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noob-phile OP t1_ja2i43e wrote

This my little collection 2 planars and 2 dynamic. The hifiman 400se I received them yesterday. First openback planars. Detail is good soundstage is also brilliant imaging can get blurred on some busy tracks. But my biggest disappointment is lack of power these are not power hungry and they can't take much power either. The rest of my lineup are better with power

Update finally found the sweet spot with the eq. They were a little more tricky than am used to but I got there. Thx to reddit I am so happy with these. I can hand on my heart say I've never drums like I heard on these wow just wow the detail and clarity is ridiculous for this price . And the bass Is sweet you can hear notes in the bass, that was unexpected. And they are so damn light. The cable is heavy but am not complaining since i know which cable I could've ended up with πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. All in all great start to the year


caipirina t1_ja2kwxq wrote

And down the rabbit hole you go … ;) enjoy the ride!


csch1992 t1_ja2uf6z wrote

Now leave the subreddit for good so you dont get affcted by the others 🀣


csch1992 t1_ja2xudc wrote

Haha just be happy what you have now. And save the money on maybe a sweet looking dac/amp to complete your setup. I wouldnt waste any more on new headphones i am satisfyed with my sundaras


noob-phile OP t1_ja2ycjo wrote

I'll take my sweet time but I really like having multiple headphones they are so different. Once I get I really good pair as a cherry ill prolly keep my collection fit years am not planning to just buy everything as you can see this collection was educational for me. Now I have experienced a wide variety of sounds for cheap to find where my taste lies before I really splurge on my endgame set up. And this set up goes to my son for him to learn on


GoldElectric t1_ja34ttp wrote

im not earning my own money right now so i dont have the best gear. i just got my 7hz zero and it's my first iem. ive only got that and a m40x rn but i hope to grow my collection


Cyberspace242 t1_ja3f7hf wrote

The Hip Dac is one phenomenal piece of kit. It takes my iems to new levels. Just an amazing piece of technology.

Of course Hifiman is awesome. Enjoy!


Funny_Newspaper_377 t1_ja3s4ww wrote

How much can you differentiate between a planar magnetic driver and a neodymium driver just by listening? Like what exactly is different?

Btw, cool collection!


grumpyswan978 t1_ja3z4yj wrote

The 400se is great but it needs power if it doesnt get enoguh power it doesnt sound great same with alot of planars


NicTheCapsicum t1_ja4495g wrote

I love the orange ATs! Are they first party or are they a custom job?


AlternativeClothes43 t1_ja4idhi wrote

Try oratory’s eq and turn on the bass boost on hip dac, the bass sounds legendary on these.


justausername99 t1_ja4s68f wrote

What do you mean by lack of power?? The he400se doesn't need much power and sounds great with even a modest amp.

>lack of power these are not power hungry and they can't take much power either.

This sentence is literally incomprehensible. They don't need much power yet can't take much power? What are you talking about?


KingCole104 t1_ja525cu wrote

Orange AT-s look great with the orange hip DAC. Good little fashion-fi right there!


Chok3U t1_ja5h24j wrote

I might have to get me a pair. I don't have an amp/dac though. So that's an added expense.


Archdevil107 t1_ja5sjdd wrote

Hi there, He400se can play well without Hip Dac2? I think i will buy He400 because of his soundstage, but my dac is Fiio Q3 MQA. Thanks


hatlad43 t1_ja6mc5e wrote

Hello fellow 400se & M50x enjoyer