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TakeThatRisk t1_it2ebmm wrote

I've had my moondrop starfields over 2 years now and they still going strong. I treat them rough too and don't keep them in their case.


TomasJ74 OP t1_it3gto3 wrote

Yeah, you got a little lucky I suppose... but just to be clear - I am not trying to slander the Moondrop brand. Their products sound great when they work. It's all a big lottery, but still, there is a QC issue that shouldn't be ignored.

Edit: What /u/evscye said - I am the one that got unlucky. Better point of view.


evscye t1_it3if3e wrote

I would argue he wasn’t lucky, but that you were unlucky. The majority of Moondrop products do not fail, or they would be out of business. I’m not trying to discredit your experience, and I do like Moondrop, but I haven’t kept their products long enough to potentially have one go bad on me.

With all of that said, it sucks your Arias went bad, but I think you got unlucky, as many other people have.


Andrewskiii t1_it4czt1 wrote

My Starfields had the channel imbalance issue unfortunately, it’s too bad because I loved the sound but definitely won’t be buying any of their products soon until they fix that ongoing issue