Submitted by Goldeneye07 t3_yuq747 in headphones
Goldeneye07 OP t1_iwaq1zu wrote
True as well if they break you can buy spare parts directly from them and fix
NotDavidSchweizer t1_iwauftm wrote
Those are literally opposites. Apple sells you the same phone pretending it's something completely 'new'. Beyerdynamic doesn't give a shit and tells you "Da mein Hurensohn! Nimm dieses perfekte Produkt, natürlich ist es identisch mit dem ersten Modell! Das erste Modell war nämlich schon längst perfekt!"
Edit: German grammar
AyeYoYoYO t1_iwav7h9 wrote
BeyerDynamic ain’t fixing what ain’t broken. Look what happened to Sennheiser & AKG now ? They got bought out and are now a hollow shell of their former greatness.
BeyerDynamic is still standing on their own two feet, making the most durable studio headphones in history, that have dependable, sensibly bright for studio work, extremely accurate and representative frequency responses across their entire professional range.
Embarrassed-Face-387 t1_iwav998 wrote
It's hard to refine perfection.
Goldeneye07 OP t1_iwavi17 wrote
lwhfa t1_iwawazo wrote
I knew Sennheiser was aquired by another company, but I don't know it affected their former greatness. Really curious to know how it's changed.
Extrapaj t1_iwax52w wrote
I had two 1770 and one 1990 in a row with a faulty driver, and they seem to have a big problem with that.
on_spikes t1_iwaxmo0 wrote
only for their lowest end headphone
Skystalker512 t1_iway7eh wrote
It didn’t. People just want something to be pissed off at.
homesicalien t1_iways3c wrote
Yeah, let's compare '83 Land Rover Defender to a modern electric city car.
Agitated-Bug542 t1_iwazidx wrote
they don't try to sell it to you as a completely new innovative product
FinalLevi t1_iwb0h02 wrote
Glaringsoul t1_iwb0rsp wrote
Durable tell that to my pairs that I had to RMA like 5 times in the last two years because of actually Shitty production Quality.
Headphones shouldn’t just have a broken slider connection after using them for 3 days.
My old pair of Bose is still holding up after 10+ years but Beyerdynamic apparently is physically incapable of making anything that holds longer than a year.
Maybe some of their even more high end studio stuff is decent, but most of their mid end products are crappily manufactured from my experience…
ravenousglory t1_iwb0u8v wrote
Dude this meme is a nonsense
MrWarfaith t1_iwb146x wrote
German. Basically: yeah fuck off, it's been great since the beginning, so we keep making it that way.
diollat t1_iwb16h4 wrote
You, my son a bitch! Take this perfect product which is the same as the first model! The first model was perfect!
Been trying to learn German for a while. Did I translate this correctly?
i_just_got_lost t1_iwb16k9 wrote
Which of their headphones is most durable for casual listening. I have had sennheiser momentum for around 8 years now and want to replace them
TheDeadBacon t1_iwb1sd7 wrote
Yeah, you got it basically right! You missed a few of the more specific wording used, but that’s honestly OK and not essential for understanding :-)
If you do a 1 to 1 translation you’d probably end up with “Here, my son of a bitch! Take this perfect product, of course it’s identical to the first model! That’s because the first model has been perfect for the longest time!”
Tricky words here being ‘längst’ and ‘nämlich’ because they don’t have a direct english counterpart. Also keep in mind that the original comment isn’t 100% grammatically correct… Hope you learned something :-)
BehaveWithClass t1_iwb1syi wrote
I‘d say you‘re close enough. It‘s definitely not word-by-word identical, but content wise you got it right. Keep it up! (And don‘t take this German too seriously cause it is wrong gramatically)
Harold_Spoomanndorf t1_iwb37nz wrote
What's the old saying? If it ain't broke.....
diollat t1_iwb399p wrote
Yeah that last sentence was tricky. I was not able to translate nämlich and längst cause I wasn't familiar with those words. Vielen dank für die Tipps!
diollat t1_iwb3cak wrote
Nice, close enough is good for me. Danke für die Antwort!
