[deleted] OP t1_iw1tpw2 wrote
Well it still doesn’t help much against wall and aimbot hackers.
rrrrrroadhouse t1_iw1w3ga wrote
And that's what I hear it's like playing against console players in WZ now that they've cranked up Aim Assist like never before. No thanks.
[deleted] OP t1_iw1xqh9 wrote
On PC i use FXSound EQ. Toggle the 4.7 khz ranges for Footsteps.
I also bought the PC Dolby Atmos. For the 14 day trial, That is found in settings, sound, headphone, scroll to bottom for Spatial sound.
The surround spatial effect is noticeable.
prymortal69 t1_iw1z8x0 wrote
Agreed, The HD560s are actually on point as well even with height & depth, Not as wide as HD800/s so lacks some of the left/right/center advantage you get on top, But its still like cheating with how pin point accurate it is.
My Aryas SE on the other hand, love the sound, but confusing as hell when a sound runs up on you looks up, its down & vise versa!
o0Spoonman0o t1_iw20lb1 wrote
Not full sized but I use IEMs for gaming. Was really surprised at just how much better everything sounded as compared to my A50's.
No-Context5479 t1_iw23l2i wrote
I don't use headphones for FPS gaming... I use IEMs. Much better suited because the soundstage isn't exaggerated like in the 800S and some other ridiculously soundstaged headphones... Not knocking on your usage... If it works for you more power to you but IEMs are much better for depth perception of how near or far enemies are in FPS games for me
Titouan_Charles t1_iw29aym wrote
I alternate between Final A4000 IEMs and my HD800S for FPS gaming, they feel different but I'm not better with the IEMs.
No-Context5479 t1_iw29nld wrote
That's the beauty of it all... Some prefer IEMs for FPS games... Others like over ears much more... Preference is very much the order of the day😎🤝🏾
chucknoel2015 t1_iw2hlpy wrote
i am mainly gaming my hd800s . sometimes it can be confusing. so many things happening. i kinda prefer hd58x which i sold
SteakTree t1_iw2hs2y wrote
Spatial audio is essential for creating directional positioning of sounds. Fortunately, many AAA games have a built in dedicated headphones audio option that typically is spatial audio / binaural sound engine.
You don’t need and should not run any additional DSP on top of it. Some games such as Overwatch have licensed Atmos and include it in-game.
Dolby Atmos for headphone is great for movies using multichannel content and works great with Netflix and Prime Video app.
QTIIPP t1_iw2i5sl wrote
You do you my friend, but iems drove me nuts! Even some with good staging felt claustrophobic compared to even HD600. I’m sure with time I could get used to it though, and then the large staging would mess me up.
vext01 t1_iw2nb69 wrote
Gotta admit, I'm pretty sceptical of all this "headphones give you a competitive advantage" stuff too.
Maybe fractionally. Maybe...
Basic-Government4108 t1_iw2o4za wrote
I use high end headphones and an hdmi audio extractor for gaming but it definitely doesn’t help. I suck. But it sounds great!
Mamad0u420 t1_iw2okc5 wrote
Why people don't buy dolby atmos to play games on their stereo headphones is beyond me
chubbycanine t1_iw2sbby wrote
I consistently hear people before my squad does with my dt1990s. One uses a razer headset the other uses a fancy steel series. I will still get destroyed by a 10 year old that I got the drop on but that's not the headphones lol
owlbgreen357 t1_iw2ugqp wrote
Technically they do. But the advantage you get from them is so far down on the list of what actually matters that its negligible. Gamesense, aim, and map knowlege are far far more important for competitive games
garagekubrick t1_iw2uydi wrote
Been using my DT 1990s for this game.. The sound design is phenomenal and on my 1990s, the game is absolute ear candy. Gotta switch the audio setting to Cinema though for max dynamic range.
Solypsist_27 t1_iw2w87h wrote
I read that as "Not as wide as HD800 /sarcasm" and I don't know why but it made me laugh lol
Toronto-Will t1_iw2wkvg wrote
I haven’t found MW2 to be particularly good with sound (people materialize behind you without making sound, gadgets and things don’t have sound cues to pick up on), but maybe Warzone is different. I don’t like battle royales.
I use my HD800S in Rainbow Six and adore them. It’s not so much that it makes me “better”, as it makes me happier. I get clear sound information that I can pay attention to and react to, and if I make the wrong choice with that information, it’s my fault. Lesser headphones I spend a lot of time with my face locked into a puzzled frown, “is that— wait no it’s— ☠️”
vext01 t1_iw2wvry wrote
Exact3 t1_iw2xjp8 wrote
Point on, if you play like shit they won't suddenly make you play better, but instead give you the opportunity to be better if you're in a clutch. Not gonna change your rank a whole lot, but helps for sure.
ni_lus t1_iw2yhei wrote
Because games already know how to process audio for stereo output. Heck, even mobile BR games know how to position audio. It's not rocket science as you have just 2 ears.
owlbgreen357 t1_iw315fz wrote
Exactly. They just give an already mechanically skilled player slightly more information, it just doesnt really matter unless you are good enough to actually use that information
IAmAgainst t1_iw32vka wrote
If they do, then you wouldn't be a more skilled player but a player with better headphones.
