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AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ueuds wrote

So a little background story. I started the hobby at the end of last year with a Fiio K5 pro and the regular Sennheiser HD 660S after selling my AirPods Max which were my first really good quality headphones and started getting me into audio. I listen to music from my iPad on apple music and I was really happy with my 660S.

When I first saw the 660S2 leaks I was happy and sad at the same time because I didn’t plan to upgrade anytime soon but the frequency response comparison shared by sennheiser got me excited for the enhanced bass on the S2.

I picked the 660S on the first place because of the charactersitics of it’s sound signature, it is similar to the AirPods Max which staterted everything so it’s safe to say that I really liked the 660S. First actual reviews came in on the S2 and some said it’s a clear upgrade from the 660S others said it’s a sidegrade and too expensive so let me adress these confusing reviews.

Yes, it is expensive and in my opinion you should wait for a discount if you want to buy them. But, here comes the BUT part that is in my opinion lives too much in the shadow of the pricing. These headphones are amazing. There is no way anyone who tries them says that these sound bad because they’re in a way the most unique sounding headphones in this category.

A few words about the presentation. I don’t miss the big box the 660S comes in, the sack feels premium enough and will never use it ever just like the big box. The design is very much like the sound of these which I’ll get into it in a second, the S2 looks sexier and more different than the 660S and I really like them.

Compared to the 660S what are the most noticable changes regarding sound quality?

I don’t agree with the headphone show guy nor with Joshua Valour. The base response is very much a noticable and significant upgrade from the 660S. It just sounds better simple as that. The easiest way to say this is that I listened to Bad guy by Billie Eilish and the S2 made me enjoy the bass throughout the song while the 660S was definitely lacking in my opinion in this region. The treble and high frequencies however are the changes that can cause the most controversy and I agree in this part with the reviews. It is very different from the 660S, every note is sharper and can feel more unpleasent for people who are really sensitive in this area of sound. The mids have been put in the background by the more bass heavy tuning and the changes at the other side of the curve. It doesn’t mean that the mids are bad, because they’re still beautiful you just have to focus on this area by listening than before. The soundstage is also bigger, not by a crazy amount but enough to notice it immediately.

It is like Mercedes (660S) vs BMW (S2) or the same guy in a suit (660S) vs casual every day clothes (S2). I think the S2 is a more consumer oriented product with this tuning, meaning that more genres of music will sound amazing with these than with the 660S. To say it the most simple way I can it is like Beats or Sony took the 660S and made fine tuning and released the S2. It is a more V shaped 660S without being actually V shaped if that makes sense.

I listen to them while writing these words and these are really playful, less elegant but still beautifully detailed headphones. Everyone who buys these without owning any other expensive headphones will be very very happy how these sound and I do recommend them if you’re willing to spend the money.

If you guys have any questions I’m happy to answear them!


[deleted] t1_j9ugrda wrote

No one argued that the S2 aint better tuned than the S1, I think.

People argue instead that the S2 is a rip off and really bad, compared to the original 600/650.

Also the BMW and merc comparison makes no sense. These are companies that make a wide range of products, different from each other and everything in their own lineup.

An A160 carries the three point star, just like an S class does. Yet you would not compare them.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ui7t7 wrote

By the Merc vs BMW comaprison I was going for the elegancy vs sportiness aspect, otherwise you’re right.

Rip off? If you can afford the product and not unhappy after buying it why would it be a rip off? Sure it’s expensive but you don’t get the same sound from any other 600 series headphones. If you actually like a 6XX or 600 sound signature more than the 660S2, good for you because you don’t have to spend 2x or 3x the money and you’ll be happy. My point was that judging the sound quality by the price of the S2 the way some reviews did is not okay. It would be if they were the same exact headphones just more expensive but that’s not the case.


[deleted] t1_j9ujfxe wrote

Both companies offer sporty as well as luxury vehicles though.

It's a rip off, because the HD 600/650 perform better at half the price.

If they were the same exact headphone at a higher price that would be bad enough. As it stands, it's a WORSE headphone at a higher price.

In a vacuum the S2 is fine, I guess. But in the real world it's pricing is really uncompetitive.

Doesn't mean you can't like it. All it means is that it is very poor value.

