Submitted by 4xTB t3_yent6k in headphones
4xTB OP t1_itz2dz2 wrote
So far they sound great and are a big upgrade in terms of resolution compared to the DT770s that I was using before. While it has less bass than the Beyers the quality and detail works really well with the other parts of the music, and EDM which is the main genre I listen to sounds exceptional with these and I have no doubt it will be the same for every other genre. So far I am running them with my Fiio E10K that I was also using previously so I’m definitely interested in getting a good upgrade to unlock the full potential of the Clears and to be able to use one of the two beautiful 3m cables, although have no real idea what I should get or how much I should spend, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.
IAmAgainst t1_itz6hhm wrote
Did you equalize them? My HD560S sound much better, with a lot more bass, when equalized with Oratory1990's suggested filters. Also, I used the fiio e10k for around six years until I recently replaced it with the SMSL C200. Sounds a little bit better but it's infinitely more versatile.
matthew_phoenix t1_itz7zoo wrote
which ones are these?
vkare t1_itzd3gx wrote
Focal Clear
Tanachip t1_itzei3c wrote
I also bought the og Clear earlier this year. I don't think you will hear any noticeable improvement by upgrading the fiio e10k. Just keep using that and enjoy your new purchase! Just for reference, I run my Clear through Topping DX3 Pro+, and I really can't tell a difference between that and an Apple Dongle connected directly to my iPhone (other than having the headroom to go louder). If the e10k is transparent, it will be fine with the Clear. I think a better buy is an IEM for travel/office use.
lexicalsatire t1_itzqo3f wrote
Upgrade-itis is a slippery slope.
Sullykp13 t1_iu05sid wrote
I made the same upgrade this week! Not an edm guy but like just about everything else
blargh4 t1_iu069pl wrote
the biggest upgrade you can make to any pair of headphones is being able to use a parametric equalizer (if you happen to mainly listen on a pc, this upgrade is as easy and free as installing equalizerAPO).
testurshit t1_iu0fxiw wrote
My LCD-X gives me a dirty look every time I do my daily Focal Clear search on haha.
It's only a matter of time for me.
jumboshrimp93 t1_iu0vqog wrote
I’ve been seeing a lot of Clear posts this week. I won’t complain.
4xTB OP t1_iu0yri3 wrote
I might have to check it out, never done any eq before.
4xTB OP t1_iu0zdag wrote
Yeah don’t worry I know I’m lying to myself 😭
Raptor_Jesus_Hombre t1_iu10gbp wrote
Cayin HA-3A 😏
4xTB OP t1_iu10vpo wrote
I dunno man I think it may but a little bit out of budget… lol
4xTB OP t1_iu116us wrote
In that case do you reckon I should buy something on the more affordable side that outputs in 1/4 inch or XLR so I can use one of the two cables? Is it worth getting something that outputs in XLR for balanced audio or is it just not worth it.
yolo87644 t1_iu12fwd wrote
the focal clear was my "end game" 4 years ago. I wish op the best and hope this is his last headphone
Raptor_Jesus_Hombre t1_iu158no wrote
I gotchu, Rebel Audio Rebel amp
Tanachip t1_iu1al42 wrote
No, I don't think it's worth it. There is no difference between balanced and 1/4 inch through an adapter. Also, I doubt there's an audible difference even using a true balanced amp. I'm telling you man, your money is better spent on an IEM...
4xTB OP t1_iu1soz7 wrote
Is it really that much better? Or just slightly lol.
Nebula918 t1_iu1tp6n wrote
I had both for a while and for me the Utopia still amazes me whenever I listen to it. If I had to say, the difference between the clear and utopia is bigger than the difference between 6xx and clear. That being said, the clear was fantastic and I would’ve been satisfied with it had I not got curious and tried TOTL headphones
unuselessness t1_iu2i3pi wrote
Now get a decent cable in place of those turdy vacuum cleaner power cords.
4xTB OP t1_iu2sq4s wrote
jbhatnagar00 t1_iu2yvan wrote
It actually sounds pretty amazing just using an apple dongle and my iphone
draconid t1_iu2yyrs wrote
some have no problem using it for a long time, mine have been used for like 2 years, so it depends
one thing we know is that unhealthy level high volume is the biggest enemy of the headphone
zelig10 t1_iu2z5f9 wrote
unfortunately the drivers of the focal have a lifetime do a search and you will see several people reporting. I know 2 people that the driver stopped working in 1 month of use and they threw the headphone in the trash I hope nothing happens to yours
TheGamingOnion t1_iu3eewb wrote
My HD800S is confident it can beat any headphone I throw at it
TheGamingOnion t1_iu3eliv wrote
Don't forget to update your flair
ayedea t1_iu56m19 wrote
Listening to the Clears now. They have a bit less bass than the 770s, but man the bass on these sound amazing. Texture reminds me of a high quality subwoofer.
JSoppenheimer t1_iu5ixp8 wrote
At the risk of sounding like a flowery hifi magazine reviewer, Clears are just really, really good headphones, while Utopia sounds like it has some magical special sauce going on with how "3D" it sounds with its imaging. Not big enough difference to justify the price difference for me, but still, the difference is immediately obvious.
SteveThePirate_69 t1_iu7195p wrote
I'm using my Focal Alpha 65 Evo studio monitors. They cost about as much as a pair of their headphones, and have totally got me into the brand, aside from some customer service snafus.
Exciting-Mine-4300 t1_iubfqr6 wrote
Laughs in Hifiman Susvara/Focal Utopia
TheGamingOnion t1_iubnw5a wrote
Did I stutter
[deleted] t1_ityx8wx wrote