Submitted by Cifems t3_yz2s65 in headphones
Jealous_Attention849 t1_iwxrdq2 wrote
Wow, that's sick! I want something like that for my hd600s...
artisnotdefined t1_iwxys8x wrote
That's cleaner than a newborn's butt
TheHiddenToad t1_iwy87rz wrote
Holy crap, that’s beautiful.
what_that_thaaang_do t1_iwya66v wrote
Theseus' K701
Oppenheisenberg t1_iwygxy6 wrote
This forum seems to care mostly about looks rather than sound...
Ksanti t1_iwyh9nc wrote
Almost like the reddit is a visual medium and you cannot convey the audio experience of headphones through images!
Oppenheisenberg t1_iwyhh6m wrote
Wow. You are quite daft.
This medium is 95 percent words. You can certainly convey how something sounds thru words.
Nice attempt at defending style over function.
VisceralVoyage420 t1_iwyhmqp wrote
I too like pictures, but all I can think of when seeing this picture is "dust". Can't exactly vacuum a headphone.
Danielo944 t1_iwykl6o wrote
Wow, watching that video made me want to buy one 😳
TheHiddenToad t1_iwym66b wrote
My brother in Christ we just like it when our good sounding headphones are also good looking
Screw off and fuck a turnip
Ksanti t1_iwyo0wt wrote
It's more about "we like headphones and this is interesting to some people"
Stop gatekeeping what is and isn't a valid way of enjoying this silly hobby lol
Upvotes are just a measure of people going "huh that's cool" and hitting a button. Not exactly a surprise that a 3000 word essay on the sound of a headphone has a much smaller audience given half the people looking at any given post are on the toilet
Grand-Function-2081 t1_iwyptc3 wrote
Tbh triangular holes don't trigger my trypophobia nearly as much as circular ones, and same with holes on metal/plastic materials compared to holes on fleshy or leathery materials
JustEnoughDucks t1_iwyqtm9 wrote
This just looks like the cans were 3D printed in resin and not finished lol.
Strickens t1_iwytavj wrote
Same here, it's really just circular 'irregular holes'. The triangles do still look kind of gross but don't trigger the anxiety that holes do.
misterflappypants t1_iwyu4xi wrote
I like how a bunch of people who have consumer product names proudly displayed below their Reddit username are being critical of your statement… lol
ChrisFox-NJ t1_iwyudup wrote
Looks awesome! But imagine how many spiders could easily hide in there
chetta93 t1_iwz0f8u wrote
Bud_Johnson t1_iwz3ycd wrote
Go in a time machine and abort yourself.
ZealousidealTouch893 t1_iwz4mn2 wrote
Really awesome. Congrats!
HerrEurobeat t1_iwz7w6l wrote
That looks soo cool
Insterquiliniis t1_iwzdnjg wrote
I shall hereby leave my nod of approval for said translation site/app
works really well between less distant languages too
gunter_grass t1_iwzm26x wrote
But do they taste good?
Gust_on_Fire t1_iwzzp0q wrote
Its actualy easyer to make, to buy and to replace with HD6X0 series because of how easy it is to disassemble it's parts
killchain t1_ix00xzs wrote
I'd say I have a mild trypophobia and I'm perfectly fine with this design.
blickblocks t1_ix04370 wrote
I think there's something nice about letting material be as they are. Not every 3D printed piece needs to be painted, although I do appreciate a nice bead blast to smooth over layer lines.
Aoingco t1_ix05clx wrote
That was an amazing watch
crazyeyedsasquatch t1_ix06o0t wrote
Yes, I hate it.
TheGloriousPotato111 t1_ix0815z wrote
That's freakin sick, but how does it measure?
PloxtTY t1_ix0eqnk wrote
Did you see a price/link?
Danielo944 t1_ix0fcv2 wrote
I didn't, but I'm keen on saving money currently so I'm totally okay on not knowing 😅
Glassic_Glam_Gars t1_ix130mj wrote
Fuck yeah, this looks awesome. Not sure how the K701s sound by 2022 standards though
indescentproposal t1_ix1d8y6 wrote
dude needs to just start selling those headbands…
tomoworks-ytb t1_ix2bbim wrote
Thank you all. I am Tomoworks. Glad to hear your comments. Please take a look at the headphones I made from scratch if you like.
verifitting t1_ix2w7ol wrote
Sick stuff, man!
ChrisFox-NJ t1_ix8478j wrote
I‘m really afraid of things like that, and if you ever find a spider in a weird place, you‘ll be too!
Cifems OP t1_iwxr1wi wrote
Greetings all, please check out this amazing work of craftsmanship by TOMOWORKS, a Japanese modder & DIY'er.
I have requested permission to share their work here, please take a look!
Build video:
(PS: I recommend DeepL translation if you would like to leave a nice comment, it generally mangles translations less than Google translate)