Edit: Lmao, as soon as someone does not partake in the circlejerk, the downvotes come in. Ya'll would be right at home in the CCP, they too cannot take criticism ;)


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ukkci wrote

It is a very subjective opinion that the 600/650 is better. I think both the 660S and S2 are better sounding headphones for ME and that’s the important part. I won’t use headphones that are worse by my taste just because they’re cheaper. For me both the 660S and S2 worth every penny. If you or anybody thinks differently that’s okay but telling people that these are a rip off is very misleading at the least.


ServiceServices t1_j9ulake wrote

Nothing wrong with liking a headphone. But, still hard to ignore how overpriced these are. Overpriced meaning they retail higher than people normally would be willing to pay for them, compared to other substitutes like the HD600/HD6XX. I'm no stranger to this, I love the Focal Elegia's and they retailed for $800 at one point. I'd say these are a buy 3 years from now when on sale for $300, but as is you will get more value by buying the 660S and equalizing.


[deleted] t1_j9ulmvg wrote

I don't think it's misleading at all.

They charge nearly double, but for what? Different tuning?

The build is the same, although you get an extra cable.

That must be ONE expensive cable then :)

From where I stand you could just get the HD 600, boost the bass a bit and reduce the treble, using EQ to get the S2 for half the price.

So yea, I think the S2 is daylight robbery.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9ulzoz wrote

I agree that they’re overpriced but spending money on my hobby is not the part of my life where I make the best financially rational decisions. And that’s how it should be IMO, otherwise everyone would just rock a Sundara or 6XX.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9umoef wrote

If you show me where I can EQ, I mean really EQ any headphones on my iPad that would cool. Or should I buy a Mac to use apple music and be able to EQ properly? Then we are talking about 1000$+ of money spending. I see your point but it is not valid in my use case.


maXXXjacker t1_j9unich wrote

I thought I heard them say that the bass and other enhancements was an improvement to the 660S and not necessarily the 600/650 and the S2 isn't really a replacement to either of those headphones or trying to be, it is pretty much its own thing in the 6xx series which targets a different audience.


aless530 t1_j9uobeg wrote

I have to agree with thw OP in saying that the bass is better than even on the 650/6xx, the rumble is smoother, and the bass has better texture (instead of being overly woofy with no sense of detail) without that "veil" sound that some people like to levy against the 6x0 headphones.


[deleted] t1_j9uobq0 wrote

EQ software is free on windows and android. Your fault for choosing a restrictive ecosystem, I guess.

But a quidelix 5k has EQ and doubles as a DAC amp for 120 bucks.

HD 600 + DAC/amp with PEQ still costs less than the S2.



aless530 t1_j9uoiec wrote

Nice review, OP, I have to agree with pretty much everything you had to say. As much as I enjoyed these headphones over any of the other 6x0 headphones, I would still want for a sale or discount of sorts to make it more digestible for folk on here.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j9uri7x wrote

I still wonder how this compares to my 6XX with the coppermod and ZMF pads.


nknotz t1_j9ustl1 wrote

Enjoy your new headphones, friend, and thanks for sharing your thoughts! The Apple music app itself has an equalizer feature but its basic and relatively clunky.


206Red t1_j9uuya5 wrote

How do these compare to the HD 660s after you EQ both?


OppositeStrength t1_j9uvkng wrote

Why are you so comfortable in criticizing him for buying the S2, when it is better than the S1 which you own and I'm guessing paid more than 600/650 money for, when you by your own logic have the worst of the bunch for the second highest price?

I have the HD650, tested the HD660S1 and just received the HD660S2. To me it is a definite upgrade over the 650 as I vastly prefer its clean, clear and detailed sound, I never quite came around to the warmer sound of the 650 and eq didn't solve that. The 600 might have been the best price to performance for me, and I might even go for them still once I sell my 650, but saying he's wrong for enjoying them doesn't make any sense, especially from your standpoint.


OppositeStrength t1_j9uxaek wrote

I'm guessing here as I have never heard the 600, but the 650 and the 660s2.

IMO the bass on the S2 is much more textured, in a dry and less fuzzy way and the subbass extension feels better. The 650 sound more like a relaxed jazz sound. I'm guessing the 600 land somewhere in-between and might have been a very good option for me, bummer, but i still very much prefer the S2 over the 650.