[deleted] OP t1_iw344tc wrote
[deleted] OP t1_iw34oc4 wrote
Which IEM?
o0Spoonman0o t1_iw34udz wrote
s12 pro
But I would assume the same experience with anything that's detailed and has decent imaging.
[deleted] OP t1_iw351fw wrote
I bought it on PC and it does make the game sound more surroundish. It just adds to the experience.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3548g wrote
I like it. There is a 14 day free trial.
[deleted] OP t1_iw359ms wrote
Thanks. Will try that
Exact3 t1_iw369nw wrote
No, that is nothing what I'm talking about. I get it, the crowd is the sixth player, but that's how it is in sports; people are crazy.
DravitX5 t1_iw399we wrote
I own these headphones and constantly find myself using my DT1990 pros for every FPS game I play. The sound stage and clarity on these things is insane, but it doesn’t highlight footsteps and movement as well as the 1990s. I have stupid money invested in my sound setup and if you’re doing it for a competitive advantage, you’re better off putting that money into components to push frames OR a better monitor.
Titouan_Charles t1_iw39th5 wrote
It's quite a different experience, both have extremely wide soundstage but the IEMs are closed backs and the bass is very immediate, it feels very nice but the upper mids are quite upfront and prone to irritating the ears.
The HD800S is like unlocking 4k but for audio
[deleted] OP t1_iw3b5je wrote
I’m sure DT1990 is better but it won’t feel as comfy for 20 hour gaming sessions.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3bda5 wrote
I have lg cx and a $5k gaming rig with 3090
[deleted] OP t1_iw3bjlw wrote
True. I also can hear my demise much sooner when chased down by a whack 10 year old. Lol.
DravitX5 t1_iw3bo88 wrote
I MUCH prefer the comfort of the 1990s to my HD800s, but that’s all personal preference. I’m by no means dogging on the HD800s, they’re the only headphones I’ve ever used that put a smile on my face while listening to music, they’re unbelievable. Just saying that the competitive advantage you’re looking for can be found elsewhere.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3c5ky wrote
Yep will look into it. Thanks.
MyNameIsRay t1_iw3g8ow wrote
I routinely get called a cheater for shooting people through cover based on sound alone. Good headphones that let you pinpoint sources sure do help.
PsychwardSlippers t1_iw3hiov wrote
I've heard the AKG 700 line can provide a similar experience when gaming with their enormous soundstage.
Veil_Of_Mikasa t1_iw3hmyw wrote
I had to stop wearing headphones due to neck issues and I'll honestly never go back after using IEMs. So far I have the fiio fh5, s12, truth ear zero, aria, and dusk. I honestly like using the zero the most for gaming. Feel like it hits foot step audio in the right way in MWII. I was using the dusk and those are good but the eartips coming off drove me up a walk so I'm waiting for some spinfits to come in
patrick_j t1_iw3ho6p wrote
100%. Audio fidelity is a very small part of being good at competitive games. Most of the top level players use whatever company sponsors them, and almost none of them use audiophile headphones. The headphones are usually from a company that also makes keyboards. One of the best Apex Legends players (aceu) uses apple earbuds for Christ’s sake.
Unless the game is heavily dependent on a lot of sneaking around and picking up tiny sounds, great headphones will make only the smallest difference.
As long the headphones are halfway decent, the most important factors are comfort and a sound signature that’s not fatiguing. Everything else is just for funzies.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3iodw wrote
It works sometimes. Hopefully it’s better in WZ2
Un111KnoWn t1_iw3jlu6 wrote
What amp?
goattt- t1_iw3k9un wrote
players should use closed cans or monitors for gaming. at least something with isolation. with open backs, all the IMAGING and SOUNDSTAGE is not gonna help if they're struggling to hear footsteps over their GPU fan. if they turn up the volume enough to overcome the ambient noise floor they risk hearing damage over repeated long gaming sessions.
llIicit t1_iw3kala wrote
The difference is here is in a tournament setting, everyone is using the same shit, so there isn’t an advantage.
But outside of it you can definitely hear a difference. Not that the 800s is necessary, or even the best (better can be found cheaper).
But that doesn’t matter if you aren’t good enough to capitalize effectively and quickly on those sounds. But if you are good enough to do that then the headphone you use isn’t really as impactful.
This is a hobby though, so using the best will inevitably happen lol
shall_2 t1_iw3kzza wrote
What? They had like the same exact comment as you?