Goldeneye07 OP t1_iwb3irr wrote
Don’t fix it
The_Sumo_official t1_iwb3s0y wrote
Don't give them ideas
NotDavidSchweizer t1_iwb3sih wrote
Wait help me out, where did I fuck up?
IdleHands_kc t1_iwb42es wrote
1 to 1 I think the better translation is "son of a whore" not bitch.
BehaveWithClass t1_iwb4td0 wrote
"Da mein Hurensohn! Nimm diese perfekte Produkt, natürlich ist es identisch an dem ersten Modell! Das erste Modell war nämlich schon längst perfekt!" Should have been: „Da mein Hurensohn! Nimm dieses perfekte Produkt, natürlich ist es identisch mit dem ersten Modell! Das erste Modell war nämlich schon längst perfekt!"
Only two small errors, hope I could be of help :)
writing-nerdy t1_iwb5liu wrote
I'm not 40+ but I have seen the dt 150 for many years and still have never had the chance to try them but they're definitely on the list!
NotDavidSchweizer t1_iwb6zgi wrote
Thanks! I see how I massacred my boy now
tanay2043 t1_iwb7hk7 wrote
Can you explain what this whole thing means ?
omicron-3034 t1_iwb7lmw wrote
AngryTank t1_iwb7p9b wrote
Is a bitch not a whore?
AngryTank t1_iwb7rm9 wrote
Their wireless audio they release every year.
AngryTank t1_iwb7shp wrote
coolmanjack t1_iwb7snd wrote
It's not the same phone though. There are consistent, meaningful changes year-over-year within product lines.
AngryTank t1_iwb7ub4 wrote
Beats Studios /s
In my opinion I think the Amirons were pretty comfortable and sounded great, though not a fan of the 770 or 880.
i_just_got_lost t1_iwb7xx5 wrote
Why man why
MiCon29 t1_iwb88dk wrote
That's probably not the same set of headphone for 40 years as mentioned
bluewolf_3 t1_iwb8oqb wrote
I‘ve been using my 990s nearly daily for around 7 years now, including them falling from my desk around 100 times because the armrest of my chair was caught in the cable. Only replaced the pads two times. So either good luck on my side or bad luck on your side
Beatus_Vir t1_iwb9eak wrote
honestly the lack of obsolescence makes it amazing that high-end audio companies exist at all. so much audio equipment can be something you own for your whole life if you take care of it. I still have the first set of grados I bought in high school ( I'm old)
spwyll t1_iwb9qve wrote
Depending on your definition of "meaningful."
Glaringsoul t1_iwbalpf wrote
I assume really bad luck;
Like I stated the shortest ones before I RMA‘d them was 3 days, where the Part that Connects the Ear Piece to the Arch spontaneously combusted while already sitting on my head.
The support literally wrote me an E-Mail amongst the lines of "Oh shit not that issue, yeah that can happen no problem send them in".
So I’d wager that they had issues in Production with the Lagoon line (my guess is bad plastic) as only the first ones had an issue with the buttons and that was after around 1 year, while the rest all had structural parts failing.
I‘m still awaiting a response on the current RMA I have open, but I highly doubt I’ll be returning to them, in the future.
Sound was good, and the support is nice, but in all honesty, when I’m paying 227 (albeit I bought them at a discount, but directly through them) bucks for headphones I kinda expect to get quality relating to that price.
Can I recommend the sound, Yes
Can I recommend the Product, No
coolmanjack t1_iwbbb92 wrote
Well yeah but that doesn't invalidate their meaning to at least some users.
To a boomer who barely uses their phone and only uses it for calls when they do use it, there might be no meaningful difference between an iPhone 5 and an iPhone 14 Pro Max, but that doesn't mean the phones aren't hugely different.
Meanwhile, to a tech nerd who constantly uses their phone to its fullest extent, the differences each year in camera quality, battery life, screen quality (notch size, brightness, etc), processing power, miscellaneous new features, etc are certainly meaningful upgrades.
