Submitted by Mean_Ad_5339 t3_z3yowb in headphones
Submitted by Mean_Ad_5339 t3_z3yowb in headphones
Tygr 300R if you have another mic or toss a modmic on top
over mx150?
definitely the Beyerdynamic TYGR 300R
or over the 770 pro
Yes to both. Check out some youtube reviews on them. If you’re not mastering music the 770s are too analytical IMO. Tygr’s are fun while staying accurate. Nice low end for open backs
DT 880 250ohm or 600ohm is one of the best. Apparently better than TYGR in some aspects
i may be pushing it but i was thinking something around 100$
what about the 770 pro they are much cheaper rn
770 pro is very meh to me. I would rather get DT 880 if it were me. Many say tuning is wonky cause of the closed back. 880s are $149 on Amazon I believe which is honestly a bargain because they are essentially the kings of imaging.
i may be pushing it but i was thinking something near 100$
At that price, I’d just recommend picking up whatever sounds good to you. Apparently the better Koss phones are decent at imaging, but I can only imagine how uncomfortable they might get. Are you playing single player or comp?
comp. mostly cod tournaments and wagers. i dont care much about mic tbh i dont need an amazing mic. i mostly care about the build quality and sound
Yeah comp FPS will greatly benefit from DT 880. It’s a little more money, but I’d really just recommend saving to get them. If you don’t have an amp in your setup already, then you can step down to TYGR as everyone else had mentioned cause they’re much easier to drive. However, DT 770 is basically going to be on par with something like the Hyperx cloud II and I’ve seen some say they actually prefer cloud II.
i saw a refurbished turtle beach elite pro 2 for 80 on the website might just get that
If you really can’t wait then check audio forums or marketplaces to see if they have a used DT 880, TYGR, or even DT 990 but you probably won’t like the sound sig on that one. I wouldn’t buy any other “gaming” headset besides cloud II if you really want to move that direction. I can tell you first hand something actually considered an “audiophile” headphone will wipe the floor with all of those “gaming” headphones any day of the week.
thank your for the information my good sir. not sure where to go with this now tbh. not sure maybe i should just get the cloud 2s even tho they seem basic to me
i have money and i can wait but i wanted something newer for my setup since i just upgraded to ps5 and my current headset is like 3 years old and all grimey
Cloud II is based off DT 770 so it is at least very comfy and durable with similar but different sound
Beyerdynamic TYGR300 if you have a mic already, Sennheiser + Drop PC38x if you need something with a built in mic.
for 60 bucks?? no way
Yeah it’s probably one of the best gaming headsets. I rocked one way before HD6XX and Sundara and it was very good for that $60 price.
really even over astro a40? those really are some of the best ive ever used and ive used logitech,razr, turtle beach and some others
Yes. I’ve tried a lot of “gaming” headset and cloud II are probably the best all around. Sooooo comfy too. Great mic as well. Better than a lot of other headsets. It’s just a solid package. Thinking about it right now though, I think DT 770 has more treble and mid and a bit clearer too which may help for footsteps and such. That’s the only thing I would knock on the Hyperx. Bloated upper bass and not really any energy in highs.
Shp9500 is in your budget. I’d also check out some IEM’s if you’re open to the idea of in ear
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Slow-Significance810 t1_ixobi2c wrote
also sennheiser x drop pc38x is the most popular opinion, can't support with personal experience