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Miller_TM t1_its7mo0 wrote

Well there are better IEMs, but I don't see the benefit of going higher if it means me noticing poor mastering in songs and games.

Get Spinfit CP155 tips, the stock ones are stiff, might as well be plastic.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_ittu7io wrote

I have some Moondrop springtips and will just pray that they fit lol.. If not then I will have to get different ones.


Miller_TM t1_ittv5cv wrote

They do fit, however they don't go deep enough for a secure fit in my case.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_ittvpg6 wrote

I hope they work for me, we will see :) definitely curious if a 50€ IEM can change my mind about IEMs because I'm more of a headphone person.


Miller_TM t1_ittwijq wrote

If you're into the soundstage of headphones, probably not. The imaging is good enough for competitive games.

But sometimes if you just want to isolate from noises around you it's great.

The bass with the dedicated subwoofer is way louder than the graphs would suggest, but that's a good thing, it doesn't bleed anywhere.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_ittxoc9 wrote

I'm not into soundstage all that much, I adore my HD6XX and dislike HD800's lol. So I'm pretty open minded to experience what they have to offer.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_itu7t9r wrote

Little update: tested them with all well fitting tips and I gotta say they are not for me.. And I like Harman. The subwoofer ruins songs where it doesn't belong imo. Like listen to electronic music with them, great, the subwoofer slaps, but do it with acoustic music or songs where realistic bass is required and it's terribly overexaggerated.

So idk, a one trick pony is what these are I would say. I will return them because I own more neutral galaxy buds pro, but it was fun trying them out.


Miller_TM t1_itu9ukl wrote

What eartips are you using? Some do exaggerate the bass.

How did you get them so fast? It took me a month to get them shipped to my mailbox 😅


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_ituazr3 wrote

Amazon prime lol.. I used spring tips and also tried everything that fit that came with them.. The subwoofer was always too strong for me, but only with music where I didn't need it.

But take that with a grain of salt, I have the HD6XX, their bass is fairly light so I'm used to that. Like some songs slapped just too hard. An example would be the acoustic version of Hotel California from the album hell freezes over, there is a drum in the beginning and with the zeros it slaps way above how it should be.

The zeros shine a lot when they can play out their strengths but when they are not needed then it's not enjoyable for me, that's why I will return them.


Miller_TM t1_itub3c2 wrote

Fair enough, I feel like something like the ER2SEs would be the ones you would enjoy, very little bass compared to most IEMs.


PutPineappleOnPizza t1_itudpik wrote

Yeah probably, but I think I will pass on getting more for now. Maybe something higher end one day, but only out of curiosity because I think I'm more of a headphone person :)