Like sure, the generalized experience for most people from one year to the next ain't gonna be much different, but that doesn't justify calling it the "same phone every year."
e22big t1_iwbblvt wrote
did they ever die..?
Odd-Spend-8757 t1_iwbbqp6 wrote
Tried two pairs of 990 (250 and 80 ohms) and both had distortion issue on low end and warbling sound with voices. Their quality sucks.
HerrEurobeat t1_iwbcrv6 wrote
'this whole thing' usually describes an object referenced in the same context looking at it from a bigger picture or context
tanay2043 t1_iwbct6o wrote
Aww man tell me
decadentrebel t1_iwbdcal wrote
Not to mention that Beyerdynamics doesn't change the price drastically while Apple raises it despite taking out plug-in adapters and certain features (3.5mm jack) with incremental (but refined) upgrades. Samsung is guilty of this too recently, tbf.
UnnecessaryMovements t1_iwbekdw wrote
Hey if it ain't broke, don't make 2nd gen (talking to you T1)
waddiewadkins t1_iwbg2rc wrote
177X GO with mod pads?? .. Best portable closed back audiophile ??.. Denon D7200??.... any thoughts?? €699 is my budget and preferable no amp thanks!
japgcf t1_iwbgglu wrote
The drivers maybe. But the rest of mine are falling apart. Admitidly I have been using them very heavily for 5 years.
IdleHands_kc t1_iwbgiby wrote
Not at all
HeXe_GER t1_iwbhx74 wrote
I have been using my dt990 for over 10 years nearly 10h daily and I only had to replace the pads once. Just wash them and they are good. Also both plastic thingys on the sides broke but thats an easy repair. Rest is fine tbh
8020GroundBeef t1_iwbne0k wrote
Even a total luddite would see a difference between the 14 pro max and the 5. The screen is like 4x bigger by area.
It’s also brighter and refresh rate is noticeable, which most people would pick up on.
I think the big thing here is the concept that everyone upgrades their phone every year. Phone manufacturers make small but consistent changes each year - consecutive models may not be drastically different, but over 3 years they are. If you hardly use your phone, you might wait 4+ years to upgrade. If you use it all the time, maybe 2.
R4ttlesnake t1_iwbnlkt wrote
how are your headphones falling apart after 5, I've had mine for 8 and they're pristine after an earpad change
Reasonable-Series-78 t1_iwbnrfd wrote
In not sure that this one really makes sense. The headphones are analog devices. Someone could easily get by with a new in box original DT990 (or whatever) from decades ago. But, an original iPhone from 15 years ago may not even work completely on some networks with its 3G receiver. I think most are already shutdown and that's before you even consider any of the other upgrades. Comparing headphones to a hammer would probably make more sense.
coolmanjack t1_iwbot2q wrote
Well of course they'd see the difference, but that's not the same as the difference being meaningful to them (which, for the aforementioned mega boomer who only makes calls, it might not be). Such a person certainly wouldn't notice the increased refresh rate lol
As for your main point, I'm not sure I see the relevance? The vast majority of people don't upgrade their phone every year, and most who do are enthusiasts who care about the lil differences, or very wealthy people who don't care about the money and just automatically get the newest one when it comes out because why not.
ZappaLlamaGamma t1_iwbqbj9 wrote
I think we all know. Good headphones, regardless of age, don’t get slower or require updates to run newer music or get hacked by someone in another country while you’re using them.
ZappaLlamaGamma t1_iwbqjeg wrote
I was literally thinking of Stax too.
HAL-Over-9001 t1_iwbrciu wrote
If it ain't broke don't fix it, in this context just means that if the headphones are good it won't change much, hence why some models are almost exactly the same as 30 year old pairs.
tanay2043 t1_iwbrz8g wrote
Like which models are those ? 30 years and they have the same drivers ???