Prestonality t1_iw3l2hc wrote
I found the GSX1000/1200 is the best for audio processing across every game. Personally I do better with cheap IEMs like KZ ZS 10 Pros than anything over the ear.
llIicit t1_iw3l63c wrote
MW2’s audio engine is definitely an improvement in my experience. I don’t get the footstep behind me but player is somewhere else phenomenon.
Audio is something you can actually rely on now lol
[deleted] OP t1_iw3pgc8 wrote
Fiio k9 pro ess. I needed BT and USB C port.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3q279 wrote
I have a $5,000 PC and the cooling is dead quiet. Top of the line AIO.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3q802 wrote
Yep, Im less likely to throw these headphones across the room like I use to with cheap gaming headsets. Lol.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3qjfs wrote
IEMs are an interesting phenomenon in gaming. Looking into it. Any good ones?
oglocayo t1_iw3r07r wrote
I'm using a Etymotic ER4S to play games, the passive noise isolation is so good and lower bass signature can make me easily pinpoint exactly where the enemy at, especially like footsteps and gun sounds.
No-Context5479 t1_iw3raax wrote
EXACTLY MY POINT on IEM use in FPS... No overdone sense of space, precise accurate depth My teammates sometimes ask if I use ESP hacks lol
oglocayo t1_iw3rwio wrote
I prefer iem for one more reason, the HEAT! I admit that I'm a sweaty player, playing with Heavy cushioned/padded Headsets makes me feel nasty and overheating, especially in a humid and hot region.(for instance, im living in hk)
Jontun189 t1_iw3s3sr wrote
Good headphones literally changed the game for me on CSGO. On other games? Not so much. Like you said, fractionally... Maybe. Still fucking hate CSGO though.
bldybstrd t1_iw3s6gj wrote
Same here. I use my Nio’s with the MX module and far prefer it for FPS games than my over ears.
cmickledev t1_iw3sfui wrote
Show pic of gaming station. Sounds cool, and I'm hoping to spend on a setup when I'm working again soon.
No-Context5479 t1_iw3srrr wrote
Also the other valid reason... I stay in the tropics so over ears I use them for short 2 hour music sessions or cinema stuff. My IEMs are for the long gaming sessions
cmickledev t1_iw3t8td wrote
Not playing warzone, and never tried it. But got my first good pair of audiophile headphones with the Fidelio X2hr's, and trying gaming with them in general was an entirely new, and awesome experience. With Tomb Raider and Cyberpunk 2077, super immersive and fun, and the soundstage and imaging is really great and just makes it feel much better to play. My brother has a 5.1 surround sound box setup with a sound bar and I much prefer my X2hr's over that still.
No clue why these surround sound box things with the mini speakers are even popular with consumers.
oglocayo t1_iw3ti59 wrote
Exuse me, but what iem you're currently using for gaming? I really wanna try some over ear iem for gaming...
No-Context5479 t1_iw3u0ad wrote
IEMs by design are not over ears but the IEMs I use for gaming now are the Softears RSV and the Dunu Falcon Pro (I play Apex Legends, Valorant and CS: GO)
[deleted] OP t1_iw3u27o wrote
Thanks for sharing.
There is fun gaming and then there is competitive gaming. I sometimes play for tournaments with cash prizes. Its ultra competitive.
Prestonality t1_iw3u7ss wrote
From the few I’ve used, the ZS 10 Pros are my fav for gaming, okay for music better suited for metal/Synthwave/busy music
make_moneys t1_iw3u92f wrote
Visual cues are way more important , knowing the map , using the right gear , input/server lag etc etc sound is way down the list but had to spend thousands to realize this. Oh well .. lol
cmickledev t1_iw3uaq4 wrote
In tournaments are there restrictions for the systems you use? Everyone plays with the same gear so the gear doesn't cause a handicap for example?
KittyFallDown t1_iw3uib1 wrote
I play with hd800s or my Arya's. It doesn't give you an advantage but it sure as fuck FAR more enjoyable to have a comfortable, amazing sounding set of headphones on....
FalsettoFlyin t1_iw3uoxw wrote
I haven’t gamed in a while but when I played PC I used some Grados and it made a big difference in hearing footsteps.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3vgxs wrote
Nope. Many hackers play which is why I never win cash. Lol.
[deleted] OP t1_iw3vjy1 wrote
Yep it beats my Steelseries Nova.
TheRadiantSoap t1_iw3yozt wrote
They were adding on to your point
TheRadiantSoap t1_iw3yt4u wrote
Doesn't matter how you work the udder, just that you got the milk 😉
TheRadiantSoap t1_iw3zg1o wrote
At least now you have good gear, how would you feel being the same rank with delta earbuds?
elhonna t1_iw3zn79 wrote
When black ops 1 came out, i was playing S&D only, so sound was quite important when you were in 1v2/3 situations and I could hear people running across the map, and even crouching from a quite big distance, as you can imagine, that was a huge advantage.
