive diminishing returns


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98g138 wrote

Trust I understand I tried a lot of phones. Finally, just got burnt out and realized I'm always gonna have FOMO. I listen to the noire I did like them, they just didn't sound better than my wife's radiance so I didn't keep them but very good phone at the price. I like the Sony MDR-Z1R, just grappling with the cost a little, but I like the sound and they are extremely comfortable.


JamesBong517 t1_j98gsxr wrote

Is the Radiance better than the MDR-Z1R, in your opinion? I do eventually want to get a pair of closed back headphones. Part of me thinks it would make more sense to not have all my headphones the same brand, and the other thinks “if you found what you love, why change it”

But ya, i listen to a lot of like vocal songs and classic rock, opera, pop. I really enjoy the HD 600 and how they are but I know there can be so much more clarity. With knowing that, are the OG Clear a great option? They aren’t v or u shaped tuning are they?


hyperburststrike t1_j98jg6m wrote

My favorite will be ZMF Auteur, but if I could only keep one it will definitely be HD600. Lightweight, and good-sounding even if I plug it straight to my desktop.


becuzwhateverforever t1_j98lwz5 wrote

They’re solid for music depending on what you’re into. They excell in genres with many instruments like classical and jazz. I primarily listen to indie and hardcore though. The HD800S gets the job done but they aren’t as impactful as I’d like and can be a little too bright at times.

I haven’t tried watching a movie with the 800S but I’ve noticed the unnatural wideness with certain hip hop and r&b tracks.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98ma5c wrote

My testing Playlist has a ton of genres. I think the radiance are very good. For me I have a weird issue with the cups on the radiance my left ear feels a lot of pressure, no one else I let try them didn't have that issue, I've had it with other closed back it just depends. The mdr-z1r is just a different sound than the focals which i enjoy they are very v shape, but vocals sound great. The radiance are great but to me it just was a redundant sound as focal does have a "house sound" so they feel like Clears with more bass. Mdr-z1r is very warm, didn't really understand that term until I tried them. The noire the mids were just more recessed than the radiance you can easy eq that I just don't do much eqing.

For me the "clear" is emphasized on the Clears more than any headphones I have(besides some iems ive tried). The Clears allowed me to hear so much new detail from songs I've heard a million times. Some don't like the Soundstage of the Clear for open back it's very intimate, but not veiled it's very clear and forward. I don't want to oversell them but I just don't think you can go wrong picking them up. I've never heard the HD 600 but I know they are loved.


JamesBong517 t1_j98neq8 wrote

Looks like you and everyone sold me on the og clear. So glad I made the post. You also confirmed what I figured— at that price point I’m getting different brands. I want different sounds from my closed back & sometimes (especially with video games and movies) the V shaped is really nice. And when I’m in the mood to put on gangster rap I want that bass. So when I go to buy closed back, I’m first looking at the mdr-z1r. I know it’s expensive, but oh well. I want the clear first, and the much smaller price I can justify it for me getting a new job and it being my first salaried job. Gotta treat myself. The Sony— well we get a yearly bonus and I’ll be able to get them then & have left over money so I won’t feel bad. Figure if we reach our goals I can treat myself as well once a year. Not always headphones, but you get my drift.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98oapn wrote

Yup! Worth it, going to use them a lot, so you can justify the cost! Enjoy the journey man! Definitely let me know what you think of those Clears and MDR-Z1R. I'd say try those Noire too for close back. I love rap on my Clears, bass is there when needed and not overdone. It's rap so if the song is supposed to have bass it's there just not exaggerated.


JamesBong517 t1_j98p2zm wrote

Sounds the HD 600 to me. So many people say there is no bass, but to me, in songs that had it, it was there. Just not bloated or anything? Are you saying to check out the Noire just because it punches above its price point, is it a real contender to the z1r?


blucsigma05 OP t1_j98qrmf wrote

I'd say just to have a good reference, the Noire is half the price of mdr-z1r...Mdr-z1r is better to me, is it worth 2x as much compared to the have to decide. I think you would prefer the midrange on the Mdr-z1r.


JamesBong517 t1_j98t21v wrote

I definitely do not like my midrange muffled or veiled or recessed or whatever the word is. Although closed back is much further down the road & im honestly hoping the Clear will take care of my upgrade-itis for the foreseeable years. I’ll probably get the ADI-2 after the Clear, just because I feel like if I have headphones that are $1500, a $110 DAC just isn’t doing it justice. Plus the ADI-2 has an input for XLR for headphones, and it has XLR output for studio monitors, which I plan on getting. It also has built in EQ, which saves me from buying an external EQ.


ddre54 t1_j98uqg1 wrote

LCD-X. I remember going to CanJam and from all the headphones and setups available disregarding price tag, every time I listen to the LCD-X I just enjoyed the music so much more.


on9desu t1_j99458x wrote

NDH30. I haven’t touch my HD600 since I got them. I’m surprised it’s barely mentioned at all in the audiophile scene. They sound fantastic.


