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Owenwijaya89 OP t1_j83g04l wrote

I couldn't bear the hissing noise that I heard between tracks or when listening to classical/lofi music. So I researched for a while and decided to give this product a shot.

I read that the iEMatch is designed to eliminate the white noise that often comes with using a balanced output, and I have to say, it does its job perfectly. After plugging it, the white noise has completely disappeared. I've been using the iFi iEMatch for a few days now, and I've been able to thoroughly enjoy my music without any distractions. The sound quality is crystal clear, and the noise floor is non-existent. I'm happy to say that my investment in the iEMatch was well worth it, and I'm confident that anyone who experiences the same issue will find the same relief that I have.

In conclusion, if you're using the iFi Go Blu portable amplifier and are experiencing white noise when using the balanced output, I highly recommend checking out the iFi iEMatch. It's a small investment that will make a huge difference in your listening experience.


Lvnnyv t1_j83gd72 wrote

doesn't change sound? i've tried 4.4mm 20ohm attenuator and sound has changed bassy


Gr0umpf t1_j83i4kr wrote

Can't this be avoided by going unbalanced? Did you try, and if so, did you hear a difference?


[deleted] t1_j83js6m wrote

Balanced usually only adds power.

I doubt that there is a measurable, let alone audible difference between the two outputs.

Not saying you don't hear a difference, just arguing that it ain't real.


IfTheGloveFits t1_j83k4dp wrote

Sorry OP but all I could think of while reading this was the "they feed us poison so we buy their cures" meme.


johnkz t1_j83noiq wrote

another thing you can try is reversing the connector of the stock vari cable, the image is not too clear so i cant tell if you have the arrow pointing the two bars or not, for me it adds punch to the midbass when i dont align the arrow with the two bars


No_Analysis6187 t1_j83o53q wrote

It changes the sound a lot on some very sensitive IEM. I used them with Zen Dac and EE Zeus XIV (a lot more sensitive than Andromeda), the sound became very bassy and the upper mid that Zeus specializes in becomes way overshadowed by the bass. Kinda funny because normally Zeus XIV barely have any bass lol.


ericrosenfield t1_j83q22x wrote

There’s nothing about balanced design that should sound different. However, individual products, especially on the low end of cost, often put more effort into their balanced output than their SE and consequently the balanced does sound better. It’s an engineering issue. And it’s well known.


FrenchieSmalls t1_j83rd8t wrote

Is this essentially an in-line resistor? If so, it makes sense that the hissing goes down/away since you're effectively lowering the noise floor and therefore increasing the SNR.

The flip side is that this will lower the overall output (not a problem if there's headroom on your amplification) and potentially change the frequency response (lessening the highs). In-line resistors are often used to tame treble peaks.


Karoleq00 t1_j83x8t4 wrote

It might be true based on what op uses, i think go blue uses 2 dacs instead of one on balanced output. And that might do the difference but i don't think it will be very much audible.


Owenwijaya89 OP t1_j83zox6 wrote

I was referring to the first sentence only haha. It is originally made to reduce audible noise floor, controls excessive volume sensitivity, and makes sure that the IEM matches the source impedance, hence the term attenuator. I don't think that this was made with the purpose to tame trable peaks.


vext01 t1_j8417nh wrote

I was curious too. I bought some impedance adapters from Ali express and the certainly do change Freq response.

I'd be interested for someone to do a proper measurement on the iematch.


antdroidx t1_j84azu1 wrote

ifi makes their product hissy so you need to buy their other product to fix the hiss. all speculation of course, but they obviously know how to make the hiss go away but the majority of their products made for iems dont work well for iems.


Fine_Land t1_j84e2jl wrote

I use the iematch but for a different reason. I use it with sensitive headphones with my tube amp. With some sensitive headphones or IEMs I only get a couple of clicks on the volume knob before its too loud and the iematch gives me nearly a third of the volume knob which let's me fine tune my volume much better.


Fine_Land t1_j84fgay wrote

I use the iematch but for a different reason. I use it with sensitive headphones with my tube amp. With some sensitive headphones or IEMs I only get a couple of clicks on the volume knob before its too loud and the iematch gives me nearly a third of the volume knob which let's me fine tune my volume much better.