New cods don’t seem to have as many possible cfg modifications though, and you have too many parasite noises to actually focus on enemies’ footsteps.
TheRadiantSoap t1_iw3zzh3 wrote
Sometimes you slap in a rando iem and it still bangs on detail fr fr
WaitThatslllegal t1_iw40nw5 wrote
Are those aftermarket earpads?
StableSilent t1_iw41ofd wrote
I don't play warzone but I do wear my ether cx for all my gaming. In games where audio is important I do feel I have an edge. I'm consistently telling my friends where someone is based on audio alone that they can't hear on their gaming headsets.
[deleted] OP t1_iw43rmn wrote
Nope. But I did get the leather pads. It was thicker and made it clampy. So I went back to the Original
cyciumx t1_iw45vk1 wrote
We don't even know if OP has the capability of critical hearing to genuinely notice. They just think this humble brag is impressive... Lol
BananaCarnage t1_iw4c65d wrote
I have a similar setup with a wa-22 running hd 800s and Abyss Diana TC for cod + music. Happy to drop some pics.
Shit pics but here you go :
NoDonut9078 t1_iw4clmn wrote
If Warzone 2 uses the same audio engine as MW2, the sound is tuned poorly; I also use 800’s and 820’s and it doesn’t matter what I do the sound is never accurate, sounds above and below.
Tarkov’s sound engine is so much more precise and maybe it spoiled me.
TheOddestOfSocks t1_iw4cqjw wrote
Headphones give an advantage solely because of positioning information that sound can provide. It won't make you hear things earlier, neither will it help you perceive things any better. What I do notice though, I tend to enjoy the soundscape a lot more. Arguably that's a distraction on a competitive game.
NoDonut9078 t1_iw4dsru wrote
You are outta your mind, the audio is this game is awful. Maybe Tarkov, Valorant, and CS:Go ruined it for me, but if those three companies could do it why can’t activision?
[deleted] OP t1_iw4e34c wrote
Nice. You mean those $4500 diana??? How is it? And why?
What amp runs it?
NFS-LeastWanted t1_iw4e3xc wrote
Unrelated, but OP, what's your line of work (employment)?
[deleted] OP t1_iw4e6ce wrote
Yep! I hope warzone2 gets better. But notice in Tarkov, its slower game because the enemy knows where you are at. And you know them so it becomes a standoff.
Less arcade.
BananaCarnage t1_iw4ejrr wrote
Yup those are them. I am running them off the wa-22 with heavily upgraded tubes they are a beast to run. I like them better with a solid state amp though. Wa-22 is perfect for the 800s for me.
[deleted] OP t1_iw4eori wrote
Software. AI control coming to you soon pal. Get ready.
NFS-LeastWanted t1_iw4ezei wrote
Thanks. Damn I've hated programming, but your (apparent) income is a strong incentive to learn
Latingamer24 t1_iw4hkan wrote
On paper they do but in real life you just need to watch any pro, they use garbage gaming cans from sponsors and own the whole server.
DeangeloV t1_iw4i34y wrote
Sweet headphones! It’s always nice to be able to hear the enemy before they hear you! Hopefully your sticking to the solo tho lol. From one fellow gamer to another, having a teammate without a mic to communicate puts a 4 man squad at quite the disadvantage and stinks. I make due with my Astro A50s!
Latingamer24 t1_iw4igup wrote
Finally someone who says the truth. Ma dude only wanted to flex his headphones, competitive advantages are better left for good monitors, graphics , keyboard and mouse. Pros play with garbage headsets and they still own anyone that is in front of them.
Ariuslol92 t1_iw4mlyt wrote
Only genetics matter. PC MASTERRACE
haziq110 t1_iw4n1u3 wrote
I play CS and some rhythm games with my IEMs and tbh, CS 3D positional audio is already good enough on any decent earbuds. The higher fidelity does not give me more immersion in rhythm games either because of how fast paced the gameplay is. I’m sure the immersion factor plays more in single player rpg games etc though, especially with game soundtracks.
DeathbyBambii t1_iw4oew5 wrote
I recently bought LCD-GX but I keep going back to the Mobius because footsteps are much louder under 7.1 surround sound mode. Guess I’ll just use the GX for non competitive gaming because they still sound heckin amazing!
NoDonut9078 t1_iw4u95j wrote
I could add Valorant and Cs: GO and more, it doesn’t excuse how bad functionally MW2’s is.
So_Say_We_Yall t1_iw4v86m wrote
They absolutely give an advantage, significant even. Now, whether or not a player has the overall game knowledge/awareness/mechanical ability to use the advantage is another story.
Whether or not it's "real" or not isn't debatable.
