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DwelfGG_ OP t1_iuf752v wrote

True that. I'm still struggling with 'new products' anxiety. Everytime I get something new I worry as if it's alive. I really am trying to work on that 😊


thirdtimesthecharm66 t1_iuffv8q wrote

yeah i'd like nice stuff but i grew up poor, moved a lot and have 3 sisters

and i'm absent minded (which ain't great)

so even though i like things in top condition i don't really care. that said, i rarely buy anything actually worthy of keeping nice either so. c'est la vie


DwelfGG_ OP t1_iufrliq wrote

Uh, I feel ya completely. I'm very lucky to be able to afford such items, that'd why I worry so much, cause I know the absence of them :( Stay strong buddy ❤️