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Amaakaams t1_iweu38p wrote

Get a Rhode or Blue yeti or something like that if you like a standalone mic. If you like the idea of a headset with an adjustable mic attached get something like the 3.5mm Modmic and attach it to your chosen headphone.

As for Headphone. Want insane positioning, get a HD 800s (this is insane, don't do it, but it is the best). Second best would be like a DT1990 (still overkill) or a PC38x (with that having the advantage of having a mic, so no mod mic needed, but then a single issue and you have no headset, but its all wired so unlikely under decent treatment to have an issue). Third tier would something like a DT990, Hd 560s. But honestly positioning is only real useful if you are the best at everything else. If you like movies or music maybe get something that fits your music style and enjoy it all the time.

An often missed solution though would be some midfi IEMs and a replacement cable with integrated mic. You get better sound quality for the dollar generally on the plus 20-$150 range and honestly the mic on the cables are pretty decent. Audio is more closed in, but more direct with the least amount of noise to make it harder to pick out sounds. Plus they can be driven from just about anything. Something with a slight V shape tune would be best. I use 7hz timeless, but there are millions of options and if you want to go cheap to see if you like idea you can get something that sounds fantastic for $40-50 and like 8-15 for a cable (it can be a little harder to find a good cable with a mic for MMCX connection IEMS).


DMMeYourCCInfoPlz OP t1_iwfo3m5 wrote

Your response was well written and very informative, i appreciate it - i wanted to post something like "1.5K for headphones? this thing better cure my tinnitus" but you have some solid (and within reason) priced alternatives. def gonn pick something up, like the modmic NGL

P.S where can i learn more about things like MMCX and IEMS? I have no idea what these mean and im trying to google them, would like to get a nice setup for audio :))


cmickledev t1_iwihryx wrote

IEM's are in ear monitors, basically means earbuds... Headphones that go into your ear canal. You don't get as good of a sound stage, especially compared to open backs, but bass is generally very good, and you can have passive isolation which is nice. Also can be helpful if you wear glasses, or if you want low profile / compact or mobile.


Amaakaams t1_iwionl5 wrote

Hey sorry wanted to get back to you earlier but never remembered when I had time.

IEM - Stand for In Ear Monitors. Basically a way of saying wired ear buds. Though while there are Audiophile "earbuds" which are what they call IEM's without a detachable cable.

The trick with headphones and IEM's vs. Their gaming and BT brethren is that creating and shaping the audio of a new driver can be pretty expensive. For IEM's thats the entirety of the R&D. For companies that have been around forever, good sound doesn't go bad. A DT990 or Sennheiser HD 600 have been around 30+ years because they were good for their job and never stopped selling. So you have the bonus of experience making drivers for the discerning ear you can build off your creations. With the counterparts, the driver is one of the last things to get designed. They might even design them every series or two because they have a new style or look and they need a driver that will fit it. But not only is one of the last, it might be ok if they put more resources into it but they don't put nearly as much as the sound guys. Even with the sound guys, you have manufacturing cost targets that might preclude using the best drivers. So for example. Sennheiser makes great wired headphones, and their BT stuff might be some of the better BT stuff, their BT stuff doesn't sound nearly as good as their wireless because even in manufacturing costs they need so much room for all the electronics and features. Meaning that you get one of their cheaper, easier to make drivers.

So anyways. My main point is one of these audiophile grade earbuds might be a great solution because they take up less space around your desk, good ones are solidly in your head, and tend to do better without an external amp.

MMCX is just a connection type. There are two solutions 1. 2 Pin, its a straight two pin connection into the cable. Less likely to break, but doesn't swivel (for better seals) and can be less secure to the bud (easier to fall out). MMCX is baised on the little wireless antenna's in your laptop connection where one side is captured like a bearing and it can swivel around. If you aren't careful when removing the cable you are more likely to damage one side or another and if its the earbud side you basically have to write it off. There are a lot of aftermarket cables for both. But with my MMCX with Mic cable, it was one of like 3 I could find. Much more out there for the 2 pin. You just need to pay attention to which type of cable it is when you purchase your IEM (assuming you do).

If you want to go this route give and want some suggestions at different price levels, feel free to PM me.