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[deleted] t1_iu4ju3i wrote



listener-reviews t1_iu4klcl wrote

Any headphone will be passable/good with EQ provided you know how to EQ. I don't think we can expect readers to do that.


[deleted] t1_iu4lq0t wrote



listener-reviews t1_iu4mlmo wrote

Most competently designed over ear headphones have low enough THD not to be a problem.


[deleted] t1_iu4ncnb wrote



listener-reviews t1_iu4npj5 wrote

560S hits around 2%THD at 20Hz at listening volumes iirc. 6x0 is higher for sure but, to be clear, are you claiming you can hear 5% bass THD? Would love to test that theory.

The headphones that tend to have problematic distortion in the higher octaves are (funnily enough) usually planar magnetic headphones.