kikirevi t1_j998fnn wrote

Blessing 2 Dusks. Fucking love the sound of these. Arya would be close second.


rhpot1991 t1_j99eutu wrote

I have favorites per style, choose them depending on how I'm feeling:

Open Back - ATH-ADX5000

Closed Back - ATH-AWKT

IEM - JVC HA-FW10000


AkagamiShanks007 t1_j99f5bh wrote

I have the apple earpods, Sennheiser CX 300, HD 569 and HD 560s. My HD 560s is really my fav headphone and I don’t think I will get any substantial difference even if I buy headphones that are twice its price. Its that good


raisimo t1_j99i8hi wrote

Ananada because it’s what I’ve got and I’m happy enough with them.


shadowpapi9890 t1_j99je7o wrote

To me they are. For the value they are great but 660s could be my fav headphone next to grado rs2e. 660s have a fuller sound with way better instrument separation and imaging, maybe the soundstage is smaller. Timbre is better. 560s are still amazing for the price tho and I enjoy them too but they sound thinner. Also 660s to my ears have faster and tighter bass. You have to try them out for yourself and see what I’m talking about.


vbarada t1_j99li99 wrote

Sony MDR-Z1R. Never been a big fan of open back headphones.


Massive-Sky-2007 t1_j99ms9w wrote

Arya stealth. Sounds good on any genre. Especially on classical. End game for me.


legabs t1_j99o8te wrote

What I have >>>>

Headphones : M40x, M60x, PM3, Nightowl Carbon, Aeon, DT990, 1More Triple, Porta Pro, KPH30iClear, SR80e, HE400imodded...maybe I forgot 1 or 2

Iems : too many !


What I would keep >>>>

Headphones : Oppo PM3

IEM : Senfer DT6...or Zero Audio Zirco Pezzo I hesitate...


joshUKUSA t1_j9a12zm wrote

Final d8000 pro, best combination of build quality and compatibility with all genres I've heard so far.


Candy_Says23 t1_j9a1g5i wrote

I only have the HD 280 lol, I don't really got the money but this shit sounds like heaven to my ears.


PLOHNO t1_j9a4ui1 wrote

My pick is the HD660S because it's a good all-rounder that I can listen to many genres without too much complaint. I have a hard time with the HD800S and rock due to the lack of visceral bottom end which no amount of EQ solves.


FATGMST t1_j9a724e wrote

Sennheiser Momentum 4, sounds amazing, battery is insane, microphone is great but not the best.

I keep the Technics EAH-AZ60 on the side


TECHNICKER_Cz3 t1_j9a8035 wrote

HD560S is the best I've heard so far. My opinion is likely to change soon as I'm gonna be attending a headphone trade show with some pretty high-end stuff.


anuress t1_j9arp3j wrote

My trusty LCD-2. I loved mine even without EQ.


anoon999 t1_j9arw7v wrote

My favorite is my k812 but if I could only have one I'd choose my AQ nighthawk bc nothing sounds harsh on them and they have a "comfortable" sound


Lckzboy t1_j9b3ren wrote

I started from the HD 650 and then LCD 2-classic and now I have the focal clear OG, and I really do miss the dynamic sound after using my planar for awhile and I really have to say that the focal clear is my favourite headphone currently because it suits the music I listen to. It is just a much improved version of the HD 650 and the imaging is so good especially when gaming I can almost pinpoint exactly where the sound is coming from


Rajhoot t1_j9b3zz0 wrote

I have a buncha flagships but right now it’d be the DCA Expanse and UM Multiverse Mentor


covertash t1_j9bzta5 wrote

Lol, this one always tends to ruffle some feathers for what I am about to say.

I've owned the Utopia (pre-2022 refresh) for over 18 months, and the Clear OG for 13 months, and in side by side listening, MY opinion remains that the Clear OG is the warmer tilting baby brother of the Utopia. The Utopia has better clarity in the midrange, but there are times when it can come across as slightly more piercing than the Clear. To me, the Clear is the more consistently relaxed listen, but how much of these differences can be narrowed by EQ is up for debate. In a lot of ways, there are a lot of parallels between the Focal "twins" and the differences between the HD600 vs HD650/6XX.

I should also add that the Utopia is easier to drive than the Clear, by about ~3-4 dB. This is significant because if you have an overpowered amp, as most tend to own nowadays, it means that the Utopia can be a bigger pain in the ass to manage volume with less play on the volume knob (especially if your amp happens to have issues with channel imbalances on the lower end of the spectrum), versus the Clear. However, the upside is if you are Team DongleDAC, the Utopia has more headroom available and actually sounds pretty good - as heretical as that may sound.

For me, aside from the above, the biggest differentiator is the premium materials that are used on the Utopia. Yes, the Clear feels great in the hand, but the Utopia exudes luxury, and maybe this is enough to push some people over the edge. However, I often wonder how much these physical qualities bias the perception of audible differences, and make them out to be significantly larger than they may actually be.