Edit: others have said basically the same thing as I have. Sorry.
onewingedangel420 t1_iw4w5hy wrote
i wish apex didn't still have audio glitches/no audio issues so my headphones could actually make a difference jeez lol
nikhoxz t1_iw4yosg wrote
yeah, bad players will be bad even with wallhacks or aimbots...
think is if you are a good player this will definetly help you, not too much probably thou.
[deleted] OP t1_iw4z7lg wrote
EQ and Dolby atmos installed on pc helps with my HD800S
[deleted] OP t1_iw4zdrd wrote
I installed the dolby atmos on pc and it made it better. It has a 14 day trial.
[deleted] OP t1_iw515cg wrote
baconfister07 t1_iw54q4o wrote
I can't do much with that information, I'm deaf on one side, and it only sucks when I hear footsteps, but can't tell where they're coming from because I have to play with mono settings. I wish there were ways to cater L/R volume, like to give my deaf side a bass boost, because I can feel it if it's loud enough, but then it'll just be too loud for my good side. I don't win all the time, but my K/D is usually pretty good by the end.
TechieWeird t1_iw5aru6 wrote
You know a 50-100$ gaming headset will give you the same "advantage" right? And "hearing before others can hear you" is just you turning your volume up. Most games use basic stereo, with some using "virtual 7.1 surround" (basically just spacial sound) if your headset supports it. This stuff is for music and audio production man why you do this
letsmodpcs t1_iw5fnfs wrote
Tender nipple cow has entered the chat
haziq110 t1_iw5htim wrote
If you’re happy then good for you
[deleted] OP t1_iw5l0rx wrote
2 channels? Not understanding
[deleted] OP t1_iw5laqm wrote
I tried the pc38x for $150 and it’s decent. Hd800s is just a wider soundstage. Most importantly its super comfy as I wear them for 18 hour gaming sessions.
digsavior t1_iw5lkje wrote
I'm trying to decide between those. I listen to jam bands and electronic music so the extra bass from the Arya would be kind of nice but the sound stage and clarity of the 800s would be nice for the jam bands. Please help me make up my mind!
MiCon29 t1_iw5m289 wrote
MiCon29 t1_iw5m47f wrote
Love that headphone BTW.. Its just too expensive
[deleted] OP t1_iw5n50r wrote
KittyFallDown t1_iw5q07s wrote
You absolutely can't go wrong. Both are outstanding. I was a full 800s guy until I got the Arya's (I also have the Anandas) and Id say the hifiman are more comfortable. I won't get into SQ since it's such a personal preference.
If I had to sell one with a gun to my head, I'd probably sell the hd800s and honestly, only becuase the the Arya are more comfortable.
day_oh t1_iw5qrd9 wrote
I also game with the 800s and I don't think I am any better at any game. Instead, sound quality is certainly more astounding it's hard to go back to anything else outside of a good speaker system.
blooblayzer t1_iw5uk5s wrote
It's hilarious spectating cheaters and watching how bad they are at whatever game they're cheating in.
chloe334 t1_iw5vdea wrote
In my opinion, your hd800s would give no advantage over some cheap hyper x cloud 2s or something. Its totally fine to like using nice headphones for games but i dont think it gives any sort of advantage. "I can hear other players before they hear me" and so can timmy with his earbuds on 100% volume.
sverek t1_iw60uv4 wrote
Headphones do not give you any significant advantage, the volume do.
More detailed headphones like DT1990, will present more details in sound, but it does change the fact that there was a foot step somewhere around you. In my opinion, DT1990 does the opposite of helping. There amount of details I hear, does not help, but distract me from gaming. I do not want to hear how crispy or or how mistakes there are in the footstep sound. I just want to hear it.
myreptilianbrain t1_iw6ayif wrote
yeah + Dolby Atmos. It's magical
beeftony t1_iw6h34v wrote
The DT1990 are incredibly comfortable, Ive tested a lot of headphones and none came close.
General_fcf t1_iw6kvon wrote
Cool i plan to buy those soon. What made you go with that specific DAC?
ShaqilleoPeel t1_iw6p7iz wrote
Comparing a headset to headphones is a little unfair comparison no?
MachineTeaching t1_iw6svd2 wrote
They usually wear IEMs under those.
Latingamer24 t1_iw72d4y wrote
wait... really?
TwitchyG13 t1_iw7ksz5 wrote
Headphones at most give some postionality advantage but I've never felt it was super game changing unless I accidently have my headphones backwards lol. I do run my He-4xx most times but if there's too much noise in my house I use my pair of sivgas.
shadow18715 t1_iw7wvsy wrote
If you think a pair of $1500 headphones will make you hear everyone before they hear you, I've got some swampland in Florida to sell you.
PutPineappleOnPizza t1_iw89vpy wrote
Gear can only do so much. Many people really think that their gear can make them better but in the end it's just their shortcomings holding them back. Like who cares about lightning fast keyboards when your reaction time is the slowest part in the chain? Who cares about the perfect headphone when cheap ones do the same things in terms of hearing the enemy?