I'm guessing the reviewer's assume that everyone bought the 650 and 600 based on what they preferred and want to say if you prefer the 650, the S2 isn't for you, and if you have the 600 the 660s2 isn't a worthwhile upgrade, but as a (maybe, idk) 600-person stuck with the 650 these sound great to me.


maXXXjacker t1_j9v6dxf wrote

I think the reviewer(s) did lean on the 600 and 650 quite a bit to make comparisons, this was a big question on peoples mind and probably what most are familiar with.

I appreciate the improvements made on the 660S2, at the end of the day it just comes down to being willing to pay for these improvements at launch and this becomes hard when the current lineup is basically half the price for what might already be one persons perfection.


ThUwUsi t1_j9va1x0 wrote

V-shaped tunes 660S seem kinda oxymoronic when the appeal of the 660S is the de-emphasis on the lower end in favour of vocal clarity and prominence. haven’t looked at the graphs but from what you describe it sounds like they just kinda inverted the FR.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_j9vd9w9 wrote

It depends. I would say it's only worth it if you remove the stock foam, then you can truly tweak these headphones to different sound profiles, from very flat to super bassy, probably even more than EQ could (but I'm not 100% sure about that, maybe EQ won't distort if you tweak it in the same way how some foams affect these headphones).

I personally like it without foam, but because I'm worried of getting dust into my 6XX I added stretched pieces of nylon between the housing and the copper rings, basically a dust protector that doesn't influence sound.

With some inserts you get a close to stock 6XX, with others you get a very different experience. Dense foams give you super flat and analytical sound, really not what I prefer. Anything with holes in it or lower density is pretty nice.

So if it's worth it is up to you. It's fun to mess around with it, but a stock 6XX is just blissful so it's not like you're missing out. If you like bass, it's worth it. Watch the YouTube video from custom cans to get the measurements I'd say and then decide.


Smugsie t1_j9viw3h wrote

Joshua made a later comparison video against the Meze 109's that the Sennheisers had better timbre and vocal body. While the Meze 109's had better detail highlights and fun sound signature... etc etc

For anyone reading this I highly recommend watching the full review.

Anyways, can't wait for a price drop for everyone looking into the S2's. Nothing like a headphone that becomes more accessible for everyone else and hearing good reviews on a headphone you've been enjoying for a long time :)

Also regarding EQ'ing the 660S's, I might give it another go, but basically the gist of it was to give the 660S the Oratory1990 treatment and then modifying the treble to sound more accurate. The Oratory1990 makes the 660S sound grainy and worse than the original sound. Halfway into listening the S2 as a reference I just sat there and got carried away with the music lol


Flip80 t1_j9vjsps wrote

Gimme the loot! Gimme the loot!


Due-Bathroom3830 t1_j9vmzia wrote

“The mids have been put in the background” that’s doesn’t sound good


stargazer63 t1_j9vo0tc wrote

Given how thoroughly you reviewed the headphones, I would love to hear your review of the amp. I am assuming that’s a Fiio. Would you mind?


D00M98 t1_j9vtkxr wrote

I cannot comment on S2, since I haven't heard it.

However, Beats and Sony (consumer grade) headphones do not have good reputation and are not known as good match for audiophile sound. So associating S2 with Beats and Sony is not a compliment.


aless530 t1_j9w3i4z wrote

But the 660s has the worst sub bass response of any of the 6x0 series... How can it be preferred for professional work over the s2, 600, or 650? I can understand the preference for the tame treble. Personally, I find the s2's treble to be much clearer, but I can still understand why some people say it fits the 660s's sound better.


CrowVsWade t1_j9w52fr wrote

That's a wildly broad statement, at least on Sony. Some of their higher end products are quite good. They may not be trendy in a sub like this, but to write anything off because it's branded Sony is revealing, and not of an honest appraisal of headphones, unless a user's experience level only hits mass market <$300 models.


SagHor1 t1_j9w80vy wrote

OP some people are downvoting you on some comments but I Appreciate the review!

Alot of modern music incorporates the 808 so sub bass is important. I like the description of the Beats headphone but with the senheiser sound quality.


crod242 t1_j9wlbwy wrote

> HD600's warmth and relaxed vocals (the mids being farther back, as you said)

What? The 600 has the most forward mids and least warmth of any 6x0 except for maybe some versions of the 580.


doublequote t1_j9wmdp3 wrote

Thanks for your honest opinion. I enjoyed the read. Sorry for the angst you got for just telling us your thoughts.


oppiehat t1_j9wnk75 wrote

I dont know why anyway would waste their money on these after the poor reviews, rewarding sennheiser for lack of innovation


headphones-ModTeam t1_j9wv1de wrote

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>Rule 1: Be most excellent towards your fellow redditors > > And by "be most excellent" we mean no personal attacks, threats, bullying, trolling, baiting, flaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, or other behavior that makes humanity look like scum.