I know some people swear that the Utopia has better technicalities, like punching harder than the Clear, thanks to those beryllium drivers, but I'd be hard pressed to tell that minute of a difference. So then, is the Utopia more detailed? Maybe? But if I go back to the Clear I can hear those same details just fine; maybe a tad bit subdued, but it really is the very definition of splitting hairs.

In a world where I could only own one and cost didn't matter, then yeah no question, I would pick the Utopia every time. However, if cost is a concern, how much of a difference does the Utopia hold over the Clear? I'm not so sure it is worth more than five times the cost - unless you don't mind buying used, which means it's "only" 2-3X more money. ;)

Hope that helps.


Overall_Falcon_8526 t1_j9c3a3n wrote

I have:
Sony MDR-Z1R
Sony MDR-Z7M2
Sony MDR-7506
Sony MDR-1000X
Dan Clark Aeon Closed X
and I returned Hifiman HE400SE.

I would not want to part with the Z1R. Everything else could go I suppose, but I like having the Aeon Closed X as a high end backup for it, and it is my work office set of cans.

I have been considering dabbling in open backs again (I disliked the openness of the HE400SE) and am looking at Focal Clear and LCD-2 Classic. But this is just an idle thought really, as I am very satisfied with what I've got.


GregTheTwurkey t1_j9cwzhz wrote

Honestly, the hd800s is my preferred choice, but only after eq. Even stock, it’s very neutral sounding, a little peaky at 6k but it’s nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. With proper eq (that sounds good to you), I personally think they’re the better listen. Not as engaging as the Arya, but amazing for relaxing and listening, since everything is nicely diffused and never close/intimate to your ears.

The Arya aren’t as wide (they’re pretty close, but you’ll likely notice it if you compare them) their presentation is ever so slightly more engaging. Bass is better, but it’s also really nice on the hd800s (just don’t expect the same level of quantity without eq, although I’m satisfied with the warmth as is). The Arya is a bit taller/bigger sounding, but it’s difficult to pick up on after A/Bing them. They’re very similar sounding headphones, but the hd800s are technically better and more resolving overall. They’re also slightly bigger sounding of the two, if soundstage king is the mantra you want to have in your rig. You can’t go wrong with either though


BionicSammich t1_j9d2qy8 wrote

For my daily, I love bass impact/slam. I really want it to kick me in the chest. I haven't quite found that set of headphones yet, although the 109 Pros have a nice kick to them without having too much of a bass shelf. I'm not expecting that sort of bass from the HD800s, but I'd iike to give them a go some day as a complimentary headphone to the rest of my gear.


GregTheTwurkey t1_j9d3o3w wrote

Yeah I love mine, they do literally everything I want them to, except that kick in the chest bass, which for me gets old pretty quickly anyway. Although, my recommendation is just get the hd800s and invest in a butt kicker so you can have both the kick in the ass low end and the headphone. It would be a much better portrayal of bass than the Arya. I think the hd800s’s diffused bass is more realistic. With the butt kicker, it’d be as realistic as it could get with headphones


TheMisterTango t1_j9fdr9t wrote

Haven’t tried many headphones, but of the ones I have tried and own sundara is far and away my favorite. Haven’t touched my starfields in months, only use the 58X for discord calls, and my M50x isn’t even worthy of discussion.


headphones-r-us t1_j9gmfed wrote

I would keep my focal celestee because they sound amazing and are closed backs.


blucsigma05 OP t1_j9kwund wrote

I had to go listen to them again. Also, forgive me as I am terrible with terms and comparing lol. I got the Bathys first to upgrade my Bluetooth experience, but kept researching and went down the wired rabbit hole so once I went wired I don't use them much.

Listening to both, definitely prefer the Z1R to the Bathys. You can listen to the Bathys wired through a usb-c, I initially purchased with that as a plus, but now that I have other wired ones I would never listen to them that way, actually prefer how it sounds BT vs wired. The bathys aren't as comfortable with smaller ear cups(i have bigger ears my ears don't touch the cups but it does touch the actual speaker which is uncomfortable just a little irritating sometimes), and more clamp force, also the Soundstage is much smaller so compared to Z1R some songs sound a little busy if that makes sense just a lot of sounds overlapping. One of the best things I like about the Z1R is how warm and laid back it sounds, Bathys is bright and vocals can feel shouty on some songs just because of how forward the midrange is. Z1R also the sound just sounds fuller to me compared to the focals but that could be the "warmer" part. Bathys have good bass which i like but its a little more punchy vs the Z1R is more rumble which I prefer.

I still prefer my Clear over everything but Z1R are the best-closed back I have heard. Bathys I tried pretty much all the BT options and for me, I think it was the best, you could argue the ML 5909, it was better technically but it wasn't as enjoyable musically for me, felt more analytical to me than for casual listening.