The whole gaming equipment marketing is more snake oil than stuff on this sub sometimes.
baconneggs007 t1_iw8nfap wrote
I have same headphone and my teammates can’t hear footsteps like I can. I have to tell them.
baconneggs007 t1_iw8nj2e wrote
Like open world games?
shadow18715 t1_iw970kp wrote
That means they need to change their audio EQ in game, and/or get better headphones. The Headphones Bass boost setting helps the best for footsteps.
BarNathrakh t1_iwa30j1 wrote
I'll own a pair of these some day but I just can't fork out the money for these yet. I really love my tygr 300r, and dt 990 250 ohms for gaming, I modified those and my dt 770s to have a detachable cable port 3.5mm and able to use them in conjunction with a v moda boom pro. Easily the best mod I could have done on those and it elavates them to whole new level gaming.
cyciumx t1_iwa6hv9 wrote
$5k 3090 setup was a price gouge sale... You can buy a 3090ti based complete prebuilt for less than $2k now. OP is only bragging they over spent.
cmickledev t1_iwa7329 wrote
You can use peace UI + equalizer APO and there's a ton of different DSP you can get and use for free utilizing HeSuVi, it's what I use, works very well, and you get to keep and use your eq settings as well.
SirMotherfuckerHenry t1_iwc7nyk wrote
IIRC you can EQ the left or right side with Equalizer APO and Peace.
SirMotherfuckerHenry t1_iwcv5vb wrote
Or you can put your PC under the desk and get a case with some proper noise isolation. I've never had problems with open backs (although I use IEMs now, but that's for different reasons).
International-Play29 t1_iwqt1x8 wrote
Bro ong 🤣
myreptilianbrain t1_iwrg2kz wrote
yeah, I am gonna go out on a limb and suppose that ppl who have $1.5K+ headphones and a gaming PC mostly put some money into cooling and noise-reduction
Injoemomma t1_iy0265t wrote
I just ordered a pair of HD 800s for CS-GO. I wish people would just comment and help instead of talking shit. I would really like to know what AMP you recommend and DAC if I have to get one. Don’t care to listen to music. Just want simple use for CS-GO. Which is why I’m thinking bulb might not be for me. I’m not tech savvy. I’m thinking the element 3 but I have no idea if I have to get DAC. Let me know what you end up going with.
Injoemomma t1_iy2btsl wrote
Please help. Just ordered a HD800 s solely for CS-GO. What amp/DAC combo do you have and what do you recommend for me? I’m assuming I do not need anything crazy since I’m just using it for CS-GO. I want something easy to use since I’m not tech savvy and don’t have have patience to mess with electronics.
Injoemomma t1_iy2bwt6 wrote
Please help. Just ordered a HD800 s solely for CS-GO. What amp/DAC combo do you have and what do you recommend for me? I’m assuming I do not need anything crazy since I’m just using it for CS-GO. I want something easy to use since I’m not tech savvy and don’t have have patience to mess with electronics.
Injoemomma t1_iy2c841 wrote
And you just wanted to hate. What if you already have the best cpu, gpu, and monitor? And you just need the best headphones for gaming? What’s wrong with that? I have a 7k pc setup and just bought the latest 360hz BenQ monitor that is the best for Csgo right now. I ordered a pair of hd800s yesterday just for Csgo. What’s wrong with getting the best? I don’t understand haters like you.
Injoemomma t1_iy2cgm7 wrote
What amp do you recommend for the hd800s? I’m using them solely for CS-GO. I ordered it yesterday.
Injoemomma t1_iy2cl01 wrote
What amp DAC combo or amp do you recommend for me? I just ordered the hd800s for Csgo only
Injoemomma t1_iy2cmd8 wrote
What amp DAC combo or amp do you recommend for me? I just ordered the hd800s for Csgo only
Injoemomma t1_iy2d8z0 wrote
That’s what I’m talking about. You will make it in life. Everyone hating on him will never make it
Injoemomma t1_iy2djck wrote
Don’t respond to these lame a$$ haters. Waste of time.
Exact3 t1_iy2dtp9 wrote
I use an RME ADI-2 DAC but if I didn't, I'd probably just go with something like a Topping-stack. Just love fiddling with the RME's settings, doubt they sound different.
Injoemomma t1_iy2eosl wrote
Which topping stack would you get? Thanks
Exact3 t1_iy2ewjy wrote
Probably L30/E30. If I were short on cash I'd just go with the DX3 Pro+.
[deleted] OP t1_iy2r0zd wrote
day_oh t1_iy2vlmy wrote
I have a simple set up using Schitt Hel (ver 1 and not 2e) as my dac/amp connected to the controller! You can use the usb to connect straight to the consoles but you lose access to mic functionality. Also i find the spatial audio feature from both the PS5 and Series X work better through the controller.
