Submitted by kooltogo t3_yav19j in headphones
kooltogo OP t1_itd1lgz wrote
So I guess I have a ZMF headphone or two. Verite Closed is still my favorite. The green color is much more vibrant in person.
The Atrium is a great addition, it sound more laid back than the Verite to my ears. It is also surprisingly light, I didn’t have any issues wearing it for long periods of time.
I think the Verite Open looks nicest.
LTHardcase t1_itd6nm2 wrote
What's that headphone stand the Atticus is on there in the back?
kooltogo OP t1_itd76hr wrote
LTHardcase t1_itd865w wrote
Bookmarked, thanks. So given your flagships is the Atticus just window dressing these days? Before I got mine I honestly didn't think a closed back could have the SQ to warrant a $1,000 or higher price but I took the plunge anyway, and it proved me wrong.
I don't really have the temptation to upgrade and couldn't afford to if I did, but I do now wonder how good the closed back can get. So does the Atticus do anything the higher tier models don't?
kooltogo OP t1_itd9pd9 wrote
It’s been a while since I listened to an atticus lol, I just got this in a trade so I’ll let you know when I give it a listen
LifeAspect t1_itdn19n wrote
surprisingly light....cries in cocobolo wood
nice collection tho!
Gubernaculum69-420 t1_ite8vap wrote
How would you compare your Utopia and Susvara to the VCs? I've been interested in those 2, especially the planar. I don't think I'll ever need any other dynamic after I got used to and subsequently hooked to the ZMF sound. What gets the most head time?
fightorflighting t1_itebgxe wrote
One question. Are you single? My wife would murder me if I owned this many ZMFs.
kooltogo OP t1_itebotq wrote
My 2022 Utopia is still in the mail so I’ll give my thoughts on the OG Utopia. Susvara is top tier, does everything right. Utopia is the most dynamic and has the best bass. VC is the best tuned (I like warm headphones).
kooltogo OP t1_itebrw7 wrote
mjstealey t1_iteodjr wrote
If I'm recalling correctly you have also been very active in all things ZMF over at avexchange!
After a couple of years of climbing the headphone ladder I'm finally dipping my toes into the ZMF pool and have a new-to-me Aeolus on the way. Very much looking forward to the experience and simultaneously fearing the potential impact on my future wallet...
Absolutely beautiful collection by the way :-)
kooltogo OP t1_iteoixd wrote
Thanks! Part of me wants to get an Auteur, Aeolus, and Eikon to complete the cycle, but I’m kinda lazy lol
mjstealey t1_itepwo6 wrote
If there's any completionist tendencies lurking around inside of you then I sense you'll find yourself getting there, LOL
All part of what makes this hobby wonderful!
Jayden92 t1_itfc9iv wrote
Holy crap your signature + all these ZMFs. Insane collection mate!
Gaming_Sushii t1_itg3ka6 wrote
Challenge, name all the zmf headphones according to their launch date.
ziie t1_itgsexb wrote
My Aeolus came in this past Thursday and I ordered them 6 weeks ago yesterday. You may be waiting a little longer, but trust me, it's worth the wait. They sound fantastic and make the to listen to. Not sure how else to describe it.
gasman53 t1_itnesj8 wrote
I am jealous kool! great stable of cans!
Ervh t1_iu8hi7z wrote
Very nice collection! If you don't mind I have some questions that would be cool to hear about! If you were two choose one too keep which would it be and for what reason? If you were to choose two to keep which two would you choose and how would they complement eachother? Is there any specific use cases you use each headphone for like genres, music production etc, if so what do you use each headphone for and whst do you think suits them best?
[deleted] t1_itd16iy wrote