HAL-Over-9001 t1_iwbsc0b wrote
The meme didn't give a model, just the brand which is Beyerdynamics. The 770 and 990 are very popular and haven't changed much design wise, but I have no idea about the inner components changing or not. You'd have to look up the manuals for each model throughout the years and compare, unless somebody has written up a comprehensive post/video about it
tanay2043 t1_iwbsdvl wrote
Oh ok thanks
KookDesigns t1_iwbsvrc wrote
2 VERY drastically different business models.
Apple is about getting shiny white plastic in everyone's hands, every 6-12 months, with a built-in expiration date, and, as a backup, software/firmware updates to stop supporting when it's time to make customers re-up.
They're not designing their products to last generations, they're a few steps above disposable.
Whereas Beyer did the legwork decades ago to know their product is polished and optimized, so it doesn't need built-in obsolescence or marketing tie-ins to move products.
ina_waka t1_iwbwcor wrote
And 90% of people do not upgrade their phones every year.
Klefth t1_iwbx6do wrote
And beyer does not re-re-re-release a new model every year either.
GL1TCH3D t1_iwbxa64 wrote
Same as apple, or any other phone manufacturer. Release new models with higher price tags. Back 5 years ago or so Noble K10 was the totl at around 2k, now I see they have like $6k IEMs. Almost every company has pushed a model in that $5k+ range lately where 5 years back it was roughly 2k as the top end for most of them. And those in pursuit of a better listening experience are drawn to these ultra high end, even more refined headphones.
bootstrapper52 t1_iwbxj8z wrote
Pre-owned Dt880 going strong 4 years plus however long previous owner(s) used them
Arrie78 t1_iwc25wg wrote
you wouldn't download a headphone
ItsCajunTime t1_iwc36s1 wrote
I get that they're still businesses but honestly the thing that's shocked me the most about the audio hobby is how shockingly pro-consumer it is compared to other tech related hobbies and the fact that companies actually listen to customer feedback
teiichikou t1_iwc3qi7 wrote
Hold my beer..
Sorry, didn’t work
Arrie78 t1_iwc4c2b wrote
yeah, you better revert to the factory installed firmware or install the new one
Calfredie01 t1_iwc4n4o wrote
No but show me how a beyer behaves after 10 years next to how any apple product behaves after 10 years
Modo44 t1_iwc4p81 wrote
Not until metal 3D printing becomes reasonably precise...
Modo44 t1_iwc4w95 wrote
Are we ignoring the real improvements in driver technology? That meme makes no sense however you turn it.
ina_waka t1_iwc9bb6 wrote
I mean there is an argument to be made against Apple for intentionally slowing down their products which is obviously not right, but it’s not really fair to compare a phone to headphones.
Headphone tech has largely stagnated in the last few decades while phone and just processing chip innovations are still increasing at a insanely fast rate. Compare whatever iPhone came out 10 years ago to the most recent one and the differences are so significant. Also all computing hardware becomes outdated insanely fast so the comparison isn’t really to be made. Any computer made in 2012 is not useable today.
Calfredie01 t1_iwc9v3i wrote
All of what you said is true but I said any Apple tech, not specifically phones. I worked for a while in retail and repair electronics and can tell you that plenty of Apple headphones were regularly being brought back in within a year or people mentioning them going out and having to buy new ones.
Any-Mirror3478 t1_iwcbuhm wrote
Why wouldn't I?
NashvilleKat_Fan t1_iwci91x wrote
>I mean there is an argument to be made against Apple for intentionally slowing down their products which is obviously not right,
Lawsuit over it forced Apple to admit they were doing it, but the claimed it was because the batteries were going to explode to RAM overload or some shit.
Sylvanas_only t1_iwck893 wrote
but they don't announce it as a "new product", right?