Muscletov t1_j8539q5 wrote

So ifi sells you a noisy source and you pay them more for a remedy?


dimesian t1_j85dbd9 wrote

Some IEMs hiss to some extent no matter what device you plug them into. I tried some cheap impedance adapters which fixed the hiss, the IEMs also sounded better. I was very surprised at how high it needs to be raised to get to a decent loudness level, with an IEM that is usually very loud at 20% volume it may need to be raised to about 90%. The cheap adapters are very poorly made, both became loose after a few weeks use, the slightest tug of the cable dislodged them and their length makes them a hazard. I have since bought the 3.5mm IEM Match which is a very solid product and is easier to use on the go.


LeEasy t1_j85edrg wrote

The amount of stupidity in OP’s replies is mind-blowing. No wonder snake oils are flourishing lmao. Paying more for a brand to fix their own problem. Huh? Balanced output has way better sound quality than SE. WTF? Lists goes on…….


f3llyn t1_j85j7v0 wrote

Funnily enough, the go blue is also one of the more expensive units compared to the likes of the btr5 and qudelix 5k. In my experience neither of them produce an audible hiss.

It's weird how it's still in the same price range as the btr7.


DukeOfChaos92 t1_j868ifv wrote

OK I gotta say this is some horseshit. I've seen the recommendations for apple dongle all over the place but this is literally the first time I've seen anyone mention that there's different models. Yet you're acting like dadu is incompetent for not somehow knowing this.

I've got to agree with u/dadu1234 here. You've confidently disregarded their experience, told them they're wrong about the product they own, acted like they're an idiot for not knowing the product has multiple versions (which, again, not an obvious thing and not mentioned on the product page).... Smug asshole behavior all around mate


DukeOfChaos92 t1_j86942n wrote

Idk, I think your anger was justified, considering their approach to the whole thing. "Are you sure it's a genuine apple product? The real one has been measured to have an inaudible noise floor" rather than claiming you had a different product and then acting arrogant about the version numbers and shit


dadu1234 t1_j86ajz3 wrote

yes, but i feel it's not worth getting mad at someone in the internet. thank you for understanding, i appreciate it. i agree if the argument wasn't personal, it would make a much better conversation.


ciclicles t1_j86d2bx wrote

Have you heard of r/mechanicalheadpens


dadu1234 t1_j876rpj wrote

from your name i am assuming you're a chindo and as a fellow country man i will say. kalo lw dibilang saya yg jual balanced bikin suara lebih bagus dll. itu semua boong. balanced cuman ngasih power lebih aja soalnya ampli nya terpisah. jangan mau percaya sama maketing kaya gitu.


dadu1234 t1_j87b11u wrote

berarti sebenernya dr post yg lw kasih dan penjelasan nya bukan berarti balanced itu lebih bagus, tapi SE di ifi go blu nya jelek. soalnya kalo emang bagus ya perbedaan antara kedua nya harus nya ga ada kecuali power. di AMP yg bagus ya harus nya ga ada perbedaan si kualitas suara antara dua output ini. tp kalo dijual dengan bilang kalo balanced nya ini bikin suara lebih bagus ya itu dia marketing yg menyesatkan nya. kalo dia bilang SE di unit ini jelek, kan ga ada yg mau beli. berarti suara yg seharus nya di hasilkan oleh unit ini itu di output balanced nya. si SE ini jd cuman jd after thought aja ditaro di situ soalnya 3.5 mm itu termination paling umum. sementara gw pake qudelix 5k dan Fiio K7 gw bisa pastiin kalo dari kualitas suara output SE dan balanced nya ga ada beda nya. gw banyak denger kalo output jack di ifi go blu suka cepet rusak jadi harus hati hati pake nya.


skatistic t1_j87ft1o wrote

I just crank the volume until guitar solos tickle my brain, no more white noise!


Hour_Contact3799 t1_j8b3sgz wrote

Okay this is scary, I was looking for these headphones and somehow Reddit( which have no allowance for AdsID) recommended these post to me the day after.


Scharfschutzen t1_j8dpw0z wrote

What if they keep cost down by eliminating circuitry not everyone needs?


iFiAudio t1_j8dvxdo wrote

This is an excellent solution for sensitive IEMs. I'm glad the power match proved to be a quick fix! Although sometimes these pairings cause unwanted noise, we want to make sure you're enjoying your music at the highest quality without issue.

- Carter