But they're wrong!

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Sel2g5 t1_j9wzmzr wrote

Senns 6 with recessed mids? Ultra high price? If anything, they should be improving the 600 classics.


hurtyewh t1_j9x93lu wrote

From what I've gathered if you EQ these they add nothing but price and most reviewers at least prefer HD600/HD660 over these with 660s being a distant fourth.


Amaakaams t1_j9xbbsu wrote

To me this an obvious value move by Senn. Lets look at the HD660S, It's the same build but with a more expensive driver, using the one from the HD700. Besides being a more expensive driver but after the HD700 got discontinued, and it was still poor seller when it was available, its only the HD660s using it (with the HD800 and its kin using a different driver based on the ideas of the HD700). The $500 it originally sold for made sense. It was more expensive to produce even if a majority of the build was similar. But its still been the poorer seller and now is available at HD600 cost for the most part.

The HD660s2. It's in a family of $200-$300 headphones. It's using a recently reworked version of the typical HD600 family driver. So while there is some R&D to recoup. Its basically a HD600 tuned to be sound like a HD660s, with a bit more bass (compared to the S1).

If it was a full on replacement for the 660s and priced at the current going rate of the 660s or lets say a slight premium like $350. It might be a decent selection. A 660s with more HD600 characteristics (like the veil) and resolution. But at $600, you got 98% of sound with a $200-220 HD6XX, or you get a similar tune but with better resolution out of a $280-$300 HD660s. There is a debate of whether its general quality alone would in theory for a person looking for exactly it would be worth paying $600 for. But as a member of the HD6** family. It is an absolutely poor fit. The 660s has value for being a similar tune with a more proficient driver at half the cost and the rest for being so similar in drivers that the only major difference is tune and them being between half and a third of the cost.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9xbey1 wrote

I don’t understand the downvotes on my comment because it is how it feels like and I didn’t mean it in a bad way. As I said in my longer “review” the S2 feels like the most consumer oriented tuning of the whole 600 lineup at least to me and for people who listen to a wide variety of music like me it’s actually better than the others in this lineup. However for instrumental, acoustic, vocal focused very mid heavy songs I would pick the 660S over the S2 although any song with a slight bass will sound enjoyable on the S2 and this is what I meant by saying Sony/Beats tuning.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9xd160 wrote

Well if you don’t like her music just replace bad guy with another bass heavy fun song you like it’s simple as that. As the other comments say the production quality on her song is very good and I really recommend listening to her brother Finneas’s album called Optimist. One of the best produced albums in todays music IMO.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9xdpna wrote

Appreciate the comment! A lot of people hate on the S2 because of the price tag. I can’t wait for a big discount so they can put the price aside and focus on purely sound quality. I find it funny that a lot of people are being very sensitive about price in this hobby and at the same time owning at least 2-300$ worth of headphones which are insanely expensive from a non audiophile standpoint.


pathos12 t1_j9xel2x wrote

To many people overlook EQ and never realize what it brings to the table. The only thing I don't have to EQ is my JBL 305s, aside from that, I run EQ on my DT990s and LCD2Cs. EQ 9/10 wakes up every headphone to what it should be.

Edit: never listened to 660/6xx, etc never been a big fan of the Sennheiser hype I guess.


AdAlternative9011 OP t1_j9xf2ye wrote

Well yes it’s a K5 pro. I’ve never had an amp before so I can’t really compare them to others but they look nice, the knob turns very satisfyingly and it’s able to run pretty much every headphone so I can recommend it for sure.


Lower_Crazy_7963 t1_j9xxwq5 wrote

What is your impression about these headphones ? Does he have a good sound ?


HiFiveBro t1_ja011bf wrote

After about half an hour of testing, I think I prefer the 660s over the 660s2.
I got my 660s for $300. These I obviously paid full price.
They are a fun headphone and I like the changes, but overall I prefer the 660s and they'll still be my daily go-to. The 660s's sound like you're on the front of the stage, and the 660s2's sound like you're in the middle of the stage. It sounds less wide, and overall sounds v-shaped right out of the box.


