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SmartOpinion69 t1_jcht04k wrote

maybe AI can automatically EQ that trash tier headphone into something decent


leebo462 t1_jchwjo6 wrote

Hopefully it can tell the dude in the picture that his headphones are on backwards


gonomon t1_jci35jv wrote

It would be amazing if focal filmed an ad titled "what you can do with Utopia?" and tells that you can write GPT-4 using them :P


nopunterino t1_jci9k4u wrote



Redracerb18 t1_jcil2ym wrote

The best thing I want AI to do in music is to be able to automatically assign audio channels to old records. Give me retroactive channel mapping


overlander_1 t1_jcj2750 wrote

In defence of people using these particular headphones, the marking is pretty small, pretty easy to miss on the bottom of the ear cup next to the plug, that you kinda have to get the right angle to light on to see.... sooo i'll give them a pass on this one.


MDmoneydog t1_jcjix3w wrote

you can see by the logo that the headphones are on the right way...


XTornado t1_jcjvbko wrote

I like to think that his connector is on the right and he switched by software the side to have a less bothering cable or he find the more confortable this way and that all is fine.


genghisjohnm t1_jcmi1nm wrote

Typing on a laptop keyboard instead of the mechanical keyboard right behind it. Resting his forearms against the edge of the desk. Headphones backwards. Monitors way too high. Desk way too high unless there is a keyboard tray? Cable management is a mess.

This is made by an AI maliciously trying to convince humans of a horrible ergonomic situation.


Redracerb18 t1_jcs8wed wrote

Personally I haven't looked into them specifically.

What I was talking about was a lot bigger.

So most audio files either have stereo or mono sound mixing. Either left or right channels or just the same sound on both ears. Perfect example of channel mapping and sound stage is Earth Wind and Fire's September where you can hear the bongo man in the far front right speaker. Or Frank Zappa's Album Apostrophe where you can hear Frank move around the room. Or even Steely Dan where every song is almost perfect. For a good long time you where dealing with mono sound on vinyl. While you had the ability to play stereo most song where recorded for just one speaker, your Center Channel. What I want is to be able to play would song through an AI that will then automatically assign vocal arrangements and tones to either the left or right channels respectively. If the drummer is on the right I want to hear the drummer in the right speaker. Or in a duet where you have two people on one mic I want to have each person's voice on each respected side.

That's the theory, in practice you have to analyze every tonal shift over every note of the song. Assign a channel to that instrument then repeat for every other instrument until you get a file where every instrument plays independently. Then be able to combine selective channels to several primary channels life your front, your left, you're right, both forward and back mapping respectively. For every instrument it get more complicated.

Most bands have a standard arrangement where the drummer is on the back, vocals are in the center front. Bass can be on either left or right. Don't forget the piano which could also be center stage depending on the artist or in the back right. It's easier with multiple microphones where you can already have different audio channels but when you start talking about only one mic like the "Wall of Sound", it gets more complicated.

The Advantage to AI is that it learns how to do this over time. It would get fed more data for more songs and over time you would have older songs be rerun through the AI that could improve them even further. I know I am in essence talking about a massive shift in mastering recordings. I know that I could be talking about completely overwriting an artist original Vision for a song. This would be an AI that would completely shift the music industry into either adopting better sound stage or it would become a massive issue with copywriting works and IP ownership. I'm not sure at what point this is transformation of the art or just plagiarism. All I know is that this would be one of the biggest changes to music in world history, possibly more then recorded audio in the first place.


Playeddit t1_jd3zaf9 wrote

If you still can’t tell left and right, no AI can fix that.


NoobBrawler0211 t1_jedld9q wrote

Gotta fix the posture and headphones are on backwards. First thing I noticed.