My set up goes as follows: Controller -> In-line cable -> Schitt Hel dac/amp -> HD800s
You can find a lavalier mic and connect to the Schitt Hel mic out which has volume control!
Hope this helps and congrats on your new HD800s!
Toronto-Will t1_iy2znyz wrote
I don’t think it matters. You’ll get the benefits of the headphone no matter what you plug it into. Find something with nice knobs and switches that you like looking at on your desk.
Injoemomma t1_iy4e32u wrote
Thanks! You think the version 2e is better? It’s very affordable. I will use it on pc. You think it’s enough to power the hd800s when using it on pc for counterstrike? Is that a DAC and amp combo? Sorry. I’m a noob to all this. Lol. Thanks! I’m excited! How do you like the comfort? I can’t have something clamping on my head. That’s why I bought them. They haven’t arrived yet.
Injoemomma t1_iy4eqg4 wrote
Thanks! It’s just that everyone says they require a lot of power. What do you use?
Toronto-Will t1_iy4qtal wrote
They require a lot of power relative to something like an IEM that's hyper-sensitive, but like, I can run it off my iPhone with the Apple Dongle and it's comfortably loud at ~85% of max volume.
A bit more headroom than that is optimal, you can get issues with uneven frequency response when you're near an amp's max volume (bass is relatively power thirsty, as I understand it, and there are transient peaks in music that need more power), but especially for something like gaming, I think you'd honestly be *fine* with just an apple dongle (the US version, the EU version is less powerful).
Call me a hypocrite because I'm running a Monolith DAC/amp with bleeding edge specs and enough wattage to power a small country, but I'd actually prefer to be using a GoXLR Mini for gaming; I only put my GoXLR away because the audio kept dropping out, and despite trying 15 different things I couldn't fix it.
If I had it to do over, I'd never buy the GoXLR or the Monolith, and would instead get a Motu M2. I have it on my Amazon wish list even now, but it'd be pointless because of all the money I've sunk into other things. A combo mic amp and headphone dac/amp would be one less thing cluttering my desk, and offers the convenience of zero latency mic monitoring as part of the mix.
Injoemomma t1_iy4uobw wrote
Wow!!!! Thank you so much! You explain it well so I can understand. I really appreciate your time. That’s another concern of mine, latency. I don’t want to add al this stuff and have extra latency. So the one you mentioned would have less latency? I’ll look it up right now.
Toronto-Will t1_iy55lal wrote
I was talking about low latency *mic* monitoring (like, hearing yourself speak into the microphone back into your headphones), since any latency with that, even a few milliseconds, can be noticeable and disorienting.
I've never really looked into latency going to the headphone from the computer. It's absolutely an issue with bluetooth, if you've ever tried watching TV/movies over a bluetooth headset the lip sync being off is noticeable, but it's never been something that I've perceived as an issue with wired headphones.
Doing some searching, it seems like ASIO drivers give you the ability to minimize latency, and there's something called ASIO4all that works universally, if your dac manufacturer doesn't have their own native ASIO driver. But going ASIO would bypass my equalizer, and I need the equalizer to tamp down treble that would otherwise hurt my ears. I found an audio latency test on Youtube, and even in my setup that's not optimized for the lowest possible sound latency, it is still perfectly synced with the video. Remember there is latency in the video rendering, too, so you almost want some lag in the audio rendering to keep them in sync.
ViniRustAlves t1_iy6gkxh wrote
I don't think he's hating at anyone, he's just stating that the OP wanted an excuse to flex on his HD800, which could be true or not. Being an audiophile subreddit, it's more on the true side, I mean, it's not like OP is wrong in flexing on a superb pair of headphones, I'd do that too, but headphones doesn't really give even the most high skilled players an advantage, or even an edge, but it's good AF to have a good pair of headphones/IEMs for gaming.
Injoemomma t1_iy6hzxd wrote
He is most def hating. I call it what it is. Trust me. So what if he just wants to talk to others that enjoy high quality shit? I literally daily a Trackhawk which cost me 107k out the door. I like to chop it up with others that drive similar cars. I like people doing well and getting what they want in life. This clown is a grade A hater.
ViniRustAlves t1_iy74pz4 wrote
You might be right about him, but still, trying to gate on people flexing in a subreddit where you're very welcome to do that is really dumb. We're here to flex on our nice audio stuff, be it expensive or cheap.
Yet, he ain't wrong, imo, about the headphones for gaming part. Of course, I pretty much assume OP already have a high-end setup, with a 4090 or something.
