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Yammy_Lyfe OP t1_iu2vrt7 wrote

That's cool, what would, what you consider buying? Or want to demo?


JustAu69 t1_iu4kygd wrote

Right now, I'll probably get some new IEMs first since these days I mostly listen from my phone. I am looking at Thieaudio Oracle Mk2 (Thieaudio is a relatively new Chinese brand that makes excellent IEMs) , Dunu SA6 Ultra, Moondrop Variations etc.

As far as headphones go, in the short term I won't be able to afford a flagship, so I will be looking at some interesting mid tier options. I want to get an HD650 just to hear its famous mids. The Ollo S5X look interesting to me. Avantone Planar could be good. Definitely want a pair of Verum Audio One Mk2 when production in Ukraine can continue. Interested in Moondrop Venus as well, it will be their first planar.

I am most likely going to get a pair of Hifiman HE1000V2 due to the price cuts (they are about 2000 right now). I am interested in demoing the ZMF Atrium, Caldera, Dan Clark Expanse, Audeze LCD5, Warwick Bravura etc.


Yammy_Lyfe OP t1_iub0gwv wrote

I'd definitely suggest hearing the HD6XX series and R70x while at it. I've had the 600, 650 and R70x and all are long time favourites. I believe the tonality and midrange are very nice on all of them, for me personally anyway.

I heard the flagship Hifiman and Audeze. They were quite good. As the post states, I didn't get my hair blown back from what I remembered of last gen flagship, but they are very absolutely impressive. Those prices though. Wowzer. $2000 is getting bit more attainable at least.

Still, there is something about a nice flagship. I owned two when on average they were mostly just breeching the $1000 range, but nothing recently. I completely understand the draw though and the engineering of the chassis of these new offerings is chef-kiss level no doubt. Have you had a chance to demo t the pairs you are interested in?

The expanse look amazing. I'm really interested in a closed back acting like an open back concept. That's inovaton I hope continues.

Haven't heard about Warwick yet, I'll look that up.

I'm really interested in the new IEMs people are raving about on here. Driving something great out of a phone or small portable DAC would be so convenient.

You named a bunch of things here I need to look up. I really appreciate all the name drops. This thread has been a good, what's-what of headphones over the last 6 years. It's all very interesting to catch up a bit.