ScaleLongjumping3606 t1_iwck8jh wrote
Neumann has been selling the U87 microphone design since the 1960s, haven’t they? It just gets more expensive every year. Still the best all-around studio workhorse microphone.
japgcf t1_iwckg78 wrote
I've already replaced the pads, but the headband pad the those plastic things are pretty fucked. The handband's leather is falling off and the plastic bits are held on by eletrical tape. They are pretty tough but I sill need to replace those.
japgcf t1_iwcki5t wrote
Oily hair I guess
Android17_ t1_iwclsii wrote
headphone technology has been developing in the "features" direction more than the audio accuracy direction. Each year BT and wireless features get more advanced. The focus right now is for increased wireless bandwidth, increased battery capacity, and ever smaller DACs and Amps, over incremental improvements with driver technology.
_Tim- t1_iwco3p2 wrote
They removed it for France though.
hesitation_station t1_iwco9e8 wrote
I've got a pair. Love em, especially with different pads
ina_waka t1_iwcoq8z wrote
Which are all things the beyers we are referencing lack.
Suicidebob7 t1_iwcv89n wrote
My HD380 Pros made it 10 years, 4 sets of earpads, 2 head pads, and 2 cables.
EraYaN t1_iwcvtfp wrote
It was much more simple than that, the battery would cut out if the current demand was too high resulting is hard resets. So they throttled the current demand.
ChrisLikesGamez t1_iwcx8r8 wrote
Apple markets the phone as new and better, when they're the same shit, and over time they get slower and the battery life gets worse.
Beyerdynamics sells you a pair of 990s and they last 40 years and continue to work.
Also I can repair my beyerdynamics, but my iPhone will throw error messages or disable faceid.
Scharfschutzen t1_iwcznku wrote
Thingiverse says otherwise.
BehindThyCamel t1_iwczoq0 wrote
Koss entered the chat.
LeftRightShoot t1_iwd0eh8 wrote
Oh thank you. I was thinking I should stock up on ear pads but it seems I don't have to panic.
LeftRightShoot t1_iwd0l5m wrote
I'm waiting for the first bluetooth lossless subscription service.
ChrisFox-NJ t1_iwd178q wrote
There‘s no soc inside those headphones, means barely anything could ever age or become outdated. There‘s no need for people to buy a new pair of headphones every other year, and that‘s why „We created the Airpods Max, featuring computational audio and a powerful H1 chipset. You will love it!“
NotDavidSchweizer t1_iwd5o5x wrote
You are quite right, I guess funny meme ≠ reality and logic
AnOldMoth t1_iwd6o10 wrote
Beyers are hardly perfect. DT stands for Death Treble after all.
Shaggy_One t1_iwdbtys wrote
Swap out the earpads and headband (if possible) and it'll feel like brand new.
kt4-is-gud t1_iwdfboj wrote
I mean they don’t call it a new product. They just keep restocking the same product. Apple on the other hand makes the same products but call it another number or plus max or something like that.
kt4-is-gud t1_iwdfpt4 wrote
I have both dt 770s and dt 990s for over 10 years and they are both very durable and in good condition.
kt4-is-gud t1_iwdg1se wrote
The lagoon is pretty shitty. Dt 770s-990s series are more durable.
ZappaLlamaGamma t1_iwdh5cp wrote
Don’t give BMW or MQA any ideas.
mister_damage t1_iwdkilf wrote
MDR-V6 has entered the chat. It laughs at modern electronics durability.
Except the earpad because fuck you and your ears.
Note: I still have a working set from the 80s when they were made in Japan.
I also have DT770 600 ohms from the 80s? So... Yes... They last a long time.
NotDavidSchweizer t1_iwdn2hk wrote
DT also stands for Deutsche Tradition. Which is quite lovely I think
[deleted] t1_iwdq592 wrote
AyeYoYoYO t1_iwdq949 wrote
My father had some DT250’s since before I was born and they’re still working perfectly.
AyeYoYoYO t1_iwdqiwv wrote
My father’s DT250, and my T-90 and 1990 are tanks. Also have a colleague whose 990 is a tank, used daily for professional work.
AnOldMoth t1_iwdsel1 wrote
I know, it was a joke, lol. I was teasing the fact that all of them except the 880 have crazy treble spikes.