Injoemomma t1_iy75pnk wrote
So what if you already have the best monitor, gpu, cpu, keyboard, and mouse? And the only thing left is the end all be all headphones for gaming? Huh? Exactly. Nobody is saying good gear, is going to make you pro. At the end of the day, good gear is an advantage. If you up against someone with similar skill and you have better headphones, you will have an advantage. By definition of course. I game on the latest 360hz monitor. Will I beat a pro on a 144hz? No. Will I have an advantage over a similar skilled player with a 144 or 240hz? Yes, I will. Just like oP, I didn’t skim out on Anything. So why buy garbage earbuds or headphones for gaming? He is a hater. Haters gonna hate. It’s what they do best.
ViniRustAlves t1_iy8x5yy wrote
>If you up against someone with similar skill and you have better headphones, you will have an advantage.
Only if you're up against people with poor game sense, aim and stuff.
I'm not saying that upgrading headphones shouldn't be done or anything, I'm just saying that high-end headphones, especifically, don't portray any advantage whatsoever while gaming. It's just how it is.
And even in some games, like APEX, you're actually better with some apple earpods and using audio compression than with god tier DT 1990's or something.
The same applies to keyboard, it just needs to be NKRO and not have any double-click problem and you're fine, it's not a precision peripheral, like a mouse or monitor.
>Will I have an advantage over a similar skilled player with a 144 or 240hz? Yes, I will.
As I've said, it's not comparable. It's like saying that you got and advantage over the other same skill level player because you were with your foot on a support.
Most game audios are crap, the difference a headphone will make can only go so far, and it's not far at all in current competitive games audio engines.
Again, I'm not saying it's a bad thing to upgrade you audio for competitive game, it might be though, I'm just saying it won't give you any advantage.
[deleted] OP t1_iy921p0 wrote
ViniRustAlves t1_iy94fip wrote
>Again Since you are slow
Now you're hating on me just because I disagree with you.
Again, unless the "similar skilled" players are two dumb silver/gold/plat skilled players, that don't have any game sense, you might get an advantage, and even so, only if the game have a good audio engine, like R6S, not in games like Valorant, APEX and most other competitive games, where audio engine is just pure garbage, where having an HD800S might distract you instead of help, because instead of just hearing the fucking footsteps, you're hearing a lot more, useless, distratcting information.
And I'll not discuss it anymore, I feel like you won't get my point, and I'll not get yours either.
[deleted] OP t1_iy9dh5x wrote
ViniRustAlves t1_iy9lf95 wrote
>You argue like a female.
Oh, nice a mysoginist, probably incel judging by that comment, now that makes sense.
>By definition, having a headset that allows you to hear footsteps better than someone with inferior headphones, does give you an advantage.
How hard can it be to understand that if you play a game, and you have a bare minimum ammount of awareness and developed game sense, a better headphone won't give you any advantage against another player at that same level of awareness and game sense development, aim, etc., etc.
You need to hear he's moving, you'll know the locations he might come after you.
And advantage is a better ping (or worst, in games like Valorant and Overwatch), less input delay, better game sense, high refresh rate with low pixel transition times, stable frame rates for consistent delay. That's an advantage in competitive games.
day_oh t1_iy9mmp7 wrote
You think the version 2e is better?--id stay away from these based on online reviews i've read.
I also occasionally use a SoundblastX G6 which is a slightly cheaper alternative but i find the sound it produces can often sound a little "processed"
Actually, your pc soundcard might be more than sufficient to power the 800s.
You think it’s enough to power the hd800s when using it on pc for counterstrike? -- the 800s are actually pretty easy to power so yes.
Is that a DAC and amp combo? -- yes. Schitt Hel is a dac/amp combo.
[deleted] OP t1_iy9uji9 wrote
headphones-ModTeam t1_iy9xlpo wrote
This comment has been removed. Please note the following rule:
>Rule 1: Be most excellent towards your fellow redditors > > And by "be most excellent" we mean no personal attacks, threats, bullying, trolling, baiting, flaming, hate speech, racism, sexism, or other behavior that makes humanity look like scum.
But they're wrong!
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Don't impede reasonable discussion or vilify based on what you or the other person believes or knows to be true.
Look at what they said!
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ViniRustAlves t1_iyctvzb wrote
> If you have all that already, why not top it off with a high end headphone?
You should do that, if that's what you want, will not give you an advantage in a decent balanced scenario though, the other guy with his apple earbuds or even worse, KZ Zest's, will be in the same page as you, maybe will be even in a better spot, judging by CS audio engine.
> I have a 7k pc, the latest Ben q 360hz monitor that is the absolute best for counterstrike, the best internet in my location, the best mouse… Again little girl brain: Two similar skilled players, exactly the same, exact equipment, other than headphones of course. The one with the better headphones for footsteps will have an advantage.
Answered above.
Good thing Relay let me read deleted comments, if not I'd never new I was talking to the Alpha ruler of them all.
Your necessity to backup your answers by stating you're a superior male made me laugh.
Exact3 t1_iw1tl6f wrote
The DT1990 or the HD800(S) feel like cheating at this point when playing competitive FPS-games. So easy to hear exactly where the enemy is.