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JustScribbleScrabble t1_iy7fekp wrote

I thank your left side for validating my whole experience with audio. As far as *I* can tell, headphones make a huge difference, amps/DACs make almost no difference once you have a modestly decent one, and for the life of me I can't tell the difference between almost any of the codecs. I don't doubt that others here have much finer ears than me, though.

I used to think I could tell the difference... until I did an actual blind test and was like, awesome I can save a ton of money now. Or put it all into headphones. Or whisky.


Gabe_Isko t1_iy8uyln wrote

Mp3 starts doing something weird to cymbals, especially at lower bit rates.


Surelythisisntaclone t1_iy9qn0u wrote

100% agree. This is the quickest way for me to identify lossy.

If you listen very closely, you can even differentiate 320kbps from lossless with this method.

Once you start to hear it though, there's no going back...


Facepalmitis t1_iya23p6 wrote

> Once you start to hear it

"Honey, where's your car?"

"Sold it, taking the bus now. Hon, you gotta hear the senny's on this new tube amp..."


ultra_prescriptivist t1_iybxgqh wrote

Maybe 10 years ago with 128kbps you could easily tell, but with modern codecs at 320kbps? It's completely indistinguishable for the vast majority of people.

Case in point:

Check out these blinded samples taken from Spotify and Tidal of two very cymbal-intensive songs and see how challenging it is to tell them apart.


chloe334 t1_iyahly1 wrote

I can immediately tell between 256kbps (apple music high res lossy) and lossless by the bass, lossy bass sounds muffled in comparison, lossless bass sounds a lot cleaner with my setup.


JustScribbleScrabble t1_iy8wu5q wrote

Good to know! I'll listen for that next time.


Material-Permit9685 t1_iy9yvcf wrote

For me, listening to HIFI tracks on Tidal compared to 256 AAC on YouTube, it's louder which I appreciate, I don't have to crank my volume. I wouldn't listen to anything lower than AAC though, MP3 sounds a bit.. grainy I guess.