Amaakaams t1_ja0mryb wrote

Mostly their references. They didn't talk about a new driver design, they talk about changes to the voice coil and a few tone changes. So older driver. Then it's the change to a resistance matching the rest of 600 series. It might not be a retune of the exact driver in the rest of the lineup, but it's still f that lineage and therefore most of the dev cost has been long paid for.


mkfra t1_ja15rkv wrote

My two pence:

I got my pair of 660S2 today and I’m not going to beat around the bush: they’re absolutely mindblowing.

I got the Meze 109 Pro’s in December, and my other over-ears are Focal Clear OG’s, Senny HD 560’s, Focal Bathys and AKG K371’s.

I’ve owned HifiMans ranging from Sundaras to Aryas and I’ve owned a pair of HD 650’s and the original pair of HD 660’s. I also have a small obsession with really nice IEMs that I won’t go into here.

But, basically, I’m here to say this: forget the talk from YouTubers (et al) about this being an incremental improvement on the previous 660’s and a different but equal flavour of the 600 series. These headphones, to my ears, fight in a different weight class.

I adore my Meze 109 Pro’s, but I can tell you immediately today after just a few hours of listening that the 660S2 are going to be on my head way more in 2023.

Others will disagree, and I totally get that. But to me, the 660S2 are everything good and great about the 600 series amalgamated into a single headphone. They punch, the midrange is great, they’re analytical like a pair of 600’s but warm like 650’s, 6xx or 660’s, the treble is just right, etc etc

I don’t know if this comment is meaningful or not, but I’ll finish on this point tonight: I’m a big EQer of headphones. This is the first pair I’ve had in years that I’ve been unable to improve via EQ. I keep just going back to stock tuning.

I really feel like (most of the) reviewers (we all watch) have misrepresented the quality of these cans.

I can understand that the price is difficult for a lot of people to swallow, but - in a vacuum - this is easily a $500 pair of headphones compared to others competing in the same range, and in fact I’d say that these are a match for almost anything under £1000.

They play in the same ballpark as my Focal Clear OG’s (and in some cases better them) as opposed to something like the Edition XS or Ananda. And I say that as a HUGE planar fan and fan of those two headphones as well.

If you can wait until the S2’s come down in price, all power to you. But will I ever regret selling my old HD660’s and a few other things so I could spend the money on these? No chance.

So far, I find them captivating in a way that has been very rare in my audiophile journey so far.

If I had to name one thing that leaves me feeling sore about the S2’s, it’s definitely the packaging. Come on, Sennheiser… These are headphones that merit so much more than a little pouch for transport.


StanKukin t1_ja35dd5 wrote

Omg. Same old story “a huge upgrade”, “punches way above its weight”, “in a league of its own” etc etc. a new option in the 600 series. Yes, it costs a little more as Sennheiser is a business after all. Give it some time and the price will either settle down or the sales will become more frequent. The sound better be different than others in the 600 series and even the 660S or why would you be buying these. Just grab some of the music you like and audition these, and if you like them - pull the trigger, if not - there’s plenty of fish in the sea. There’s no end game single set of cans and there’s no single set that does it all. Enjoy the music and happy listening.

PS: and please try to explain the sound with music examples and how it sounds to you. How instruments and sounds are pictured in your mind. Stop using “mids” “highs” and “lows”….


aafnp t1_ja3hprv wrote

I agree. I think the high price has people on the anti-hype train.

I got my pair this week and have listened to a handful of albums with them. I find that they are the perfect contrast to the HD800S in my collection. They're just fun and detailed, without sounding dark, veiled, or mid-starved. Similarly, I usually EQ things, but I've been enjoying these default.

I would say they do need a reasonably beefy amp. I tried them direct from my universal interface and through ifi go blu, and they both sounded thin and empty. Ifi black micro sounds fantastic though.


iv597 t1_ja5w48w wrote

Man, I used to be like the parent comment here. I used to be like, "oooohhhh radio pop, she must be bad lololololol look at me, macho manly, hating on a pop musician"

She's got a good voice and her brother wins production awards for a reason. She might not be everyone's cup of tea for daily listening (though I certainly came around), but for headphone testing, all three of her albums make solid cases to be in a review rotation (and indeed, I've read plenty of other reviews that include her music, either for production reasons, or because it's popular and common).