Submitted by AmbitionForeign9940 t3_zomiqe in headphones
Wolfhawk_46 t1_j0nyscx wrote
Try the Truthear HEXA
e_hekuta t1_j0o5nyh wrote
Also tuned by him.
blending-tea t1_j0p41z5 wrote
everything is tuned by crin by now
GeologistUnfair t1_j0qc0bb wrote
Yeah at this point calling him a reviewer is pretty absurd. He's basically a contract consultant/sponsor for every IEM company.
It's kind of funny because he was so critical of affiliate links. And he was right. But now he has found a way to justify this.
And look tuning, promoting IEMs is a fine career but you can't do that and be a credible reviewer. That's a pretty huge contradiction.
These kind of conflicts are pretty widespread with a lot of youtubers and a lot of different ways. Even Mr mobile was disclosing how Samsung paid for his entire trip to South Korea is entertainment and his lodging....
Of course they don't have final copy approval though! See what you will about newspapers but they didn't allow this b*******.
imsolass t1_j0v1o1n wrote
But I think crin's fine because he doesn't actually review or rank the collabs he's done. It's like a 50-50 thing, he does his collab thing on the side and he also rates/reviews other IEMs that he didn't collab on
Paradoxx__- t1_j0w39ea wrote
but some will consider him less credible if he's invested in the competition, potentially giving his reviews lower scores than he normally would have
[deleted] t1_j0pdy3h wrote
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