Submitted by keynzeev t3_ybmeo6 in headphones
keynzeev OP t1_ith55e4 wrote
This was my entry in the audiophile world, and for a lot of reasons, I'm still love this and will love to the last day. I don't see too much talk or praise to this guy, and I think that's not fair at all! I like this more than the 600, more than the 6XX and belive it or not, I don't hear much (or any) difference from him to a 660S. He is cheaper than all his brothers, and much easier to drive proppely, has more bass and clarity to me, and continues being one of the best headphones in the world to me, even comparing with my others much more expensive stuff. I did not saw any 58X in the Sennie day, so here is my humble contribution to the king!
oxtoacart t1_ithjoc5 wrote
Agreed. I've owned HD600, HD650 and HD58X and the 58X is the only one I've kept.
DivineCurrent t1_ithk778 wrote
I also like the 58X better than the other HD6 series. I used the 650 for years, 58X improves upon it with tighter bass and less forward upper midrange. On top of that, I also agree the 660S sound basically the same (except more bass extension on the 58X).
shadowpapi9890 t1_ithtnog wrote
660s are the 🐐.
Andrewskiii t1_ithv8ya wrote
they are still my favorite open back under $200. Definitely the most fun Senny I’ve tried because of the bass it provides
Bear-Grizz t1_iti8txd wrote
Haha solid unit! I dropped mine and dented the mesh all the way up against the driver. Still sounds exactly the same and now with the added dent i know for sure which side is right or left lol.
DrXaos t1_itik4ct wrote
How is it different from HD600?
I had expected it to be very similar.
oxtoacart t1_itilkt4 wrote
The biggest difference is that the HD600 is much more forward in the upper mids around 3 KHz. I'm pretty sensitive in that area, so it makes the HD600 unpleasant at higher listening volumes. A lesser difference is that the HD58X has better extended and tighter sounding bass, though that might mostly just be because I can comfortably listen a bit louder than with the HD600.
It's been years since I've had the HD600, but I would say that on treble quality (extension and evenness) the HD600 is probably better than the HD58X, so if you listen to a lot of acoustic music, especially string instruments, and you don't mind the shout around 3KHz, the HD600 is probably a better choice.
jestercow t1_itiunfq wrote
K5 pro. It’s a dope piece and will drive almost anything.
CyberMoose24 t1_itj5zt7 wrote
This. Drives my T60 Argons wonderfully.
pineapplecooqie t1_itjhwbj wrote
doesn't matter in the slightest
Tasunkeo t1_itjve66 wrote
You must be cranking really really hard then, cause that never happened to my pair.
keynzeev OP t1_itl5xnn wrote
I use this stand to my LCD 2, he embrace each side of it perfectly from the top and works fine, but in that photo was in that position just for the sake of the cool effect lol.
Shamblex t1_itnt0a3 wrote
Cool effect indeed. I was looking at it for 5 minutes trying to figure out the depth of it and of it is still confusing me haha
keynzeev OP t1_ituoxur wrote
haha! I will post a photo with the stand fully functional with the LCD 2 later on.
[deleted] t1_ith4aiv wrote