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minuscatenary t1_j0omau5 wrote

My Chu’s are better than the two sets of Truthear Zero’s I’ve already sent back.

People need to stop looking at prices and actually focus on the level of detail an iem can put out and how it responds to EQ’ing. I am not touching any of Crin’s shit if he thinks the design of the TE Zero was proper. It is not.


Altruistic_Ad5493 t1_j0pv1gk wrote

Bro thinks crinacle designed the truthears 💀


minuscatenary t1_j0pvqou wrote

It has legit tuning issues. The shape of the IEM cavity affects tuning.

Listen to anything where a resonant filter cuts through something like vocals where the formants cross into both drivers and compare against a good single driver array. You’ll instantly hear how there is some muddy reverberations that remove detail.

Crinnacle is just a kid with a YouTube channel and a website, not a sound designer. If the shape of the IEM cavity is what causes this, Crinnacle should have known better.


Altruistic_Ad5493 t1_j0pwhiy wrote

I think you are overstating crinacle's role in the creation of his collab IEMs


GeologistUnfair t1_j0qcjp0 wrote

His fans want to have it both ways. He gets all the credit when things go right and when things go wrong it's everybody else's fault. The truth is we do not know the exact nature of his relationship.

He has distance themselves from the KZ project, talked about how he's increased his collaborative efforts in other projects.

At the end of the day, he is effectively being paid for his brand, more so than his expertise.