Left my Xm5's overnight on a box of TicTacs, woke up to this permanently printed on them. I hate TicTac :(
Submitted by DwelfGG_ t3_yhgicd in headphones
Hah, that's a funny one.
I'd just live with it, they're travel headphones anyway right? Bound to get a bit of wear and tear over time.
IKR, but stuff like this bother me so much. I'm such a perfectionist that every little scratch bothers me. Guess this might be smth to force me to work this annoying quality of mine out 😭
Wabi-sabi there is beauty in imperfection
True, I bought a fancy watch and 2 days later scratched it. Was a painful week but after another week I noticed another fine scratch and then I realised I'm just enjoying it and using it as it should be and now it's no longer 'perfect' I don't need to worry about other minor marks, just enjoy it - it's mine, I don't have to return it - once I got over that it was bliss.
Also I dropped my XM2 headphones couple years back in my second week of ownership, 2 minor scuffs to the outer of the headphone which are noticeable, again - after that I felt bliss that I could now use them without worrying aha.
You got this, enjoy the brilliant ANC and relax in public transport with the knowledge your ears will be more comfortable than 90-100% of fellow passengers ;)
This is so me hahah. I remember getting the s21 ultra and feeling so bad about those minor scratches, the micro ones - now, after like an year of ownership and I don't gjve a single flip. I have 3 deeper scratches and it's kinda whatever. I think i really need to work on simply enjoying stuff and not worry as much. Warranty is there for a reason. If someone does break, the brand should have my back (if it falls under warranty that is)
Thanks 😊❤️
Exactly! No worries, enjoy 😊
Curious about the watch you got that got scratched. Almost all expensive watches have sapphire crystal glass so it’s incredibly tough to scratch it. Or was it the bracelet? Depending on the colour and metal it’s possible to buff or polish the scratch out if it’s not a deep scratch
Wasn't the crystal or bezel, just the steel 👍
I was about to recommend a sapphire crystal for his next watch. I've had mine for over a decade and it's still scratch-free.
Almost all watches above low end should have sapphire crystal faces. It’s become a lot more common place and it’s much better for the Watch community. I used to sell watches and I found it’s more about teaching people that sapphire is even an option and why it’s worth it to save another $100-200 in the long run. My faces are fine after all this time, even when my bracelets are not
Dude, you have an OCD.
If you are such a perfectionist why did you make the mistake to buy them in white? No matter what you do, you can't keep them clean.
They just turn yellow on their own over time anyways
Or take it out of the box.
Nothing you use can stay perfect forever. You have to learn to get over it
Almost for certain some strong rubbing alcohol will clear this up. Or silly putty.
Came here to say this. But careful, the pleather will absorb stuff (oils from plasticine or putty, or alcohol itself) & the white coloring may be subject to marking or staining for the same reason.
Probably the safest is let it wear off.
As a curious art conservator however I'd first find what dissolves/removes the ink using Tic tac packets as my guinea pigs, and only then see if the same stuff works on the headphones (do safety tests first on an invisible part of the band)
Standard operating procedure: leave testing on the object itself to the last phase if possible.
They come with a case, no?
I have the XM4s and anytime they're not on my head, they're in their case. No stains or scratches as a result.
Put some IPA on cotton and rub it off.
then why did you leave then like that in the first place?
I was really sleepy, was listening to asmr and I was ready to snooze so I took them off, put them aside and immediately went to sleep mode. Sadly, I didn't see the box, nor would I ever think that's a possible outcome 😔
actions speak louder than words mate
True that. I'm still struggling with 'new products' anxiety. Everytime I get something new I worry as if it's alive. I really am trying to work on that 😊
yeah i'd like nice stuff but i grew up poor, moved a lot and have 3 sisters
and i'm absent minded (which ain't great)
so even though i like things in top condition i don't really care. that said, i rarely buy anything actually worthy of keeping nice either so. c'est la vie
Uh, I feel ya completely. I'm very lucky to be able to afford such items, that'd why I worry so much, cause I know the absence of them :( Stay strong buddy ❤️
As long as it still functions as intended it doesn’t really make a difference.
THIS. I'm working on being okay with little stuff that don't even impact the performance of the device. This is one of them. Thanks.
Good luck! One thing I always try to remind myself is not to stress over things that are out of my control. I find that helps.
Probably comes off with isopropyl alcohol but so might the colour
You hate tictacs? How is this not your fault?
Now I do hahaha, also not to mention the bad aftertaste, so yeah, now I really do :)
it's just the pads at least...they will be replaced eventually
Have this problem too but with my laptop. Can't seem to get rid of this but after all it will get some wear anyway, and if it does it's job just as good as when I got it that's really all that matters
Some good ol' forced exposure therapy
I used to be that way and then I had kids... now things like that mark just glance off my ego.
Idk bruh that print is fire
Can't you change the ear pads?
I had the same issue with my nc700 and some ballpen ink… i tried to fix it with tape and some alkohol… both were stupid ideas and ruined the cushion to the point were some of the surface dissolved itself, while the ink faded just from wearing it within a few weeks. Just relax, dont do anything stupid to them and if it doesnt fade you still can replace the cushions:)
It’s customized now haha.
Why buy white if you're a perfectionist? Lol
Black ones are notorious for showing a LOT of fingerprints and grease. Also, I am always going with black so this time I wanted something different. Otherwise. You're a 100 percent right 😭
Ahh okay fair enough. Yeah I have the black pair for the xm4s and they're a bit of a fingerprint magnet
That is not a flaw, it's "patina".
The fun will really begin when it transfers to your face!
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