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covertash t1_j1v5agf wrote

> I have a general idea of the kind of audio I am aiming to get at home

Ah ok. If you have a target or a reference, then at least that will help guide you towards a particular setup, further down the line.

> I think I’ll be satisfied for a LONG while nevertheless

This is genuinely great to hear, because it's very easy to get lost in the audiophile rabbit hole.


ManlyDude1047 OP t1_j1vbxui wrote

I was lost at the lower end for a long while. I still kinda like my shure se215 and my current lover (was a gift) the momentum 4. Trying them out side by side the 600 just feels like ambrosia for the ears that I can't even imagine something above it. I tried the 800's and a couple of high end Meze headphones as well but I think I just couldn't tell the difference if there was any. I simply can't justify a 2k bump in the price for an experience that will feel the same to my slightly deaf ears, thus the "long time".

Alas, I'm already lost down the espresso rabbit hole. I just sunk 3k on upgrade half a year ago and I still feel the impact on the quality of food I'm having at home (no regrets!)


covertash t1_j1vfgxu wrote

For what it's worth, I had a pair of HD600's back in 2016, but sold them off because I considered them largely "redundant" in my overall collection, at the time. Cut to present day, I ended up repurchasing a brand new pair last month because I actually missed that balance of sound, and am enamored by them all over again.

In audio, often times the amount spent doesn't always equal the amount of enjoyment and appreciation that can be derived. :)