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StainedGlassBlue t1_jecl51z wrote

If you want better sound quality, you might want to consider sony linkbuds. They’re generally have much better sound quality than any bone conduction headset. The fit is a hit or a miss unfortunately, especially for people with small ears. Also I had issues with the battery after a year. For some reason the earpieces constantly drains the case. I read that there was a patch for it recently but I guess it’s already too late for my unit.


divinewrite OP t1_jeclk5k wrote

Yeah I seriously considered these a while back, but decided against them because fit is always my biggest issue with buds. My Sony buds have great sound and ANC, and I find them comfortable enough for a 3 hour ride, but they slip in sweat and the seal breaks, and about half way through the left bud stutters then stops, again because of sweat, I believe.