TerrinPS t1_iwdt0yw wrote
There is something really funny about "a nonsense".
kerhanesikici31 t1_iwe4ort wrote
If it ain't broke don't fix it
josir1994 t1_iwe5yse wrote
You missed the point, the OP is the meme, not the image
Pschulniknof t1_iwe6s5b wrote
Focal Radiance is nice for portable use, otherwise the new Bathys seems to be also very good.
waddiewadkins t1_iwe7ch6 wrote
Thanks..yeah Bathys fair enough, big step-up from XM3 Sony I'm sure!...Denon d7200 looking interesting.
waddiewadkins t1_iwe86n4 wrote
Sorry I said that already I see! ... my bad.. what else then.. Sundara Closed .. that new Audio Technica ah yes WP 900
Kevenolp t1_iweg5el wrote
Be me: it's 2046 and everyone can ear music in their minds Some random hacker: hack my brain implants. Also the hacker: force me to get Rick rolled nonstop Me: lose my mind because the only way to shut the implants is by shutting down the system (dying)
(I dot not have hacker insurance from the Canadian private health system)
SurlyRed t1_iwennrv wrote
a nounsense
headphones-ModTeam t1_iwenrd0 wrote
This comment has been removed. Please note the following rule:
>Rule 1: Be most excellent towards your fellow redditors > > And by "be most excellent" we mean no personal attacks, threats, bullying, trolling, baiting, flaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, or other behavior that makes humanity look like scum.
Violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
alritedi t1_iwewud6 wrote
bitch i might
Pschulniknof t1_iwf1lfn wrote
I'm not sure if the d7200 is optimal for portable use. As I believe they are semi-closed.
Extrapaj t1_iwfleu0 wrote
Yeah but their Tesla 2.0 drivers don't.
imthecapedbaldy t1_iwg93hi wrote
did you let it burn in first? search for "pink panther theme song" on youtube and just let it play for 69 hours on max volume with an amplifier that has 10x the needed amplification so it can truly loosen the drivers
waddiewadkins t1_iwgejkn wrote
Ok thanks. I missed that.. Sony Z7 vs DCA Noire right now.. maybe new Sundara Closed..thinking Z7 is my goldilocks, easier to drive, dont look like a man working on a airport runway... but if Noires were a noticeable leap over Z7 I might consider portable amp and public ridicule...(ireland).. also my genre is mostly all electronic.
teiichikou t1_iwgfqg2 wrote
I go with 11x !! The neighbour’s internal ‘drivers’ two streets away need to ‘loosen’ a bit more too
spwyll t1_iwgkz7p wrote
So your example of a "consistent, meaningful change year-over-year within product lines" is to compare two phones that are nine years apart and from two different product lines.
Seems a bit of a reach...
[deleted] t1_iwgx6wu wrote
headphones-ModTeam t1_iwhq0kb wrote
This comment has been removed. Please note the following rule:
>Rule 1: Be most excellent towards your fellow redditors > > And by "be most excellent" we mean no personal attacks, threats, bullying, trolling, baiting, flaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, or other behavior that makes humanity look like scum.
Violations may result in a temporary or permanent ban.
Pschulniknof t1_iwj21fn wrote
The DCA Noire will be really difficult to drive. You'll definitely need a proper amp for those. Can't say anything about the Sony's.
waddiewadkins t1_iwkn0dw wrote
C almighty tho,, just the drivers number of mm's on the Sony is enough for me to just be placebo'd into nirvana cos coming from "run of the mill" bt cans... 70mm.. that's 20 more than most anything. The literal idea of knowing they are that just has a placebo boost to it alone if you dont know any better. I wouldn't mind having an amp for the Noires. I'd probably get a sexy looking THX or Cobalt dragonfly. In fact having an amp anyway would just life style aesthetic wise take them over the top into James Bond land
writing-nerdy t1_iwpxi4f wrote
Yeah the original pads look a bit uncomfortable, but I bet they make a good seal!
Klefth t1_iwaprnf wrote
But people don't just buy a new pair of 770 or 990 every damn year, do they?
...Do they?